Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 965 I said, let you go!

"Hello, sir!"

Charles Williams walked up to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, stood there proudly, and greeted them in English condescendingly!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing ignored him!

Charles Williams frowned, then smiled playfully, and said in pure Chinese: "Sorry, you may not understand English. In that case, I will use your language!"

How could Lin Nan not understand English?

As long as he is willing, he can instantly master the languages ​​of all races in the universe!

As for Liu Ruqing, she was originally a top student in the finance department and had no problem with her English!

It was just Charles Williams’ attitude just now that made the two of them not want to talk to him!

"What's the matter with you?"

Liu Ruqing sat there, picked up the coffee and took a sip before asking slowly.

Seeing Liu Ruqing's arrogant attitude, Charles Williams frowned and said:

"It's like this. A friend of mine has taken a fancy to the coat you just bought. Since you have already bought it, I want to buy it back from you!"

"This is a gift from Lin Nan, I won't sell it!" Liu Ruqing decisively refused.

Putting aside, she also liked that coat very much. Even if she didn't like it, it was a gift Lin Nan was going to give her. How could she resell it?

"Madam, according to the common saying of you Chinese people, don't talk too much! I just asked you, you spent 21 million yuan to buy this dress, I can give you 30 million yuan, as long as you Are you willing to resell this dress to me! I will transfer the money immediately!" Charles Williams said confidently.

As soon as he changed hands, he made the other party earn 9 million yuan. He didn't believe it. Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing could not let go!

"You've said you won't sell me, so you'd better leave!" Liu Ruqing waved her hand.

"are you sure?"

Charles Williams frowned and said, "Madam, I can add another ten million yuan. If you are willing, I can give you 40 million yuan! This is almost doubled!"

"Oh, I won't sell it!"

Liu Ruqing was a little helpless.

Charles Williams was unyielding and said: "Madam, my name is Charles Williams. I have royal blood in my body. How about giving me a face? My friend likes this dress very much. If you can make it Sell ​​it to me and I’ll make you two friends!”

"In the future, as long as you go to Europe and say you are my friends, some places will be much more convenient!"

There was a hint of arrogance in Charles Williams' tone!

It seems that the status of royal nobles is so unattainable to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

"You're very annoying. You've already said you won't sell it, and you're still struggling here. You're not a gentleman at all!"

Liu Ruqing pursed her lips, feeling a little impatient!

"Honey, why are you talking nonsense to this kind of person? The more you talk, the less likely he will leave. Look at me!" Lin Nan smiled lightly.

"Huh? What are you going to tell him?"

Liu Ruqing was stunned and looked at Lin Nan doubtfully!

Lin Nan looked at Charles Williams calmly and said one word: "Get out!"

"What did you say?"

The handsome face of Charles Williams suddenly froze and glared at Lin Nan!

"I told you to get out!"

Lin Nan's eyes when looking at Charles Williams were still calm!


Charles Williams' handsome face was directly distorted, and a burst of anger burst out from his eyes. He took a deep look at Lin Nan and walked away!

"You see, this kind of person who feels good about himself can solve things with just one word, why are you talking so much nonsense to him!" Lin Nan laughed.

"I just told him to get lost, that would be unladylike!"

Liu Ruqing's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and she looked at Lin Nan slyly!

"You act like a lady, and you have to let me do the rude things!"

Lin Nan smiled fondly, stretched out a hand, and gently scratched Liu Ruqing's nose!

Charles Williams walked back, his face gloomy and terrifying!

"What's wrong Charles?"

Li Qiong looked at Charles Williams's face and had a bad feeling!

"They didn't want to sell it, and they told me to get out!"

Charles Williams had a gloomy face and his tone was cold, full of endless chill!

"What? Tell you to get out?"

Li Qiong was also stunned for a moment, then sneered and said: "I didn't expect that among the Chinese, there are still such confident people? Doesn't he know that you are of royal and noble blood? As long as you show your identity, those two people still can't Fawn over you right away?”

His tone was full of disdain and disgust, and she seemed to have forgotten that she also had half of the Chinese blood in her body!

"I already said that!"

The corners of Charles Williams' eyes twitched slightly. This was the first time he revealed his identity, and the other party was so disdainful!

In other places, even if he is a rich man worth hundreds of billions, who would not come to fawn over him when they hear that he has royal and aristocratic blood?

"I'll go take a look! My Li family is in China, so I still have some respect!"

Li Qiong sneered, looked in the direction of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing with a heavy gaze, and strode over!

"Were you two the ones who told Charles to get out?"

Li Qiong asked in a deep voice.

Her voice was full of coldness and questioning!

"Who are you?" Liu Ruqing frowned.

"Haha! Who am I? My name is Li Qiong, from the Li family in Hong Kong Island!" Li Qiong said proudly.

The Li family of Hong Kong Island, which affects the entire Hong Kong Island, has made its fortune in the real estate industry and has assets worth trillions. Not only in China, but also in the Chinese circles around the world, it is famous. No matter which Chinese you are, after hearing about the Li family of Hong Kong Island, After the name of the family, don’t you immediately become respectful?

"Do you know who that man was just now? His name is Charles Williams. He has the blood of a European royal family. His father is a prince and he has noble blood. What qualifications do you have to let him go?"

"I think you are mistaken? What about the nobles? This is China, not Europe!"

Liu Ruqing felt a little speechless. When did European aristocracy become useful in China?

"Oh? Li family? Who are you, Li Jinrong?" Lin Nan asked with some interest.

"Li Jinrong is my grandfather. Do you know that even the elders in your family have to call my grandfather Li when they meet him, but you actually call my grandfather by his first name?"

Li Qiong said in a deep voice, her pretty face full of coldness!

Li Jinrong is the richest man in China. Which Chinese would not respectfully call him "Mr. Li" when meeting him? Even the giants of the underground world would give Li Jinrong some slack. The young man in front of her actually called her grandfather by his first name!

"It's interesting, but I don't know. If I call Li Jinrong Mr. Li, will he dare to agree?"

Lin Nan laughed and looked at Li Qiong with interest!

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