Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 924 The master is the only emperor in this world! (fifth update)

"Ah! Mother...how did you..."

Wang Xuewei is still in disbelief!

"I have told you that I am not your mother. My name is Tianmo Zhennu. In order to practice magic, I absorbed the essence and blood of countless disciples of the Taikoo family. Now I am hunted down by the entire Taikoo family! That's why I condescend to be here. This small Niulan Village even picked up a baby girl as a cover!"

"I didn't expect you, an idiot, to have brought back two monks!" the Demonic Girl scolded.

"I was picked up?"

Wang Xuewei trembled all over and her head was buzzing!

Unexpectedly, her parents who had raised her for more than ten years turned out to be fake?

"The woman just now was okay and her cultivation was not strong, but that man made people feel as if he was facing an abyss. I'm afraid he is not an ordinary person!"

Wang Xuewei’s ‘father’ also regained his true appearance!

He transformed into a middle-aged man, with a face full of magic lines and long red hair, as gorgeous as blood!

His name is Tianmo Taoist. Together with Tianmo Zhennu, he was hunted down by the major ancient families and was severely injured, so he had to hide and live in Niulan Village for more than ten years as an ordinary person. To restore cultivation!

Wang Xuewei froze on the spot, looking at the two of them in horror and strangeness, completely stunned!

"Hmph! So what? This young man obviously felt something was wrong with us, but he didn't take action. I'm afraid he had some scruples!"

The Demonic Girl sneered!

"We have to leave anyway. I have raised this little girl for more than ten years, so why not let me enjoy it first! It can be regarded as repaying my kindness in raising her for more than ten years!"

The Demon Lord laughed ferociously, stretched out a big hand, and grabbed Wang Xuewei!

"Ah! Father, what are you going to do!"

Wang Xuewei was so frightened that she didn't react for a moment, thinking that the person in front of her was still her father!

"Father? Hahaha! How exciting!"

The Heavenly Demon Master looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. Wang Xuewei's reaction made him very excited. Only the Heavenly Demon Demon Girl beside him frowned!

"You fight quickly, I'll wait for you outside!"

After saying that, the Demonic True Girl glanced at Wang Xuewei indifferently, then walked towards Wuwai without looking at her again!

‘You little bitch, you are quite beautiful, what a pity! ’

The demonic real girl cursed angrily in her heart!

However, at this moment, an angry voice came:

"A bunch of beasts!"

Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing and others left and returned, striding into the courtyard with chills on their faces!


The Demon Girl was stunned for a moment, then sneered, looked at Lin Nan indifferently, and said: "Boy, you really dare to come back! Die!"

The Heavenly Demon Girl laughed ferociously, and behind her, blood burst out all over the sky. These blood lights condensed together to form terrifying demonic shadows, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire sky above Niulan Village. , like the end of the world!


Lin Nan's expression was calm, and he just raised his hand gently and pointed out!

The Demon Girl didn't even have a chance to react, so she was killed by Lin Nan with her hand raised, and she died on the spot!

All the demonic shadows disappeared and everything returned to tranquility!

The Demon Demon in the room felt the movement outside, left Wang Xuewei and stepped out of the yard. He happened to see Lin Nan raising his hand to kill the Demon Demon!

His eyes were filled with tears and he roared angrily: "Seeking death!"


What was waiting for him was still Lin Nan's flick of a finger!


Just like Tianmo Zhennu, Tianmo Zhenren was also shot to death on the spot. He couldn't believe it until his death that he died so easily? Not even a wave rolled up!


Liu Ruqing rushed into the room and found Wang Xuewei's pretty face pale, hiding in the corner and shivering!

"Sister Ruqing!"

Wang Xuewei threw herself into Liu Ruqing's arms and burst into tears. Her heart was filled with so much grief that it was touching!

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Liu Ruqing comforted softly!

I don’t know how long it took, but Wang Xuewei walked out of the yard and looked at the corpses of the real Demon Demon and the real female Demon Demon, in a daze!

Liu Ruqing didn't say anything. She knew that this incident was a big blow to Wang Xuewei. Her parents were not her biological parents, and she herself had been deceived for more than ten years!


Wang Xuewei silently buried the real Demon Demon and the real daughter of the Demon. Even if they treated her like this, in Wang Xuewei's heart, these two people still had the kindness to raise her!

After Lin Nan and others left, there was a spatial fluctuation in the yard of Wang Xuewei's home!


Two black shadows tore apart the space and landed here. They looked at this small courtyard and smiled!

"It seems like another chess piece has been buried!"

A dark figure smiled. His whole body was wrapped in the energy of chaos, making it impossible to feel any breath, as if it was nothingness!

"Lin Nan shouldn't be able to find it this time, right?"

Another dark figure next to him asked solemnly.

"How can a person who has no problems find a problem? Wang Xuewei is a real ordinary person, the real Demon Demon and the real female Demon Demon, and they have nothing to do with us. Even if he goes to check, there won't be any clues! "

"But this Wang Xuewei, like the girl named Ling'er, is the master's back-up man! Until now, the master has three chess pieces! When the time is right, he will be able to directly take down Emperor Lingtian!" The black shadow led by He laughed!

"And these chess pieces don't even know that they are the master's chess pieces. This is the most terrifying thing!"

The leading black figure smiled, his eyes shining with brilliance!

"Three chess pieces?"

The black figure next to him was stunned and asked in a low voice: "Wang Xuewei and Ling'er together only have two chess pieces. Where did they get three?"

"Hahaha! Guess who the third chess piece is?"

The leading shadow laughed, with a proud look on his face. Unfortunately, his whole body was wrapped in the energy of chaos, making it difficult to see his true appearance!

"Is it Lin Nan's woman? Or his disciple, or his servant? Daughter? Or that golden holy dragon?"


The leading shadow whispered something, but the shadow next to him lit up and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Master is mighty!"

"Hehe! The master has said that Lin Nan was originally invincible, but he has human emotions. For the Emperor of Heaven, the last thing he needs is emotions. This kind of thing will drag him down! If he directly takes action, he will destroy How can there be so many things in the entire high martial arts world?"

The leading shadow laughed mockingly!

"When the master's chess game is arranged, it will be time to kill Emperor Lingtian!"

"He is the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Emperor of Heaven? Haha, is he worthy? The master is the only Emperor of Heaven in this world!"

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