Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 925 Wife, please spare your life, I know I was wrong! (sixth update)

After returning to the Shengdan Pavilion in Yuancheng, Wang Xuewei was still depressed and couldn't be happy!

Although life in Shengdan Pavilion is far better than Wang Xuewei's previous life, there is no smile on Wang Xuewei's face anymore!

"Don't be sad, even if you no longer have a family, we will be your family from now on!"

Liu Ruqing comforted with a smile!

She could understand Wang Xuewei's feelings very well. After being raised by someone for more than ten years, she was suddenly told that her parents were not her biological parents, and that her adoptive father and mother actually wanted to kill her. This was hard for Wang Xuewei to accept!

"Sister Ruqing, thank you!"

Wang Xuewei threw herself into Liu Ruqing's arms!

"Sister, don't cry, I'll give you some candy!"

Lin Momo said with a smile, took out a big candy, and said in a sweet voice!


Seeing Lin Momo's innocent expression, Wang Xuewei burst into laughter!

"That's right, just smile. You are a strong girl. It is a great good thing for you to find out that your adoptive parents are bad people as soon as possible. What if you find out later that they are bad people? Wouldn’t it be worse?”

When Liu Ruqing saw that Wang Xuewei's mood had improved, she continued to guide her in a persuasive way!

"Well, I understand, I will definitely cheer up!"

Wang Xuewei nodded affirmatively!

The next moment, she looked at Liu Ruqing faintly and asked, "Sister Ruqing, can you accept me as your disciple?"

"Ah? You also want to practice?" Liu Ruqing looked at Wang Xuewei seriously!


Wang Xuewei nodded solemnly and said: "If I become a monk, I can help others in the future. Sister Qing, will you accept me?"

"Haha! Why are you still called Sister Ruqing? No matter how big or small you are!"

Liu Ruqing stood up, with her hands behind her back in a decent manner, standing proudly, as if waiting for something!

Wang Xuewei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, she quickly knelt on the ground and said: "Wang Xuewei, see the master!"

"That's pretty much it. Starting from tomorrow, I will teach you how to practice. You have to work hard! Try to surpass Lin Nan's disciples as soon as possible. My disciples must not be worse than his disciples!" Liu Ruqing said excitedly, pulling He took Wang Xuewei's little hand and helped her up!

From today on, Wang Xuewei is her disciple!

"Lin Nan! Lin Nan, I have accepted a disciple!"

After accepting her apprentice, Liu Ruqing shouted excitedly, as happy as a lark!

Lin Nan appeared in front of her instantly, and Liu Ruqing accidentally ran into Lin Nan's arms!

"You are irritable and have not set an example at all. From now on, Mo'er and Ling'er will not be like you!"

Lin Nan stretched out a finger and lightly tapped Liu Ruqing's forehead!

Although he had a reproachful tone, his face was full of a doting smile!


Liu Ruqing stuck out her tongue and said proudly: "I have accepted Xuewei as my disciple. From now on, I am also a teacher!"


Lin Nan looked at Liu Ruqing and said calmly: "Have you made your decision?"

"Yes, I have already accepted her, and I am going to teach her the cultivation techniques starting from tomorrow!" Liu Ruqing nodded.

"Don't mislead others. With your three-legged cat's cultivation, you are not even as good as your own daughter, yet you accept a disciple!"

Lin Nan followed Liu Ruqing's example and rolled his eyes!

"Yeah! You're so brave. You dare to laugh at me. Are you looking down on me?"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan angrily, stretched out a hand and pinched Lin Nan's ear!

Lin Nan did not dodge, but after Liu Ruqing pinched her ears, she immediately begged for mercy!

"My dear wife, have mercy on me, I know I was wrong! I don't dare to laugh at you anymore!"

"Hmph! That's pretty much it!"

Liu Ruqing snorted lightly and just let go of her hand!

"Unless you can't help it!"

Lin Nan added another sentence!


Liu Ruqing screamed and ran away to chase Lin Nan. When Wang Xuewei saw this scene, she was dumbfounded and at a loss what to do!

"Hahaha, daddy, run, run, Mommy is about to catch up! Xiaolu, Xiaolongque, let's go!"

When Lin Momo saw this scene, she took a lot of steps and chased after her!

"Do you find it interesting?"

A smiling voice came from the side!


Wang Xuewei raised her head and found that standing next to her was a woman who was as cold as ice, but with a hint of sweetness on her pretty face. It was Leng Yan!

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Leng Yan, and I am the disciple of the man who was chased!" Leng Yan introduced himself.

"Hello, Senior Sister Lengyan!"

Wang Xuewei bowed her body towards Leng Yan and gave a big salute!

"Senior Sister? That's right. You are Master's disciple, so you can indeed call me Senior Sister. In fact, your luck is really good. Although you are not the teacher's disciple, you can become Master's disciple!"

"As for me, I have been on this road of becoming teacher's disciple for a long time, and finally I got my wish! Compared with you, you are really so lucky!" Leng Yan said, with a hint of envy in his tone!


Wang Xuewei was a little confused!

"You will understand later how strong that man is, and as for that woman, she is the happiest woman in the world!"

Leng Yan's eyes flickered, looking at Liu Ruqing and Lin Nan chasing each other, and said so.

Wang Xuewei was thoughtful. She was still too young to understand the meaning of these words!

While the two were talking, a voice like the sound of nature suddenly came to their ears!

"I never expected that Senior Lin, who has an unrivaled reputation in the outside world, actually enjoys the happiness of family relationships in his own home!"

Along with the sound, bursts of fairy music sounded!

A woman who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old walked slowly among the stars. Her face was like jade and her skin was like snow. As soon as she appeared, she seemed to eclipse all the women in this world. !

Behind her, stood a group of girls in palace attire, uniformly dressed in snow-white long skirts, floating like fairies, as if they were fairies walking out of a painting, emerging from the mud without staining!

Judging from the clothes of these palace-dressed girls, it is known that they are maids or maids of the leading woman, but any one of these maids is enough to crush any popular female star on the earth for more than a dozen streets, just with that kind of extraordinary temperament, It’s not something that ordinary women can compare to!

"so beautiful!"

After Wang Xuewei saw this woman, she couldn't help but praise her!

Even Leng Yan herself shrank her pupils slightly, and even she felt quite pale in front of this woman!

When Liu Ruqing heard the noise, she stopped chasing Lin Nan and looked back in surprise at the stunning woman who suddenly arrived!

"Senior Lin, my name is Yan Qingxian, I am a saint from the Holy Land of Taichu. I came uninvited. I hope Senior Lin will not blame me!"

The leading woman spoke with a smile, a smile that made all flowers eclipse!

Yan Qingxian? What a beautiful name and appearance that would make a true immortal fall in love? Does that mean?

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