Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 972 I only need one knife to kill him!

After it's over.

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were very worried and secretly pulled Lin Canghai aside!

"Uncle Lin, is there really no problem? That girl just now is from the Li family in Hong Kong. After you beat her, will there be any trouble if the Li family gets angry?" Chu Yao asked worriedly road.

After they were taken to Tianhai City by Lin Canghai, they went to high school in the city and then went to college. During this time, they had been working in the coffee shop!

We know too little about Lin Nan, and we don’t know Lin Nan’s identity and origins at all!

Although the status of the two in the entertainment industry has improved in the past two days, and they have also won many movie contracts, there are some speculations about Lin Nan's identity!


The person Lin Nan offended today was the Li family in Hong Kong. They were very famous in the entire Chinese circle. Chu Yao and Chu Qiong couldn't help but worry!

"Ha ha!"

Lin Canghai smiled, shook his head and said: "You two silly girls, you are still worried about this. Don't worry, no one in the whole world is my master's opponent, let alone the Li family in Hong Kong Island!"

"Let me reveal a little secret to you, the Li family of Hong Kong Island! Haha, he is the master's domestic slave. As for the old man of the Li family, I can say bluntly that his status in front of the master is lower than mine!" Lin Canghai proudly said Said, the words are shocking!


"The Li family of Hong Kong Island are the boss's slaves?"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were so surprised that they opened their mouths so wide that they could fit a whole egg in. At the same time, their eyes widened, making them look very cute!

There were huge waves in the hearts of the two of them, and they couldn't calm down at all!

If Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were not very familiar with Lin Canghai, they would unceremoniously think that Lin Canghai was bragging!


Lin Canghai nodded slightly!

"So, that Li Qiong just now, logically speaking, is also the master's domestic slave! She is just a slave, how dare she treat her master like this? Even if the master kills her directly, Li Jinrong would not dare to have any thoughts, and may even be afraid! "

"If it had been before, the master would have taken action and killed this woman!"

Lin Canghai spoke slowly, then changed his words:

"But now, since the master has a child, his murderous intention is no longer so serious. Many times, he does not choose to kill!"

Lin Canghai still remembers that in the past, Lin Nan killed people at every turn, even killing a whole family without blinking an eye!

Today, Lin Nan is no longer so murderous, and his thoughts are obviously all about Liu Ruqing and Lin Momo!

On the other side, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were still standing on the side of the ship, watching Tianhai City gradually disappearing at the end!

Liu Ruqing stood there, and Lin Nan stood behind her. Taking advantage of her height advantage, she hugged Liu Ruqing's waist from behind and said softly:

"It's windy on the deck, let's go in first!"

Now, it is winter in the northern hemisphere, and the winds on the sea in winter are so strong that ordinary people cannot stand for long!

"I'm a monk now. The cold is nothing to me. I'm not afraid of the cold!" Liu Ruqing wrinkled her nose!

"You are not afraid of the cold, but I don't want you to feel the cold. The cabin is warmer, so let's go inside the cabin first!" Lin Nan said with a smile.

Liu Ruqing felt warm in her heart. Her man was the most powerful person in the universe, and he was also so gentle and considerate. It was really rare!

Moreover, Lin Nan had always treated her the same way from the beginning. There was no sign of a change of heart because of Lin Momo's birth or as time went by. Instead, he doted on her more and more!

"All right!"

Liu Ruqing nodded obediently, turned around with Lin Nan, and walked towards the interior of the cabin!

Upon seeing this, Lin Canghai stopped talking with Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, followed Lin Nan and walked into the cabin!

The entire cabin of the Black Warrior is built like a huge five-star hotel, and the entire party scene has been decorated!

This party has been arranged for a long time. It was originally an exchange meeting between the entertainment circles and the rich circles between China and Japan. Many rich people from Japan have already appeared. It is impossible to suspend the schedule because of Li Qiong's matter!

Some directors and stars in the Chinese circle, and wealthy people and directors in the Japanese circle, were originally talking. When they suddenly saw Lin Nan and others, they walked into the venue and suddenly became quiet!

"Hmph! If you offend Rose, let's see how you continue to hang out in the circle!"

At this moment, Ni Yunzhi had already changed into an evening dress and was standing in the distance with a group of people, sneering!

Although she was frightened to death by Lin Canghai, the resentment in her heart became more and more intense!

"I'm afraid it's not just that I can't survive! According to reliable information, the white young man who was beaten just now is named Charles Williams. He is a European nobleman and his father is a prince!" A person from The rich man from Hong Kong Island whispered.

"What? A prince?"

Everyone around was stunned, and their expressions changed again!

"You people in China seem to like to engage in internal strife! The Li family is the most powerful private family in China, and Li Jinrong of the Li family is famous in the entire East Asian circle. He is almost as famous as the president of our Japanese super consortium. Comparable!"

"A direct descendant of such a family would be slapped in public and even kneel down to apologize!"

A wealthy Japanese man couldn't help but laugh!

"It would be impossible for this kind of thing to happen in our country!"

"In the Japanese country, the heirs of those big groups have personal bodyguards. They are killed before anyone takes action. This kind of thing will never happen!"

While everyone was talking, Kudo Hideyoshi and others had already boarded the Black Warrior and saw Li Qiong and Charles Williams in the presidential suite in the central area!

Kudo Hideyoshi looks very young, average-looking, only 27 or 28 years old!

Behind him, followed a large group of people, all wearing uniform black suits, like well-trained agents, surrounding Kudo Hideyoshi in the center!

There was only one person, with half-squinted eyes, dressed like a Japanese ronin, holding a samurai sword in his arms, with disheveled hair, as if he had not woken up!

"Kudo, you are finally here!"

The moment Charles Williams saw Kudo Hideyoshi, he greeted him with a smile, his face full of joy!

"Let me introduce to you, this is my girlfriend Li Qiong, from the Li family in Hong Kong Island!"

Charles Williams pulled Li Qiong behind him and introduced him at the same time.

"Oh? Hong Kong Island Li Family!"

Kudo Hideyoshi's face condensed, and after taking a deep look at Li Qiong, he stretched out a hand and said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Kudo Hideyoshi!"


Li Qiong also smiled lightly and shook hands with Kudo Hideyoshi politely!

"Okay, I will let you get to know each other well later. Kudo, who did you bring? I can tell you that the other party is a powerful warrior. How confident are you that your men can deal with him? "Charles Williams looked at Kudo Hideyoshi expectantly!

Kudo Hideyoshi smiled lightly and said: "Onizuka! Tell him your record!"


Behind Kudo Hideyoshi, the Japanese Ronin Onizuka stepped forward with a cold light in his eyes and said:

"I have killed countless people in my life, including thirty-nine masters! Seven ace killers in the underground world! Eleven powerful men in the divine realm! Three half-step earth immortals and one earth immortal! Among them, Chinese warriors accounted for more than half!"

Onizuka grinned, and the katana in his arms trembled slightly, and the katana was immediately unsheathed three inches!

"My sword is called Tulong! Aren't the people of China known as the descendants of the dragon? This sword is specially designed to kill them!"

A flash of blood flashed!

Charles Williams and Li Qiong only felt the sound of howling ghosts and foxes coming from their ears. Their eyes blurred, and endless ghost shadows suddenly appeared, like evil spirits wailing!


Charles Williams and Li Qiong were so frightened that their whole bodies trembled and their legs became a little weak!

"Onitsuka! They are my friends!"

Kudo Hideyoshi scolded.

"Master, forgive me!"

Onizuka smiled faintly, put the katana back into its scabbard, and said proudly: "Don't worry, your enemy, I only need one blow to kill him!"

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