Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 962 Yeah! Delicious and not hot at all!


Sun Shiru's body fell straight down, with a crazy smile still on his face, but his smile had completely frozen!

"Who else? Want to die too?"

Han Zhongyan looked around and asked calmly!

All the rich people present were frightened!

Lin Canghai could even catch the bullet with his bare hands. Of all the people present, who is still his opponent?

Immediately, someone stepped forward and paid homage to Han Zhongyan: "See Mr. Han!"

Seeing this, the other wealthy men also stepped forward to pay homage to Han Zhongyan for fear that they would be a step too late!

"See Mr. Han!"

"See Mr. Han!"

Throughout the hall, there were sounds one after another!

Seeing this scene, Han Zhongyan's mouth showed a faint smile!

Early the next morning.

As soon as Lin Nan got up, he saw Lin Canghai and Han Zhongyan waiting outside the coffee shop, standing there respectfully!

However, the first thing Lin Nan did when he got up was to make a delicious breakfast for Liu Ruqing. He had no time to pay attention to Lin Canghai and Han Zhongyan standing at the door!

"Boss, Uncle Lin is standing at the door, and he has brought an old uncle with him!"

Chu Qiong tiptoed into the kitchen and saw Lin Nan handling a golden and buttery poached egg!

"Make them wait!"

Lin Nan said lightly.


In the pan, there was the sound of fried eggs being cooked, accompanied by a rich aroma that made people want to eat!

'smell good! The boss’s cooking skills are still so good! ’

Chu Qiong's stomach couldn't help but growl!


"Does it smell good?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile, like a kind big brother next door!


Chu Yao nodded!

"Want to eat?" Lin Nan asked again.

"Want to eat!"

Chu Qiong's eyes lit up, and her beautiful eyes sparkled. She had been coveting Lin Nan's cooking skills for a long time. When Lin Nan was in Tianhai City, she would cook every day, and Liu Ruqing's mouth was spoiled!

It's a pity that Chu Qiong never had the opportunity to try Lin Nan's cooking skills!

"Oh, just think about it, there's no chance anyway!"

Lin Nan grinned!


When Chu Qiong heard this, his mind was filled with black threads!

Liu Ruqing happened to also walk into the kitchen. Seeing this scene, he rolled his eyes and said, "Not serious!"

"Haha, why don't I tease her for fun! Wife, the omelette you asked for is ready!"

Lin Nan laughed, took the omelette out of the pan, and at the same time brought over the porridge cooked with fairy rice that had been prepared long ago. He opened the lid of the bowl and a bowl of golden fairy rice porridge appeared in front of Liu Ruqing's eyes!

At the same time, a strong and indestructible fragrance came to the nostrils!

"smell good!"

Liu Ruqing moved her index finger and couldn't help but ask: "This rice seems different from what I ate before?"

"Of course, this is fairy rice produced on a farm in the 79th Nebula in Andromeda. When I was resting last night, a clone of me went there and brought some back! In the whole universe, there is no more There is better rice than this, and this is a special gift from all kinds of gods in the fairy world!"

Lin Nan explained with a smile.

"Come on! Try it!"

As Lin Nan spoke, he took a spoon, scooped up a mouthful of fairy rice porridge, and sent it towards Liu Ruqing's mouth!

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Before that, Lin Nan blew twice and reminded softly: "Be careful of burning your mouth!"

"Yeah! It's delicious and not hot at all!"

Liu Ruqing smiled and nodded, looking happy!

"Here, have another bite!" Lin Nan smiled.

"Ah! I can't bear it! Why do I have to show up here so early in the morning?"

Chu Qiong exclaimed, hid her face and ran away. She really couldn't stand the two of them!

After breakfast was finished, Lin Canghai and Han Zhongyan came to Lin Nan respectfully!

"Master, all the forces in Tianhai City have been integrated! Some stubborn people were all killed last night, and the rest all chose to surrender!" Han Zhongyan knelt on the ground and faced Lin Nan explained.


Lin Nan waved his hand gently!

"Master, is there anything else I need to give you?" Han Zhongyan asked doubtfully.

Logically speaking, Lin Nan resurrected him and used great efforts to reintegrate the forces in Tianhai City. He should have given other orders, but Lin Nan didn't give any orders?

"Do you know Chu Yao and Chu Qiong?" Lin Nan looked at Han Zhongyan who was kneeling on the ground!

"I know you!" Han Zhongyan replied respectfully.

"It's good to know each other. They are now students at Tianhai Film and Television Academy, and they are also young actors who have just debuted. I don't want them to be treated unfairly in the entertainment industry, and they cannot be bullied in school. Do you understand? ?" Lin Nan said lightly.

Han Zhongyan immediately nodded and said, "Old slave, I understand!"

Today, Han Zhongyan has resumed his identity as the head of the Han family. After the demise of the Han family, although many people in the Han family have long been scattered around the world,

"Master, do you have any other instructions?"

"No, get down!"

Lin Nan said calmly!

Han Zhongyan could only leave with full of doubts. After leaving the coffee shop, Han Zhongyan asked Lin Canghai: "Brother Lin, what is going on? Why did I reintegrate Tianhai after the master resurrected me?" Could it be that all the forces in the city have spent so much effort just for that pair of sisters?"


Lin Canghai smiled softly, stood there, looked at Han Zhongyan, and asked: "Old Han, do you think it was Chu Yao and Chu Qiong who resurrected you?"

"Is there... any other reasons?" Han Zhongyan asked doubtfully.

"Hmph! You idiot, the master just wants to save you! You have been with the master for so long, haven't you noticed? As for Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, with the master's power, with just one word, the whole China, and even the entire Who in the world dares not to give face?" Lin Canghai said angrily.

The doubts in Han Zhongyan's eyes became even more intense!

"I'm just a dead person, why would Master waste so much effort to resurrect me?" Han Zhongyan murmured.

"Haha! Because the master doesn't want you to die, it's that simple!" Lin Canghai smiled proudly!

"Master doesn't want me to die?"

Han Zhongyan opened his mouth and had no idea what Lin Canghai's words meant. He couldn't help but ask: "Brother Lin, what does this mean?"

"That's the literal meaning! You are the master's subordinate, and the master doesn't want you to die, that's all!" Lin Canghai explained, but looking at Han Zhongyan's still confused expression, he shook his head and said:

"Forget it! Forget it! You won't understand even if I explain it to you. You can slowly understand it yourself in the future!"

"I can only say one thing, Tianhai City is a place full of memories for the master. I can see that the master likes it here. Just manage Tianhai City well. Don't wait until the next time the master comes. You Han Zhongyan If you die again, I don’t know if the master will give you another life at that time!”

After saying the last words, Lin Canghai turned and left!

Looking at Lin Canghai's leaving back, he thought about what Lin Canghai just said. What did he mean?

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