Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 955 Within five minutes, I want all the information on this man!

"Cancel the engagement?"

Everyone in the Jin family was stunned!

Jin Qiye was lying on the stretcher. He had a handsome face and was even scarier. He sneered and said: "Ye Qi, you are so brave! Grandpa asked you to marry me and serve me for life. How dare you disobey me?" ?”

Ye Qi stood proudly, standing in the center of the crowd, and said funnyly: "Jin Qiye, do you think you are worthy of me?"

"Lunyan Jie, you have no vision at all. Your eyes are higher than your head. You don't take anyone seriously. It can be said that the trouble of the Jin family this time is caused by you!"

"In terms of IQ, do you have an IQ? If you weren't the great-grandson of our ancestor, do you really think you have such a status in the Jin family? Which of these young people, Jin Yuyuan, Jin Yuxuan, and Jin Yixing, is not better than you? "

"In terms of moral integrity, you actually seem to be generous. Who knows, but you are extremely petty? When a servant of the Jin family makes a slight mistake, you will hit or scold him. Do you have the slightest sense of generosity?"

"On ability..."

"On means..."

"On the city government..."

"Originally, I thought that there was an ancestor here! If I marry you, you can learn all these things slowly, but now it seems that you are just a useless person. Do I need to marry you?" Ye Qi thought at once. All the words were spoken!

After finishing speaking, she still stood there, looking at Jin Qiye motionless!


Jin Qiye's chest heaved violently with anger, and he was out of breath. He roared: "Did you see it? What did she say?"

"This kind of woman should definitely deserve death! I am his fiancé, and she can say such things. It's so vicious! Come on, kill Ye Qi, chop her into pieces and feed her to the dogs!"

If the ancestor of the gold price does not die, I am afraid someone will immediately follow suit and kill Ye Qi directly!

However, now everyone in the entire Jin family hall is standing there quietly, with no intention of taking action!

"I think Ye Qi is right!"

The younger generation of the Jin family, Jin Yuyuan, stood up and nodded lightly!

"Jin Qiye, last time at the family banquet, you snatched away something that I liked very much. Even if you snatched it, I would admit it, but when you turned around, you would reward me with this thing. Give it to other servants to humiliate me!"

Jin Yuxuan also stood up and said coldly!

"Jin Qiye, you are the one who deserves death. If it weren't for you, would our Jin family be in this situation?" Jin Yixing said in a cold voice, with murderous intent surging in his eyes!

"Rebellion! Are you all rebelling?" Jin Qiye roared.


Ye Qi sighed, shook his head in disappointment, and said: "Jin Qiye, you are really disappointing! Haven't you discovered your situation yet?"

Ye Qi was extremely disappointed. At this time, Jin Qiye actually thought that he was the only one in the Jin family?

Ignoring Jin Qiye, Ye Qi continued: "Second, the Ye family of Yanjing will no longer be attached to the Jin family!"

Everyone in the Jin family is rushing to implement the plan, but everything in Jiangnan remains the same!

In addition to the streets and alleys, many people are talking about the fact that Mr. Lin has returned to Jiangnan and there will be no more fluctuations!

In the past two days, Liu Ruqing has been planning a trip back to Tianhai City!

"I don't know what happened to the two little girls Chu Yao and Chu Qiong. They should be in college now, right?"

Liu Ruqing said while planning.

When she came back this time, she just wanted to see her parents and her familiar friends, so these plans were all in Liu Ruqing's schedule!

"We'll find out if we go back and see. It's not far anyway. If you are willing, I can take you there with just a thought!" Lin Nan chuckled.

"Okay then, we'll set off early tomorrow morning!"

Liu Ruqing became a little excited!

Early the next morning, Lin Nan took Liu Ruqing directly to Tianhai City!

The coffee shop opened by Lin Nan is still there without any changes, except that the two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong have changed from the front desk to the owners of the coffee shop!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing donated the cafe to Chu Yao and Chu Qiong before leaving the earth for the high martial arts world!

"Boss, Sister Ruqing!"

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing had just arrived outside the coffee shop. Chu Yao and Chu Qiong just walked out of the coffee shop and walked up with excited faces!

"Why are you back!"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were very excited and rushed forward and threw themselves into Liu Ruqing's arms!

"Haha, I missed home, so I came back to visit. It's already the Chinese New Year. If you don't go home, why are you still staying here?" Liu Ruqing asked with a smile.

The two sisters, Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, calmed down their excitement and then explained:

"It's like this. The two of us have been admitted to Tianhai Film Academy and are now freshmen. And after Uncle Lin brought us to Tianhai City last time, we never went home again! Our My parents have said that from now on it will be equivalent to selling us to Uncle Lin!"

Chu Yao said, a hint of loneliness flashed across her face!

Seeing this, Liu Ruqing quickly changed the subject and said with a smile: "Okay, we are your family now! I won't talk about this for the Chinese New Year. Congratulations to you, you were admitted to Tianhai Film Academy, which is the first-class in the country The best film school! It’s as famous as Yanjing Film Academy!”

"If you two become big stars in the entertainment industry in the future, you must not forget me!"

Liu Ruqing smiled jokingly!

"Sister Ruqing, judging from what you said, we will never forget you!"

Chu Qiong pursed her lips and smiled, then looked at her watch and reminded:

"Sister, the audition time is coming soon!"

"Sister Ruqing is already here, why do we need to audition? Let's go to the hotel for dinner. We must treat the boss and sister Ruqing to a good meal today!" Chu Yao suggested with a smile.

Although the two of them have just turned eighteen and exude a pure aura, they have already participated in two movies in the past six months and are quite famous in the entertainment industry!

"That's right. Both the boss and Sister Ruqing are back. There will be no audition today! By the way, Sister Ruqing, where are Mo'er and Ling'er? Why didn't you see her?" Chu Qiong nodded, strangely. asked.

"The two of them are fighting fiercely with my mother now. They are tinkering and playing together every day. Lin Nan and I can't get in the way!" Liu Ruqing explained with a chuckle.

"That's it!"

"Let's go to the hotel first!"

Chu Yao suggested and stopped a taxi and asked Lin Nan to sit in the passenger seat. The three girls sat in the back and started chatting, but Lin Nan couldn't get in the middle of the conversation!

Not long after, Lin Nan and others arrived at a five-star hotel in the city center. As soon as they got out of the taxi, they were noticed by a group of young men in the distance!

"Eh? Aren't those Chu Yao and Chu Qiong?"

One of the young men's eyes lit up!

These young men are all covered in famous brands, and a watch on their wrist can be worth millions!

"Damn it, didn't you mean that they were going to audition today, so they rejected my date, but I caught them and came to the hotel for dinner?"

Another young master cursed angrily!

"Hehe! Brother Sun, forget it. Look at that man. In addition to Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, he also brought another girl. He looks no worse than Chu Yao and Chu Qiong! In broad daylight, He just brought three girls to the hotel, and this guy... Hehe, he really enjoyed all the blessings from everyone!" The young man who started the conversation said with a strange smile.

The young man called Brother Sun looked extremely ugly!

He had made appointments with Chu Qiong and Chu Yao more than ten times, but every time he was rejected with excuses!

But since the two of them don't have boyfriends, he doesn't use force and chooses to take his time. Sooner or later, he will get the beauty back!

Unexpectedly, today, I would see Chu Yao and Chu Qiong entering and exiting the hotel with Lin Nan. The jealousy in my heart suddenly burned uncontrollably!

"Old Liu, check it out for me immediately. Within five minutes, I want all the information on this man!"

"Yes, Master!"

A middle-aged man next to him nodded and immediately turned around to check Lin Nan's information!

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