Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 971 Charles, I want him to die!

At this moment, Lin Canghai's scolding pulled everyone present out of shock!

"My master asked you to apologize to Chu Yao and Chu Qiong. What are you waiting for?"

Lin Canghai stood there, looking down at Li Qiong, his eyes full of murderous intent. If Li Qiong was still like this, Lin Canghai would kill him directly!

Li Qiong trembled all over, lowered his head in fear, and said in a trembling voice:

"Yes...I'm sorry...Chu Yao, Chu Qiong, I know I was wrong..."

"Ah...it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, who were standing aside, were flattered and waved their hands quickly!

"And you?"

Lin Canghai looked at Ni Yunzhi!

How could Ni Yunzhi be as courageous as Li Qiong? Under the look in Lin Canghai's eyes, he was so frightened that he fell to the ground, a puddle of water gushed out from under his body, and he trembled:

"I know it's wrong! I know it's wrong!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Canghai nodded slightly, released the pressure on Li Qiong, returned to Lin Nan's side, and reported: "Master, they apologized!"


Lin Nan replied calmly, only these three words!

From beginning to end, he didn't even look back. He and Liu Ruqing continued to stand beside the deck, looking at the night scene in the distance!

"This is too calm!"

"My own servant, who beats a direct lineage of the Li family, is still so calm?"

"What is this young man's background? Does he have a deep background? Otherwise, who in the entire Chinese circle would dare not give face to the Li family?"

The people watching behind him looked at Lin Nan's back and couldn't help but secretly admire him!

"It's all gone! My master doesn't like to be disturbed!"

Lin Canghai frowned when he saw the people around him talking, and stood at the front of the crowd!


After seeing Lin Canghai's terrifying strength, everyone present dispersed in a hurry!

On the left side of the entire deck, only Lin Nan and a few other people were standing there, and it suddenly became extremely clean!

After Charles Williams and Li Qiong left the deck, they returned to their room, their faces gloomy and terrifying!

"Charles, I want him dead!"

Li Qiong's body was shaking slightly because of his anger!

In front of so many people, she actually knelt down and apologized to two little girls? If this matter spreads, how can she gain a foothold in the circle in the future? He will be the laughing stock of everyone!

"Don't worry, this is still within China. We can't do anything. The cruise ship will enter the high seas later! We won't be able to help them!"

A cold murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Charles Williams!

The words fell to the ground!

Charles Williams took out his cell phone and made a call!

"Hey! Is it Kudo?"

"Charles? What's wrong?"

On the other end of the phone, Kudo Hideyoshi's voice came!

"I'm in a little trouble!"

Charles Williams described what happened on the ship in a slightly embellished way!

He did not beat himself up, but his girlfriend Li Qiong knelt down and apologized. She just said that she had met an enemy, who was a warrior, and hoped to borrow some powerful men from Kudo Hideyoshi. , wait for the cruise ship to leave the high seas, immediately obliterate the other party, and take revenge!

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Kudo Hideyoshi felt a little surprised!

"Yes, Kudo, do you have any powerful people in the underground world over there? Whether it's a master on the God List or a super giant who can't hide, as long as they are willing to take action, I am willing to spend any amount of money!" Charles Williams said in a deep voice.

His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and murderous intent surged violently!

"I have a lot of people here, but money is not necessary! This is my excuse for you. When the cruise ship reaches the high seas, I will take the people on the cruise ship. As you know, my status is very important and I cannot enter China, so I Waiting at sea!"

Kudo Hideyoshi chuckled.

"Okay! In about two hours, the cruise ship will enter the high seas! By then, these people will die!"

Charles Williams grinned, and a look of terrifying madness appeared on his handsome face!

The other side.

A private plane flying from Hong Kong Island to Tianhai City suddenly changed its route and flew towards the sea!

This private transfer plane is extremely luxurious and has the right to dock at any airport around the world. It does not even require any entry or exit inspections!

The owner of this plane is none other than Li Jinrong, the old man of the Li family in Hong Kong!


Li Jinrong was sitting in the cabin, with many business documents placed on the table in front of him. Even after receiving the news of Lin Nan's appearance, Li Jinrong came to meet Lin Nan!

Li Jinrong did not put down the work at hand!

Back then, after Lin Nan returned all Li Jinrong's memories before he restarted the era in Hong Kong Island, Li Jinrong made many big moves!

What is about to happen in the future, the direction of the financial world, and the policies of various countries, almost appear in Li Jinrong's mind like a movie!

After just one and a half years of operation, the assets of the Li family in Hong Kong have increased several times!

In the entire Chinese circle, no one can shake Li Jinrong's status!

Although the Li family is known as the third largest family in China, ranking behind the Ye family of Yanjing and the Liu family of Jiangnan, in terms of family heritage and assets, the Ye family and the Liu family cannot compare with the Li family of Hong Kong!

Of course, this is the Ye Group, excluding Lin Nan!

"Sir, the Black Warrior that Mr. Lin is riding on has already left the port. It is estimated to be about a hundred nautical miles away from the high seas. It will enter the high seas in an hour and a half at most!"

A servant came up and reported respectfully!

"Yeah! I know!"

Li Jinrong sat upright and nodded slightly!

With two lifetimes of memories, he carries a great majesty in every move he makes!

"Master, why do you have to come to see Mr. Lin now? Isn't it too late today? Even if you want to see him, it's not too late to come see Mr. Lin tomorrow!" the servant asked doubtfully.

Just this afternoon, Li Jinrong learned that after Lin Nan came back, he immediately put down his work and took a connecting flight to meet Lin Nan!

However, when Li Jinrong learned that Lin Nan had left Tianhai City on the Japanese cruise ship Black Warrior and was preparing to head to the high seas, he immediately ordered the plane to change its course and fly towards the high seas!

"Hmph! What do you know? Mr. Lin's whereabouts are erratic. Who can guarantee that he will stay in Tianhai City?"

Li Jinrong snorted coldly!

He is one of the few people who knows Lin Nan's true identity!

"If I don't go tonight, and Mr. Lin leaves tomorrow and loses his whereabouts again, wouldn't I regret it? I will definitely see Mr. Lin tonight!"

Seeing Li Jinrong's certainty, the servant did not dare to say anything more. He could only stand aside respectfully, waiting for Li Jinrong's instructions!

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