Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 961: Just with this thing, you want to kill someone in front of me?

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"It's fake, it must be fake!"

"He can't be Han Zhongyan, Han Zhongyan has been dead long ago!"

Sun Shiru shook his head and said, his eyes full of coldness!

He appeared in person in Han Zhongyan's funeral procession, and even asked a doctor to verify that Han Zhongyan's body was definitely Han Zhongyan himself!

Moreover, when Han Zhongyan was buried, almost half of the rich people in Tianhai City were present, and they were buried after being authenticated. Therefore, Sun Shiru believed that the Han Zhongyan in front of him must be a fake!

"Haha! It's Xiao Sun. You used to work in the warehouse at West Pier. If I hadn't given you a bite of food, you would have starved to death!" Han Zhongyan's eyes fell on Sun Shiru.

Sun Shiru's pupils shrank slightly and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly!

"Who are you? Why are you pretending to be Han Zhongyan!" Sun Shiru said in a deep voice, his eyes filled with fierce light!

"Who am I? Haha! When you said you would repay me with your life, is this how you repay me? I just passed away, and you led people to carve up our Han family. If you had known that this day would come, I should have let people, will You chop it up and feed it to the dogs!" Even so, Han Zhongyan said.

However, he still had a calm smile on his face!

"Wait! You just said, 'I just passed away'? What do you mean?" Sun Shiru asked in surprise.

"What's the meaning?"

Han Zhongyan smiled and shook his head, "I did die half a year ago, but now I'm alive again!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. Did he die and come back to life?

How can this be possible? If a person dies, can he be resurrected? This has exceeded everyone’s awareness!

"Hahaha! Fake, you are fake! The real Han Zhongyan is dead. I guess you are the fake photographed by Lin Nan, right?" Sun Shiru couldn't help laughing after hearing this. !


The other rich people present looked dumbfounded, and then suddenly realized!


"Mr. Han is dead!"

"We saw it with our own eyes and checked it with a doctor. Moreover, the body was almost rotting. Now there is an old man named Han. It must be fake!"

Everyone was talking, and most of the fear on their faces had disappeared.

If it was really Han Zhongyan, no one would be afraid of Mr. Han's reputation back then!

However, if it is just a fake that looks exactly the same, the rich and powerful men present will not be afraid. Although this Han Zhongyan is the same as Mr. Han, after all, he is not the hero back then!

What's there to be afraid of?

"What Mr. Lin from Jiangnan is like this? Do you really think he has any powerful means? Does he want to use you as a fake to make us afraid?"

Sun Shiru sneered again and again, and waved gently, and a group of thugs in black suits who were guarding outside the Han family hall suddenly surrounded them, and the entire Han family hall was filled with water!

"It turned out to be a fake Mr. Han. I was scared to death. Damn it! Old man, I'll take your skin off myself if you look good soon!"

The rich man holding the jade fan quickly got up from the ground and spit in the direction of Han Zhongyan!

Just now, the moment he saw Han Zhongyan, he was so scared that he knelt down and begged for mercy because he was afraid of Han Zhongyan's majesty!

Now we've made an own mistake? Han Zhongyan was a fake, so he was naturally filled with shame and anger. With so many rich and powerful people present, it was really embarrassing for him to be thrown into his grandma's house!

Seeing this scene, Han Zhongyan frowned!

Looking at the rich man holding a jade fan, he sneered: "Ding Kecheng, one night seven years ago, you ran to my house and begged me for help. At that time, you lost 800 million in business. I waved my hand and lent you 800 million." Yi, finally came forward to help you intercede and let your company tide over the difficulties. Is this how you repay me?"

"What... you..."

Ding Kecheng opened his mouth, and the sneer on his face suddenly froze!

Han Zhongyan no longer paid attention to this person, his eyes fell on another rich man, and said: "Luo Rufeng, your transportation company had an accident five years ago, and more than a dozen people died. Is it true that I will come forward to help you open up the relationship?" , and finally made you lose money and avoid jail time?"

The rich man named Luo Rufeng trembled!

Han Zhongyan's eyes continued to turn!

"Lu Zhenxiong, the Yuanfeng Group under your name could not survive in Dongdu City six years ago and moved to Tianhai City. At that time, the Chen family in Dongdu City pursued you and even contacted a group of wealthy people in Tianhai City. To exclude you, you knelt at my door for a whole day and a night. Finally, with my words, the Chen family let you go. You don’t remember this, right?"

"Mr. Han..."

Lu Zhenxiong's expression changed for a while, and he looked at Han Zhongyan blankly!

"Chang Shengquan..."

"Wu Guoxu..."

Every time Han Zhongyan opens his mouth, he reveals a rich man's background, and these backgrounds are almost only known to the person involved and Han Zhongyan, and no one else knows the inside story at all!

The faces of these rich people who had their background changed all changed, and they looked at Han Zhongyan in disbelief!

"You...are you really Mr. Han?"

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Sun Shiru kept shaking his head, but the trace of panic on his face completely betrayed him!

Many wealthy people present have begun to believe that the old man in front of them is Han Zhongyan himself. Otherwise, how could he know so much inside information!

"Today, I will give you a chance. As long as you look back now, I will forget about the past!" Seeing that everyone was shaken, Han Zhongyan decided to strike while the iron was hot!

These rich people always follow the wind and lean on whoever has the best interests!

"Really? Mr. Han!"

Ding Kecheng's hands holding the jade fan trembled, and his heart was a little shaken!

"Of course it's true, Xiao Ding, as long as you look back now, I will forget all the wrongs and keep my word!" Han Zhongyan nodded slightly.

"Okay, then I..."

Ding Kecheng was completely shaken. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a loud bang!

Ding Kecheng's head suddenly exploded, and someone jumped him!

"Who fired the shot!"

Everyone in the hall was shocked!

Han Zhongyan was stunned for a moment, then his eyes turned and fell on Sun Shiru. Sun Shiru raised the weapon in his hand, pointed it at Han Zhongyan, and sneered: "Old man, you should die too!"


Sun Shiru didn't hesitate at all and pulled the trigger in his hand!

"Mr. Han!"

"Sun Shiru, what are you doing!"

"You dare to kill Mr. Han? Are you crazy!"

Luo Rufeng, Lu Zhenxiong, Chang Shengquan, Wu Guoxu and others exclaimed, but it was already too late!

A blazing wave of air hit him. Sun Shiru was only about ten meters away from Han Zhongyan. In the blink of an eye, Han Zhongyan's head would be blown apart!

"Hahaha! So what if he's crazy? Since he's dead, I don't mind letting him die again!"

Sun Shiru's eyes were full of madness!


But the next second, there was a crisp sound in everyone's ears!

Lin Canghai didn't know when he had already stood in front of Han Zhongyan, stretched out two fingers, and directly caught the projectiles flying through the air!


Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and the eyes they looked at Lin Canghai completely changed!

"You want to kill someone in front of me just because of this thing?"

Lin Canghai sneered, followed Lin Nan's example, and flicked his fingers!


A flash of light flashed, and the projectile flew back directly. It entered between Sun Shiru's eyebrows and flew out from the back of his head!

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