Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 960 How is it possible? You're not dead!

after eating.

Lin Nan and others are preparing to leave the hotel and go back!

On the way back, Chu Qiong smiled strangely and said: "Boss, we haven't touched your and Sister Ruqing's rooms. We just clean them every day. It's still the same as before. You can live in it directly when you get back!"

"I'm determined!"

Lin Nan nodded slightly.

"By the way, boss, when are you going to have another child?"

Chu Qiong asked with a smile.

"Damn girl, what are you talking about? You don't learn well at a young age, what are you thinking in your head!"

Liu Ruqing immediately glared at Chu Qiong, stretched out a finger, and tapped her forehead!

Although she and Lin Nan lived together, they did nothing after restarting the era and were still virgins!

Now that Chu Qiong said this, Liu Ruqing suddenly blushed!

"Hehe, sister Ruqing, you are still shy. We are an old married couple. Why are you so shy? My sister and I will plug our ears at night!" Chu Qiong laughed strangely!

"You damn girl, you really don't learn well. Where did you hear these things? Look!"

Liu Ruqing blushed suddenly!

"Oh, you're killing people and silencing them!"

Chu Qiong quickly hid in her sister Chu Yao's arms!

When Lin Nan saw the three of them fighting, he smiled softly and let them go about their business without paying any attention to them!

As soon as he arrived at the door of the coffee shop, Lin Nan saw the souls of Lin Canghai and Han Zhongyan standing at the door of the coffee shop, waiting respectfully!

Seeing Lin Nan get out of the car, Lin Canghai said respectfully:


"Uncle Lin, why are you back?"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were very excited and had a special feeling for Lin Canghai, just like their father!

They could only see Lin Canghai, but they couldn't see Han Zhongyan's soul!


Lin Canghai showed a rare smile and nodded gently!

"Okay, let's go in first, Lin Nan still has some things to deal with!" Liu Ruqing said with a smile.


Chu Yao and Chu Qiong did not stay at the door of the coffee shop for a long time. After opening the door, they walked towards the inside of the coffee shop and waited until everyone disappeared from sight!

"Han Zhongyan, I will give you one night. Starting tomorrow morning, I want to see the Han family again. They are still the first family in Tianhai City!" Lin Nan looked at Han Zhongyan's soul calmly.


Han Zhongyan was stunned, looked at Lin Nan in disbelief, and said with a wry smile: "Master, this old slave is already a dead man, there is no way he can do this!"

"Who said you are a dead person?"

Lin Nan smiled faintly and pointed his fingers towards the void. An energy gathered there and slowly condensed. Finally, a flesh and blood body exactly like Han Zhongyan appeared in front of him!

"This is……"

Han Zhongyan's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed!

"This is the body given to you by the master. It is much better than the rotten body you had before. It is not a problem to live for a thousand years. Just be happy!"

Lin Canghai explained.

He had also had his body reshaped by Lin Nan and knew the great benefits. Although Lin Canghai looked sixty or seventy years old today, his physical fitness was countless times better than that of a twenty-year-old!

"Hunxi, return to your position!"

Lin Nan let out a sigh!


Han Zhongyan's soul trembled, and then merged into one with Lin Nan's recast body!

Han Zhongyan felt his new body, looked around again, pinched his face hard, and after feeling the pain, he knelt on the ground with tears of excitement!

"Thank you, Master!"

He couldn't believe it in his heart. He was already dead, but he could still come back to life?

Moreover, he has already gone to the underworld, why can his soul return to this world?

Although Han Zhongyan had countless questions in his heart, he did not dare to ask more. He only felt deep awe and shock!

"As my servant, if I don't let you die, you will not die! Remember my words, Lin Canghai, go help him!"

After saying this, Lin Nan walked towards the coffee shop!

Lin Canghai and Han Zhongyan looked at Lin Nan's back as he walked into the coffee shop and said respectfully:

"As you command!"

In the original manor of the Han family.

Ever since I learned that Lin Nan was back and appeared in Tianhai City, all the rich people in Tianhai City have gathered here!

Even late at night, the largest hall in the manor was still brightly lit, and everyone was full of energy or tense!

"Everyone, tell me, what should we do?"

"We still haven't contacted the Jin family! It's like they've cut off contact with the outside world. What's going on?"

"Could it be that the Jin family also knew that Lin Nan was back, so they did this on purpose?"

"Absolutely impossible. We may be afraid of Lin Nan, but the Jin family is definitely not afraid of Lin Nan. Maybe there are other reasons? Why don't we wait first?"

"Wait a minute, Lin Nan has arrived in Tianhai City. If he finds out, the Han family will be finished. Think about it for yourselves, what will happen?"

Everyone was talking about it, but there was no unified opinion!

The only thing they have in common is that everyone present looks anxious!

"Stop arguing!"

Suddenly there was a shout!

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and found that the person who spoke was none other than Sun Shiru!

At this moment, Sun Shiru had a fierce expression on his face and said in a deep voice: "What's the use of arguing now? The most urgent thing is how to deal with this matter?"

"Sun Shiru, do you have any idea? That person is Lin Nan!"

A rich man looked at Sun Shiru!

"Hmph! So what about Lin Nan? He is just one person. There are so many of us, what are we afraid of?"

Sun Shiru sneered!

"Hahaha, who told you that my master is just a person?"

From the direction of the entrance to the hall, a faint laughter came!

"Who is speaking?"

Everyone raised their eyebrows and looked towards the entrance of the hall. They saw two old men walking slowly, one of them walking like a dragon and a tiger, and there was an aura of marching in their movements!

The other person is elegant and elegant, like a great scholar of the time, wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a wise smile on his lips, as if he has returned to his own home!

After everyone saw this elegant old man, they all screamed and stood up from their chairs!

"Impossible, aren't you dead? The doctors have checked it, and there is absolutely no breath of life! I saw you buried with my own eyes!"

One of the rich men, wearing a red Tang suit and holding a jade fan, turned pale and looked at Han Zhongyan in horror!

Han Zhongyan looked at this person and said with a half-smile:

"Xiao Zhang, I treat you well, right? I didn't expect you to betray me?"

"Mr. Han, spare your life!"

The rich man holding a jade fan was so frightened that he fell to his knees with a thud!

"Han Zhongyan!"

"Mr. Han!"

"How is that possible? You're not dead!"

The faces of the people in the entire hall changed drastically. They all looked at Han Zhongyan at the entrance of the hall in disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost!

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