Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 954 Let our Jin family surrender to Lin Nan? How can it be!

Lin Nan didn't pay attention to the matter of Venerable Ying Long at all!

In his eyes, the gods of Mount Olympus are just slightly stronger ants!

Changbai Mountain, Jin family.


A bell sound suddenly came to mind, resounding through the sky and instantly spreading throughout the entire mountain peak where the Jin family was located!


Due to the influence of the bells, an avalanche even occurred on the top of the snow-capped mountains in the distance, but no one in the Jin family paid attention to all this, and all their ears suddenly stood up!

This is a wake-up call, or a death knell!

Only when the Jin family faces an absolute crisis will they sound the alarm!

Moreover, this alarm bell has not sounded for a hundred years. The last time this bell was rung, the Qing Dynasty died!

This time...

"Did it finally happen?"

Ye Qi was placed under house arrest in her boudoir. She raised her head in surprise and looked in the direction where the bell was coming from!

Suddenly, someone opened her door, pushed in, and said in a trembling voice: "It's not good... Ancestor... Ancestor is dead..."


Ye Qi's pupils shrank slightly and he exclaimed. Although he had expected this outcome for a long time, when the bad news came back, he still couldn't accept it. Needless to say, he knew that the ancestor of the Jin family must have died in Linnan. in hands!

As for the process, Ye Qi feels that it is no longer important!

"What's going on now?" Ye Qi asked quickly.

"A meeting of elders is being held outside to discuss countermeasures. You issued a warning at the beginning, but the ancestor did not listen. Now several elders agree that what you said is right, and now restore your identity and let you go Attend the meeting!" the person explained.

Ye Qi smiled self-deprecatingly, with a bitter taste in his mouth!

If we had known this would happen, why bother?

Lin Nan is really not to be messed with!

"Let's go!"

Ye Qi took a deep breath, stepped out of the room, and came to the main hall where the Jin family held a family meeting!

The whole hall is decorated with splendor and splendor, in the same style as the palace. However, at this moment, the faces of everyone in the Jin family are extremely solemn. Everyone's expressions are very ugly, and a dark cloud hangs over everyone's heads!

All the core direct descendants of the Jin family were present, including Jin Qiye, whose limbs had been disabled, and they were also carried out!

"Ye Qi, you are finally here!"

All the eight elders came together. They were all rough men and relied on martial arts. Now that the ancestor of the Jin family died, they suddenly lost their ideas!

"What's going on?" Ye Qi asked with a frown and a serious tone!

"The situation is very bad. All the people brought by our ancestors were killed by Lin Nan, including the four generals from Mount Olympus. They all died in Lin Nan's hands!"

"Qilinzi, Neptune, and a ghost from Southeast Asia were all killed by Lin Nan!"

Several elders explained, shook their heads, their faces were pale!

"How long did it take?" Ye Qi suddenly asked.

Several eight elders looked at each other and said with a helpless smile: "According to the intelligence, only one move was used, and there was no second move!"

"As expected!"

Ye Qi nodded slightly, as if everything was as expected. Qilinzi, Neptune, and the ghost and god in Southeast Asia were all existences above the antenna. Not even Lin Nan made a move. 1

The Jin family no longer has the capital to oppose him!

"What do you mean by calling me here?" Ye Qi glanced at everyone and asked calmly.

"Ye Qi! Our Jin family treats you well, and you are also the ancestor's disciple and Qiye's fiancée. Now we have unanimously decided to let you give everyone an idea. As long as you can lead the Jin family out of this crisis, We can agree to three conditions for you!"

The eight elders of the Jin family solemnly agree!

"Are you serious?" Ye Qi was a little tempted!


"We are willing to swear by my ancestors of the Jin family!"

The eight elders of the Jin family all nodded, their faces full of determination!


Ye Qi also agreed without saying a word, and said with a smile: "With Lin Nan's thunderous methods, if he wanted to destroy your Jin family, I'm afraid he would have taken action long ago. If he hasn't taken action yet, it means there is still room for maneuver! "

"First of all, you immediately send representatives to Jiangnan, express your surrender to Lin Nan, and swear that the Jin family will never cause trouble to Lin Nan in this life. At the same time, you will block the entire mountain range where the Jin family is located, and they will not be born again for a hundred years!"

As soon as Ye Qi's voice landed, a large group of people immediately stood up to refute!


"My Jin family is a royal family, and my ancestors have been emperors. How can I bow my head to an ordinary person?"

"Let our Jin family surrender to Lin Nan? How is it possible!"

"He killed my ancestor of the Jin family and surrendered to him? Ye Qi, is there something wrong with your brain?"

Many people from the Jin family all stood up and yelled!

Although the eight elders of the Jin family did not speak, their brows were tightly knitted together. It was obvious that Ye Qi's words also made them very dissatisfied!

Ye Qi stood there calmly, with a sneer on his lips!

"If you can't do this, your Jin family is not far from being exterminated!" Ye Qi sneered.

"Damn it!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Elder, I think this woman should be killed immediately. She is deceiving everyone with her evil words and deserves to die!" Everyone yelled loudly, looking at Ye Qi with eyes filled with anger!

"It's useless to kill me. Don't forget how the Ding family in the three northern provinces ended up! The Ding family is not as powerful as your Jin family. They were still qualified to compete with your Jin family in the Central Plains and almost defeated the Dragon Court. , do you think your Jin family is better than the Ding family now?" Ye Qi sneered again and again, looking at the Jin family mockingly!

At this moment, everyone lost their voices and chose to shut their mouths!

"I can promise you this!" The eight elders of the Jin family spoke in a deep voice after thinking for a long time.

This time there was finally no objection!

Ye Qi nodded slightly and continued: "Second point, it is better to please Lin Nan than to please the Liu Group. If you, the Jin family, can show your family's heritage and fully assist the Liu Group, then Lin Nan will try to deal with you again. , will also weigh one or two!"

"What? Our Jin family has hundreds of years of heritage and accumulated wealth in the world, and you want us to fully support the Liu Group?" A young man from the Jin family shouted loudly!

The ancestors of the Jin family once occupied the Central Plains and gathered the wealth of the world!

Over the past two hundred years, there is no telling how much gold and silver treasures have been accumulated. If they were taken out, it would be enough to shake the whole world!

"I can promise this. Money is something external to the body. As long as the Jin family can keep the fire, they can still make a comeback in the future!" An elder said, and immediately shut up the young man!

Ye Qi nodded slightly and said several countermeasures in succession!





After finishing the ten countermeasures, Ye Qi stood in the center of the hall. Everyone in the Jin family looked at Ye Qi with admiration and couldn't help but praise: "As expected of the head of the largest family in Yanjing! These ten countermeasures , if implemented, the Jin family will be safe and sound!"

Everyone in the Jin family breathed a sigh of relief!

How did they know that if Lin Nan wanted to destroy the Jin family, even a hundred countermeasures would not be able to protect the Jin family!

If Lin Nan didn't want to destroy the Jin family, there would be no need for any countermeasures!

"Ye Qi, tell me, you can put forward three conditions now!"

The eight elders of the Jin family all looked at Ye Qi!

"The first condition is that I want to terminate my engagement with Jin Qiye!" Ye Qi said lightly.

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