Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 944 Do you have anything else to say? (First update)

"Who is speaking?"

Shen Qingxue frowned, walked out of the villa door and saw that in the sky above Yan Lake, a small plane was flying over from far to near!

"Mom, what's going on?"

Liu Ruqing and Lin Nan also walked out of the kitchen and outside the villa!

At this time.

A group of people got off the private plane in front of them. The leader was Jin Qiye. Behind him were seventeen people, each with a solemn look on their face!

The strength of these people is very strong, and their realm is almost above that of earth immortals!

Moreover, three of them are actually in the realm of immortals!

On Earth, this group of people is indeed very powerful and can almost sweep across a small country!

One of the old men was wearing a green robe, with a shaved Manchu hair ornament, and a money rat tail on the back of his head, as if someone from the Qing Dynasty had traveled through time!

The old man stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes flashing, looking at Lin Nan without saying a word!

"I have long admired your name, Mr. Lin!"

Jin Qiye stood there and said with a smile on his face.

"Who are you?"

Lin Nan asked lightly.

Jin Qiye nodded slightly and said: "That's a good question! In that case, let me introduce myself. My name is Jin Qiye, and I am from the Jin family. The ancestor of the Jin family is my grandfather!"

"The Jin family?"

Shen Qingxue was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly: "Is it you who caused some rich people in the south and north of the Yangtze River to go against our Liu Group, and even betrayed it? Even the person in charge of Dajiang Shipping has been turned into your people's gold Home?"

Shen Qingxue glared at Jin Qiye. It was the Jin family who had made a mess of the good Liu Group!

"Haha! Ms. Shen, if your Liu family had surrendered earlier, why would we have to use so many methods?"

Jin Qiye smiled softly, no longer looking at Shen Qingxue, and his eyes fell on Lin Nan!

At this moment, Lin Nan was wearing an apron. He had just walked out of the kitchen and hadn't had time to take it off yet!

"I didn't expect that the famous God Killer would actually wear an apron and do women's things in the kitchen. It's really disappointing!" Jin Qiye shook his head gently.

"I have a friend named Ye Qi! In other words, she is my future wife appointed by my grandfather, but her vision is really too short-sighted! She blindly thinks that you, Lin Nan, can defeat our entire family. The family even ranks our Jin family with the Ding family from the three northern provinces. How can the mere Ding family be compared with my Jin family?"

"The foundation of my Jin family is unparalleled in this world!"

"My ancestors of the Jin family have produced the founding king and more than a dozen emperors!" Jin Qiye continued.

Lin Nan: "..."

Liu Ruqing: "..."

Shen Qingxue: "..."

The three of them were speechless for a while. Such confident people are rare anymore!

"Even today, my Jin family is the largest family in China!" Jin Qiye put his hands behind his back and looked around!

Lin Nan: "..."

Liu Ruqing: "..."

Shen Qingxue: "..."

"My Jin family has countless money, countless strong men, and unparalleled foundation! We have the sign of dragon prosperity!" Jin Qiye raised his head slightly and looked at the sky at a forty-five degree angle!

Jin Qiye was still there, talking to himself!

The more he talked, the more energetic he became. His handsome face was full of pride, and he looked like he was looking down on the world!

"After all that, what do you want to do?"

Liu Ruqing couldn't help but frown and asked.

She felt that this person was too narcissistic. He talked a lot of nonsense as soon as he appeared, making people confused, as if he was living in his own world!

"Hahaha! What do I want to do?"

Jin Qiye smiled, shook his head slightly, and looked at Lin Nan solemnly!

"Lin Nan, don't you claim to be invincible?"

Jin Qiye raised his hand, pointed at the old man beside him, and introduced: "This is the national master of my Jin family, named Wang Changyue. He has practiced Taoism for 375 years. He has long been ranked above the immortals. In his early years, he was Emperor Kangxi served as a protector, and later Emperor Kangxi personally ordered Master Wang to stay in hiding and protect the Jin family!"

"Emperor Kangxi once said that Wang Changyue is unparalleled in Tao and Dharma and is invincible in the world!"

"Mr. Kangxi is ridiculous. I just got a glimpse of the Taoist method of cultivating immortals. I can't say that the Taoist method is unparalleled!"

The old man standing behind Jin Qiye shook his head slightly, looking humble!

"Master Wang, you are so humble! In my opinion, you have long been ranked above the immortals, and there is no rival for you in the world!" Jin Qiye quickly flattered.

"Where! Where!"

Wang Changyue continued to shake his head, as if he didn't admit it, but the proud expression on his old face had completely betrayed him!

Lin Nan: "..."

Liu Ruqing: "..."

Shen Qingxue: "..."

"National Preceptor? A member of a family can only serve as a sacrifice until death. Do you, the Jin family, still regard yourself as a country?"

Seeing the two complimenting each other, Shen Qingxue rolled her eyes. She couldn't stand it anymore. She felt that Jin Qiye and Wang Guoshi were too narcissistic!

"Haha! How can you understand that Wang Guoshi was invincible two centuries ago?"

Jin Qiye's eyes were filled with pride!

In his opinion, Shen Qingxue in front of him was just a short-sighted businesswoman who had no idea how powerful Wang Guoshi was!

"What do you want to say? Say it quickly, I'm very busy!"

Lin Nan frowned.


Jin Qiye snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "Lin Nan, don't be too arrogant! Do you dare to accept Master Wang's challenge?"

"If you lose, from today onwards, with the leadership of our Jin family, if you win..."

Jin Qiye hasn't finished his sentence yet!


Lin Nan gently raised his hand and slapped it out!

Including Wang Changyue, the seventeen powerful men above the Earth Immortal brought by Jin Qiye all knelt down on the spot!




A series of sounds of kneeling were heard. Jin Qiye looked at this scene in disbelief. He was completely petrified and said in horror: "King...Master Wang...you...why did you kneel down?"

Wang Changyue was already so frightened that she was trembling all over, like a quail. She knelt there and trembled:

"Please forgive me!"

"Master Wang!"

Jin Qiye exclaimed, his face full of disbelief. Master Wang, who he thought was invincible in the world, actually knelt down?

"Do you have anything else to say?" Lin Nan looked at Jin Qiye and asked lightly.

"you you……"

Jin Qiye's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost, and he stared at Lin Nan, "You" for a long time, but he couldn't say a word!

No matter what, he never expected that Lin Nan would slap all the people he brought with him to their knees?

There was a ridiculous feeling in Jin Qiye's heart. He seemed to understand why Ye Qi was so afraid of this person!

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