Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 974 Fear! Horrified!

Onizuka's dragon-slaying katana was broken into pieces. This dragon-slaying katana couldn't stop Lin Canghai's slap!

"You...who are you?"

Onizuka asked in horror!

He couldn't believe that there was someone in the world who could directly destroy his cultivation and shatter all the muscles and veins in his body with a slap!

Too strong!

Almost invincible!

What's even more terrifying is that Lin Canghai is just a servant, but he actually has such strength?

"Haha, are you qualified to know who I am?" Lin Canghai sneered, a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes!

"get out!"

After saying this, Lin Canghai didn't even look at Onizuka, he stepped back and stood beside a young couple!

Onizuka looked over subconsciously!

The young couple were talking and laughing. The man's body was slender, like a god descending to earth. The woman's elegance was peerless, but there was a sense of elegance and serenity in her gestures, like Xiaojiabiyu, in the man's arms. under!

When he saw Lin Nan's face, his scalp went numb and he took a breath of fear!

"Hiss! God-killer!"

Onizuka quickly lowered his head in fear, his eyes filled with horror!

"How could it be him! How could it be him?"

Onizuka was trembling all over, his body was like chaff. He never dreamed that Lin Canghai's master was actually the God Killer!

The name God Killer was obtained by Lin Nan after he killed Japanese ghosts and gods!

Moreover, even His Majesty the Emperor knelt down and surrendered to the God-Slayer for the sake of his head!

Almost everyone in the entire Japanese country knows the reputation of the God Killer, but there are only a few people who have seen Lin Nan's true face!

However, Onizuka is one of the few among these few people!

Endless regret arose in Onizuka's heart!

If he was given a chance, he would rather betray the master and kill Kudo Hideyoshi than provoke the God Killer!

Li Qiong, Charles Williams, and Kudo Hideyoshi were in the presidential suite, talking and laughing!

Suddenly, a follower walked in in a panic!

"Master, something serious has happened!"

"What are you so worried about?"

Kudo Hideyoshi frowned, but when he saw the attendant clearly, he asked strangely: "Why did you come back alone? Where is Onizuka?"

"Master... Onizuka-senpai, he..."

This attendant's face was a little pale, and he was hesitating and unable to speak!

Kudo Hideyoshi frowned and said in a deep voice: "If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you hesitating? Say it!"

Following Kudo Hideyoshi's strong shout, the attendant trembled with fright and knelt on the ground!

"Sir, Onizuka-senpai...has been crippled..."


Kudo Hideyoshi stood up from his chair with a groan, extremely surprised!

At the same time, another group of Japanese men hurried in carrying Onizuka and placed him on the ground!

At this moment, Onizuka's whole body was like a puddle of mud. He couldn't even stand at all. He could only lie there, his face pale and his body trembling slightly!

"Onizuka! You! How did you..."

Seeing Onizuka's appearance, Kudo Hideyoshi couldn't calm down at all. He quickly walked over, squatted on the ground, and checked Onizuka's injuries!

Li Qiong and Charles Williams also stood up in surprise, with shocked expressions on their faces!

Not long ago, the terrifying methods Onizuka displayed were almost comparable to the ghosts and gods of Japan!

But, what’s going on with Onizuka now? Why did it become like this?

"Master...I saw...I saw him..."

Onizuka seemed to be possessed by a demon, speaking in horror, his lips trembling!

"Who did you see? What happened?" Kudo Hideyoshi squatted there and asked hurriedly.

"God-slayer! God-slayer! The person I was going to kill just now... was the God-slayer! Before I even touched him, his old servant slapped him to death!"

Onizuka's eyes suddenly widened and he roared like a beast!

Hearing the words 'God Killer', Kudo Hideyoshi stood up in fright, took a dozen steps back, then stumbled and fell to the ground!


Li Qiong's body trembled slightly, and the LV limited edition handbag worth one million yuan in his hand fell to the ground without even realizing it!

'How could it be him! It's really him! How could it be him! ’ Li Qiong’s heart almost stopped beating!

At this moment, she thought of many things, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became!


On the wrist of Charles Williams, the strap of an Italian watch worth millions of dollars exploded!

A watch worth millions of dollars fell to the ground, and Charles Williams had no intention of lowering his head to pick it up!

'my Lord! In the end what happened? I...I swear in the name of the Queen...I absolutely did not...'

The entire presidential suite fell into a dead silence!


These three words shock people as much as the comet hitting the earth, tsunamis and landslides, rivers flowing backwards, and the sea pouring back on people!

I don’t know how long it’s been!

"What did you say? Who is that person..."

Kudo Hideyoshi's voice started to tremble, and his tone sounded unconfident!

This person not only caused endless shock to Li Qiong and Charles Williams, but was also a nightmare to Kudo Hideyoshi!

His brother, Hideaki Kudo, died at the hands of Lin Nan!

The emperor knelt down, the Mitsubishi family was destroyed, everything is vividly visible!

Lin Nan single-handedly entered the Japanese capital of Kyoto and killed the top executives of the Mitsubishi family in front of everyone!

Moreover, not long after, all the direct descendants of the Mitsubishi family were burned with a strange silver flame in one day, and they were all burned alive!

Although no one mentioned this incident after the demise of the Mitsubishi family, everyone knew that it was done by the God Killer Lin Nan!

But no one dared to hold Lin Nan accountable!

In the Japanese country, Lin Nan is the source of fear for everyone!

In the Japanese country, Lin Nan is a taboo!

In the Japanese country, Lin Nan was famous, surpassing all previous emperors!

In the Japanese country, everyone would rather be enemies with the whole world than provoke Lin Nan!

However, fate played a big joke on these three people!


"Hurry over there... go over and apologize and confess... otherwise... we will be dead..."

Kudo Hideyoshi reacted suddenly and turned pale. He rushed out of the presidential suite without hesitation and rushed towards the party where Lin Nan was!

When Li Qiong and Charles Williams saw this, they looked at each other and were so surprised that they were speechless!

"What should I do...Joan...I don't want to die..." Charles Williams was trembling all over!


Li Qiong took a deep breath. For some reason, she calmed down after knowing Lin Nan's identity!

"Let's go! Let's apologize too. Mr. Lin and my Li family have some connections! If I ask for mercy, I won't die!"

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