Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 973 I’ll give you three seconds, get out!

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Charles Williams' eyes lit up, and while his eyes were filled with ecstasy, a flash of fierce resentment flashed across his eyes!

"Haha! Maybe I can kill him without taking my sword out of its sheath! I slaughter the people of China just like I slaughter pigs and dogs!"

Onizuka chuckled, his face full of disdain and pride!

Li Qiong couldn't help but frown!

Although she only has half Chinese blood in her body, and she has already taken European nationality, she is no longer a Chinese!

However, hearing Onizuka say such words, she still felt a little uncomfortable!

Compared to Lin Nan, Li Qiong had a lot of hatred in her heart and hoped that Lin Nan would die immediately!

But compared with Onizuka, this Japanese Ronin seems to be even more annoying!

"Madam, do you have a problem with me?"

Onizuka seemed to feel the coldness in Li Qiong's heart and looked at her with a half-smile!

"I also have half of the Chinese blood in my body. If you say such things, won't you scold me too?" Li Qiong said displeased.

"Okay Onizuka, this is my guest, and he is a direct descendant of the Li family in Hong Kong. You made a mistake, apologize immediately!"

Seeing this, Kudo Hideyoshi glanced at Onizuka suddenly!

Onizuka's expression immediately became respectful, and he bowed slightly to Kudo Hideyoshi!

"Master, my subordinate did something wrong, please forgive me!"

"Apologise to Ms. Li!"

Kudo Hideyoshi ordered calmly!

Onizuka's face showed reluctance, but he did not dare to refute. Although his strength was high, he was only considered a strong one among the entire Kudo family, and was not as good as those ghosts and gods worshiped in private!

"Madam, I apologize to you!"

Although Onizuka was apologizing, there was still a hint of disdain in the corner of his mouth!

"What's your attitude?"

Li Qiong raised his eyebrows!

Seeing this, Charles Williams quickly stopped Li Qiong and whispered: "Qiong! Forget it, we still need his help!"

While comforting Li Qiong, Charles Williams smiled at Onizuka and said, "This matter is just a misunderstanding. Please don't hurt your friendship. Let's just get over it. Don't mention it again!"

Onizuka smiled softly, a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes, and he did not continue to speak. He just glanced at Li Qiong's body with the corner of his eyes, and at the same time licked his lips obscenely!

"Master, this woman is good. I want her tonight! Let her know how powerful I am!"

Onizuka communicated in the secret language specially used by the Kudo family.

Kudo Hideyoshi smiled on the surface without showing the slightest fluctuation, and replied in secret: "Onizuka, don't mess around. This woman is a direct descendant of the Li family in Hong Kong. If something happens to her, what will happen to our Kudo family?" It’s also a trouble!”

"After all, the international status of the Li family has improved so much in the past year and a half that it is almost comparable to those of the current conglomerates!"

"My father has told me many times not to have any disputes with the Chinese consortium for the time being!"

"Don't worry, young master, I have a magical power that can make her feel that she just had a dream and nothing will be abnormal. Once she wakes up from the dream, she will not remember anything!" Onizuka said with a grin.

"In that case, it's up to you!"

Kudo Hideyoshi still has a faint smile on his face!

Li Qiong didn't know what the two said, but she felt sick because Onizuka's eyes kept wandering over her body!

"Kudo, what are you talking about?"

Charles Williams asked strangely.

Although Kudo Hideyoshi and Onizuka also spoke Japanese, they were not official Japanese, but secret words with codes and special text meanings added, which even real Japanese people could not understand!

Although Charles Williams knew some Japanese, he had no idea what the two of them said!

"Nothing, I'm explaining to Onizuka how to kill your enemy!" Kudo Hideyoshi said with a smile.

As soon as he heard this, Charles Williams suddenly became energetic and said in a conspiratorial tone:

"I don't want them to die so quickly. I want them to be thrown into the sea, then chased by sharks, and finally look at their own flesh and blood being eaten bit by bit by sharks!"


Kudo Hideyoshi nodded slightly and ordered: "Onitsuka, go and bring them back and destroy them. Don't kill anyone yet!"

"Master, follow your orders!"

Onizuka bowed to Kudo Hideyoshi, then turned around and left!

"Charles, once Onitsuka takes action, your enemy will be dead. We can just wait here quietly!" Kudo Hideyoshi said with a calm smile.

at this time.

In the cabin outside, the staff were still setting up the party scene. Suddenly, they felt a cold breath pouring into the venue. Everyone felt that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped several degrees!


The lights at the party flickered a few times!

"what happened?"

"Why do you feel cold all of a sudden?"

People raised their heads strangely, feeling that the atmosphere had become weird!

"Ah! What is that?"

A female guest exclaimed and pointed tremblingly at the entrance of the venue!

"It's a person!"

Everyone at the scene looked back and saw a black figure walking slowly. Under the flickering lights, it looked very strange!

When he finally appeared in the venue, everyone discovered that this was a man dressed as a Japanese ronin, and it was Onizuka who had just left Kudo Hideyoshi!

Where Onizuka walked, everyone couldn't help but retreat and make way!

He identified the direction of Lin Nan and others and walked slowly step by step!

"Stop! In front of you is my master's resting place. There are other people waiting, so please don't disturb me!"

Lin Canghai stepped forward, stopped Onizuka directly, and spoke rudely!

Onizuka crossed his arms, holding the katana named 'Dragon Slayer', and ordered:

"It's you who are right! My master wants to see you, so come with me! Old guy, if you know what's going on, just abandon your cultivation. I can make you feel better, otherwise I will do it later. ,hey-hey!"

"Give you three seconds, get out!"

Lin Canghai looked at Onizuka indifferently!

"What did you say?"

Onitsuka's face suddenly turned extremely cold!



"It doesn't take three seconds, I'll kill you right now!"

Onizuka sneered, and the katana in his arms rang softly, just about to be unsheathed!


Lin Canghai gently raised his hand and slapped him away. Onizuka flew backwards, hovering in the air for a while before falling heavily to the ground!

Lin Canghai's slap not only destroyed Onizuka's entire body, but also shattered his meridians and shattered all his bones!

At this moment, Onizuka was like a puddle of mud, lying on the ground like a dead dog!

"You...how is that possible!"

The cold expression on Onizuka's face completely disappeared, replaced by a strong shock and horror, and he looked at Lin Canghai in disbelief!

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