Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 943 Lin Nan, I want to eat phoenix marrow pork ribs!

The news of Lin Nan's return spread throughout Jiangnan in an instant!

After all, he disappeared for more than a year. The last time he came back, he only appeared in the Liu family and did not appear in front of everyone. After hearing about Lin Nan's return, many rich people in Jiangnan came to let go. After finishing the work in hand, he headed towards the Liu family's villa!


In the suburbs of Jiangnan, on the national highway out of the city, a limited edition Rolls-Royce sped past!

"Damn it, Rolls-Royce Phantom? It's worth two million US dollars, and the RMB at the exchange office is 13 million. How can such a luxurious car leave the city during lunch time during the Chinese New Year?"

Several pedestrians on the roadside couldn't help but said in surprise after seeing this Rolls-Royce.

"Hey, who knows, rich people still check the time when they go out?" Another middle-aged man next to him shook his head and smiled.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go home for New Year's dinner!"


These people nodded.

But as soon as the words were spoken, several speeding luxury cars came from a distance, with speeds exceeding one hundred and twenty miles, as if they were on a national highway, competing for the top spot at the speed of life and death!

"what happened?"

"Why do so many luxury cars suddenly appear?"

These passers-by look weird!

At this time, and it is still midday, it is not common to see so many luxury cars appearing on the national highway at the same time!

"Look at that car, that license plate is so awesome! Jiang A-88888!"

Someone exclaimed!

"Jiang A-88888?"

Everyone's hearts moved, and they all looked at these two luxury cars. This was a top-of-the-line Ferrari, also a global limited edition. Compared with the Rolls-Royce that ran past at the beginning, it was even worse. Nothing less!

"Hiss! This car is the car of the chairman of Wynn Group!" The middle-aged man who spoke first couldn't help but take a breath!


"Chairman of Wynn Group?"

When everyone heard this, they all opened their mouths in shock!

"Is it him? The chairman of Wynn Group, worth hundreds of billions. In just a few years, he has turned a small business into a listed company. It is comparable to a legend in the industry! A busy man like him can make millions every minute. , why are you here?"

While everyone was stunned, another row of luxury cars were seen speeding past!

Jiang A-11111, Jiang A-66666, Jiang A-55555 and other license plates passed by in a flash. Since the license plates were all consecutive numbers, they were clearly visible at a glance. They were very eye-catching!

"Jiang A-11111? Isn't this the car of the CEO of Xingyuan Group?"

"There is also the license plate of Jiang A-66666. Is this the car of the chairman of China Telecom? How come these big shots all left the city at the same time? And they went in the same direction?"

Everyone was shocked and felt incredible. They had never seen such a scene before!

There are so many rich people in Central and South Province appearing one after another like fish in the water. Almost all of them are big bosses, with net worth ranging from tens of billions to hundreds of billions. They are so noble and scary!

However, these rich people's cars all headed in the same direction and disappeared from sight!

"Wait...that direction is...the Liu family?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, and then exclaimed!

"Liu family?"

"What happened to the Liu family?"

Everyone is extremely confused!

The rise of the Liu family is as fast as a textbook. In just two years, it has jumped from a second-rate family in Jiangnan to the second largest family in China. The speed of rise is comparable to that of a rocket taking off!

However, many ordinary people only have a partial understanding of the many secrets of the Liu family and do not know the real situation!

"Maybe... that man is back..."

This middle-aged man muttered to himself!


"Our Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

The Liu family's original villa area has long been demolished and rebuilt, and it was expanded near the original site to build a huge villa!

The villa is so large that it even surrounds the entire Yan Lake. Liu Ruqing's lakeside villa is even listed as a restricted area for the Liu family. Except for a few people, others are prohibited from approaching!

Nothing in the villa has changed. Even if someone comes in to clean it, there are dedicated people watching and nothing is allowed to be moved!

After returning to the villa, Liu Ruqing's whole spirit and energy changed. She lazily went to the sofa and took a deep breath!

"It's still more comfortable to sit on my own sofa!"

Liu Ruqing closed her eyes and seemed to be enjoying it very much!

Lin Momo and Ling'er were also rolling on the sofa. Shen Qingxue sat aside, looking at the mother and daughter with a smile, picking up an apple and peeling it!

"Lin Nan, I want to eat phoenix marrow pork ribs! I haven't eaten for a long time!"

Liu Ruqing shouted in the direction of the kitchen.

“And dragon ginseng and lotus seed soup!”

"Rice cooked with immortal rice irrigated by spiritual spring water!"


Lin Nan, who was busy in the kitchen, replied with a smile, raised his hand gently, grabbed a few fire phoenix baby birds from the small world inside his body, and started to process the ingredients!

"You kid, why are you letting Lin Nan work alone in the kitchen without helping?" Shen Qingxue said with a straight face!

"But I can't cook?" Liu Ruqing's eyes widened!

"Silly girl, women can't just ask for it. You can't even catch a good man like Lin Nan in time. How dare other women dare to do this? Get out of here and help me in the kitchen!"

Shen Qingxue stretched out a hand and tapped Liu Ruqing's forehead hard!


Liu Ruqing quickly climbed up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen dejectedly!

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door of the villa!

"Dong dong dong!"

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that if there's no big deal, don't come here to disturb me?" Shen Qingxue said displeased.

She had already ordered her to leave. No matter what work the family had to do today, she was not to be disturbed. Liu Ruqing finally came back and had to spend time with her daughter. She also had two lovely nieces, so she had no time to take care of them. Work matters?

"Chairman, all the rich people from Jiangnan have arrived outside the villa and said they want to see Mr. Lin! Do you see?"

The people outside quickly explained.

A faint sneer appeared at the corner of Shen Qingxue's mouth!

In the past, when Lin Nan was away, these people could not come to the Liu family's door once a month. Now, less than an hour after Lin Nan came back, all these people came to the door?

"The information is really well-informed. How many of these people have evil intentions in their hearts?"

Shen Qingxue found it very funny!

"Chairman, will Mr. Lin see them?"

"Just tell me that Mr. Lin doesn't have time to see them and let them wait!" Shen Qingxue said proudly.

Shen Qingxue's words had just fallen.

I heard a laugh coming from the sky!

"Hahaha! Mr. Lin has a distinguished status and doesn't have time to meet those rich people. So I wonder if he has time to come out and meet me, Mr. Jin? Or do you prefer to hide in the kitchen and do things that women do?"

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