Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 963 Who dares to dissent? Let him come to the Han family to find me in person!

After breakfast, Chu Yao and Chu Qiong continued to the studio. During this winter vacation, they received a movie and needed to finish filming!

As for Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, they were shopping, watching movies, and eating various snacks in Tianhai City, just like ordinary young lovers, leaving everything behind!

And at this time.

The film and television base in Tianhai City.

"What? Let's be the heroines?"

Chu Yao looked at the director in disbelief, her beautiful eyes filled with shock and surprise!

She and her sister Chu Yao had just arrived at the studio today. Director Feng Dagang hurried over and said with a smile that there was a movie to be shot that was very suitable for the two of them to participate. He hoped that Chu Yao and Chu Qiong would , can agree to be the heroine!

"is that true?"

Chu Qiong's little head felt dizzy, as if she had been hit by a pie falling from the sky!

"Of course it's true! Are you willing?"

Feng Dagang asked with a smile.


Chu Qiong nodded immediately without any hesitation!


On the contrary, it was Chu Yao, as a sister, with a hint of doubt in her beautiful eyes. She had just offended Sun Zi Rui not long ago, and she was afraid that Sun Zi Rui was deliberately trying to harm the two sisters!

Little did he know that starting from last night, the entire Tianhai City had been reshuffled, and the Sun Group collapsed overnight and completely collapsed!

"What's wrong?" the director asked strangely.

Chu Yao looked at Feng Dagang and asked doubtfully: "Director Feng, we are just two young actors, still studying. How can we make any movies now, and our acting skills are not very good. A supporting role is enough." Do you think it’s okay to play the heroine?”

Hearing what Chu Yao said, Feng Dagang laughed!

"I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I have prepared the contract. You should check for yourselves first to see if there are any problems with the contract!"

While Feng Dagang was speaking, he stretched out a hand to wave. Immediately, a staff member handed over the drafted contract. Chu Yao and Chu Qiong took the contract and checked it carefully. Once again, no problems were found!


Chu Yao and Chu Qiong made a surprised sound at the same time!

They read the contract inside and out, and found no hidden conditions. Every clause was in order, and it was very beneficial to both of them!

More importantly, the contract states that at any time and under any circumstances, the two of them can unconditionally terminate the contract and no longer participate in the filming of the movie!

"How is this going……"

Even the top domestic superstars can't get this kind of conditions, right?

Otherwise, what if the filming of the movie is average and the actors suddenly stop acting?

"To tell you the truth, someone is supporting you behind your back. As for who it is, I can't say who it is. You two have met a noble person! If I had told you that you have such a deep background, how dare I let you two play supporting roles!" Feng Dagang glanced at the two of them reproachfully!

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were stunned. What background could they have?


Suddenly, Chu Qiong's eyes lit up and she exclaimed: "Is it the boss and Sister Ruqing?"

"It must be them. Besides them, who else would be so kind to us!" Chu Yao also nodded, feeling relieved!

After the two thought about this clearly, they signed the contract without hesitation. Feng Dagang then asked someone to take the two of them to audition, and at the same time handed the script of the new movie to them!

After doing all this, Feng Dagang hurried back to the lounge and pushed the door open!

I saw.

An old man was sitting in the lounge, followed by a group of bodyguards. Every bodyguard had a reserved look and sharp eyes. He didn't look like an ordinary person!

As soon as Feng Da just entered the lounge, he was stared at by these people, and a great pressure surged in his heart!

"Is everything done?" the old man asked calmly.

"Mr. Han, it's all done!"

Feng Dagang nodded lightly, bowed respectfully, and stooped slightly!

The old man sitting there was none other than Han Zhongyan. After he left the coffee shop, he immediately prepared everything and came to the set. Lin Nan's order did not dare to delay for a moment!

"But Mr. Han, I'm very surprised! Although these two girls have good talents, are they not qualified to play heroines?" Feng Dagang asked strangely.

"There are many domestic beauties with better qualifications than these two sisters. There are also a lot of them. Spending a lot of money to support them will probably outweigh the gains. Maybe you will lose money at first!"

"What you do is completely wasting your money!"

Feng Dagang said.

Han Zhongyan's face darkened and he sneered: "I can support whoever I want to support and make a movie? It's only two to three billion. Plus all kinds of promotions and post-production special effects, the cost of a movie is just over the sky." Five billion, with the assets of my Han family, what if I spend five billion every year to make ten movies for them?"

"five billion!"

Feng Dagang's eyes widened in shock. Is this because he has too much money and nowhere to spend it?

If the movie is not done well, the five billion will be almost wasted!

Feng Dagang even doubted whether Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were Han Zhongyan's illegitimate daughters. Otherwise, why would you be so willing to spend so much money?

Although five billion is not a lot for the Han family's assets, the Han family's money does not come from strong winds. They spend five billion every year just to make two young actors famous? Feng Dagang thinks Han Zhongyan is either crazy or stupid!

"Don't say 5 billion, even 50 billion! I can still get it!"

Han Zhongyan chuckled, his eyes firm!

He became more and more convinced that there was nothing wrong with following Lin Nan!

Even though he was already dead, Lin Nan was able to save his soul from the underworld and shape his body with just a raise of his hand. This was simply the method of the gods!

As for money, it is something external to the body. All Han Zhongyan has to do is to complete the tasks ordered by Lin Nan, that's all!

"If there are any good scripts in the future that are suitable for those two girls, I will select them for them as soon as possible! At the same time, if anyone in the entertainment industry dares to gossip or target these two girls, I will directly ban them!"

"Listen carefully, no matter who it is, block it on the spot, I said so! If anyone dares to disobey, let him come to the Han family to find me in person!"

Han Zhongyan said proudly.

After saying the last sentence, Han Zhongyan stood up without even looking at Feng Dagang, followed closely by a group of bodyguards, and walked out of the set!

Feng Dagang froze on the spot, opened his mouth, looked at the direction Han Zhongyan left, and then couldn't help but laugh bitterly!

"As Mr. Han, looking at the whole of China, who would dare to go against you? Moreover, for the entertainment industry, being an enemy of your Han family is not asking for trouble?"

"I don't know where these two girls got the luck that Mr. Han personally guaranteed them?"

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