Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 964 Humph! You don’t understand women at all!

While these things were happening in the film and television city, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing on the other side were shopping in several major pedestrian streets in Tianhai City!

I bought a lot of all kinds of cosmetics, no matter what good-looking or fun things they are, I got them all!

While Lin Nan was paying the bill, he couldn't help but complain:

"Why do you need cosmetics?"

For a monk, his body is nourished by spiritual energy every day, and his skin is as tender as a newborn baby, so there is no need for cosmetics at all!

And Liu Ruqing's body has been transformed by Lin Nan. She doesn't need these cosmetics at all!

"Hmph! You don't understand women at all! Who told you that when I buy cosmetics, I need skin care?"

Liu Ruqing snorted, pouted, and looked at Lin Nan angrily!

After saying this, he turned around and left without giving Lin Nan a chance to explain. Lin Nan smiled softly and followed immediately. He just liked Liu Ruqing's petty behavior. Who else would dare to do so except her? To show the face of the Emperor of Heaven?

"Okay, honey, don't be angry. Have you seen that store? Let's go in and have a look?" Lin Nan followed.


Liu Ruqing followed the direction pointed by Lin Nan, her eyes lit up, and she nodded: "Okay, in that case, I forgive you. That coat in the window is nice, I like it very much!"

Although Liu Ruqing had a bad temper, she was not unreasonable and unforgiving. Lin Nan came up to coax her and immediately gave Lin Nan face!

"Okay, let's go buy it now!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly, took Liu Ruqing's hand, and walked towards the specialty store ahead!

"Hello, welcome to the Chanel store!"

The store clerk who was standing at the door to welcome guests saw Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing and immediately stepped forward to say hello!

Although Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were dressed simply, the aura in their movements was not something that ordinary people could possess. It was obvious at a glance that they were from either rich or noble backgrounds!

"I want that coat in the window!"

Lin Nan said lightly.

"That coat in the window? Really sir!"

The female shop assistants suddenly became excited and looked at Lin Nan with fiery eyes, as if they had discovered a treasure!

That coat is the treasure of their Chanel store. It was flown to Tianhai City from Paris on a chartered flight last week. It is worth three million US dollars. It was designed by Karl Lagerfeld himself. There is only one in the world!

Karl Lagerfeld is the current chief designer of two major clothing brands, Chanel and Fendi. He is known as ‘Lafayette’ and ‘Karl the Great’ in the fashion industry. His daring to claim the title of emperor in the clothing industry is enough to show his noble status!

"Yes, wrap it up!"

Lin Nan nodded lightly!

The arrival of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing directly alerted the person in charge of the store, who hurriedly ran out of the lounge at the back!

This is a white man, who looks to be in his thirties, and is the person in charge from Europe. He smiled and said:

"Sir, this dress is worth three million U.S. dollars! If you want to buy it, the various duties and handling fees added up, converted into RMB, is 21 million U.S. dollars!"

"Because the clothes are relatively expensive, we don't take them out of the display window casually. We won't take them out unless you pay for them! Did you pay by credit card?"

The white man asked respectfully.

“Swipe your card!”

Lin Nan nodded lightly, took out a bank card and handed it to the person in charge of Chanel!


The white person in charge took Lin Nan's bank card, successfully paid on the computer, and then returned the bank card to Lin Nan!

"Wrap this dress for your distinguished guest! Sir, please go over there and rest first. We have prepared sweet and delicious coffee for you. When everything is settled, we will personally deliver the dress to your house. !”

The white person in charge smiled.


Lin Nan nodded slightly, and he and Liu Ruqing sat in the rest area far away!

A waitress immediately took action and used a combination lock to open the display case window made of bulletproof glass!

at the same time.

Another group of people walked in at the door of this Chanel store. The leader was a young woman, followed by a blond and blue-eyed white man, with a faint aristocratic air between his eyebrows!

"Finally arrived, Charles! I must get Lafayette's clothes today!"

The woman said excitedly as she stepped into the door of Chanel!

She had taken a fancy to that unique piece of clothing during Paris Fashion Week. She wanted it at the time, but unfortunately she couldn't buy it and it would only be sold after the exhibition!

The last stop of the exhibition was in Tianhai City in China. For this dress, this woman even chased her from Europe to Tianhai City!

"Haha, don't worry, Joan, this dress must be yours!"

The blond white man beside her smiled softly.

His name is Charles Williams, and his father is a prince of a certain European country. He has royal aristocratic status, and his blood is pure and noble. The woman who speaks is named Li Qiong, and she is half Chinese and half European!

While the two of them were talking, Chanel's waiter had already opened the display window and took out the coat that Li Qiong was interested in!

Seeing this scene, Li Qiong was shocked and shouted in English: "Wait, what are you going to do?"

"Ma'am, I'm the person in charge of this store. Do you have any questions?"

The person in charge of Chanel also discovered Li Qiong and Charles Williams. He couldn't help but feel moved and hurriedly stepped forward!

"What's going on? Are you going to take away this dress designed by Lafayette?" Li Qiong asked.

"No, this dress has already been bought by that customer and given to his female companion!"

The person in charge of Chanel explained with a smile, gently pointing to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing in the distance!


Li Qiong's pretty face suddenly changed color!

Charles Williams also frowned, looked in the direction of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, and said with some contempt: "There are still rich people in China who can afford such luxury goods?"

"Charles, you said you must buy this dress for me, and now it belongs to someone else! You know, I am a fan of Lafayette, I can't live without this dress, please Charles!" Li Qiong used yelled the English monster.

"Don't worry, Joan! I will definitely get what you like for you. I will go over and negotiate with them now!"

The comfort of Charles Williams' smile!

Although Li Qiong is Chinese, he was born in the Li family of Hong Kong Island. His father even married the daughter of a European prince, so Li Qiong also has aristocratic status!

Compared with Charles Williams, Li Qiong's status is not enough, but the Li family's assets in Hong Kong are in the trillions. If Li Qiong can be married home, it will also be of great benefit to Charles Williams. , also has a higher bargaining chip and can inherit his father's title!

"Okay, I believe you!"

Li Qiong nodded. After getting Chengruo, she felt a little relieved!

"wait for me!"

Charles Williams smiled faintly and walked confidently in the direction of Lin Nan!

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