Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 975 I can ask my grandfather to pay you!

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Charles Williams looked at his girlfriend in surprise, with hope in his eyes!

"let's go!"

Li Qiong did not answer directly, but took steps towards the party venue!

When Li Qiong arrived at the party, Kudo Hideyoshi was already standing in front of Lin Nan, apologizing and admitting his mistake with a look of panic!

"Mr. Lin, I really didn't know it was you. Otherwise, give me ten thousand courages, and I wouldn't dare to let Onizuka come to trouble you!"

Kudo Hideyoshi kept apologizing, his voice trembling slightly!

All the staff present, a group of rich people from the Japanese country, directors from the Chinese entertainment industry, celebrities and actors, etc., were all stunned on the spot, watching all this!

"Who is this person? Why did he appear suddenly? Are you still apologizing?"

Some Chinese directors asked strangely.

"Shut up!"

"Bagayalu! You idiots, what are you talking about? This is the chief heir of the Kudo family, Master Kudo Hideyoshi!"

Some wealthy people from the Japanese country couldn't help but scolded in a low voice!

"Kudo family? Which Kudo family?"

Many people were stunned, with puzzled expressions on their faces!

"Which Kudo family? Haha! Of course it is the Kudo family that replaced the Mitsubishi family and became the largest consortium in the Japanese Empire!"

A rich man from the Japanese country sneered and glanced at the director who spoke!

"What? Kudo family!"

Many people's pupils shrank slightly, revealing a look of shock!

In the past year or so, the Kudo family has taken advantage of its absolute advantage to acquire all the Mitsubishi family's industries. It has received support from many societies, families, and even officials in the Japanese country, and finally became the largest financial group in the Japanese country!

The status of the Kudo family is now equal to that of the Rothschild family, Citigroup, and Morgan. However, it is not known to the world because it has not been around for a long time!

However, some wealthy people in the circle have already heard about it and know all this!


As the chief heir of the Kudo family, Kudo Hideyoshi dared to stand in front of Lin Nan in great fear, trembling slightly, and everyone's eyes dropped in shock!

"Mr. Lin, please spare me!"

Kudo Hideyoshi begged for mercy!

In his heart, he was so frightened that he really felt his guts turn green with regret!

His brother, Kudo Hideaki, offended Lin Nan at a banquet in Kyoto, and was killed by Lin Nan on the spot. Then Lin Nan killed Japanese ghosts and gods one after another, scaring the emperor to kneel down and apologizing, which shocked the entire Japanese country!

If it were anyone else, even the president of a country, Kudo Hideyoshi would not come to apologize. The worst he could do was not go to that country!

However, when it was Lin Nan, Kudo Hideyoshi's first thought was to come and apologize, and he couldn't even think of escaping!

A terrifying figure like Lin Nan ignores any country's defense and directly goes deep into the country to destroy a family. Where can you escape?

"That warrior just now was sent by you?"

Lin Nan sat on the sofa and asked calmly.

Just because he ignored Lin Canghai and took action didn't mean that Lin Nan didn't know that Onizuka had been here before!

"Yes...but Mr. Lin, I didn't know...it was my friend, Charles Williams, who said he had an enemy and wanted to use it as his subordinate, so I asked Onizuka to come over!"

"If...if I knew it was you, I would never dare to do this!"

Kudo Hideyoshi explained in a trembling voice.

He spoke pure Chinese. Although he was not fluent, there was no intention of lying in his tone!

"Destroying one arm is your punishment!" Lin Nan said calmly.

Although his voice was very calm, it was like an imperial order and could not be questioned!

Kudo Hideyoshi was overjoyed when he heard this. Without hesitation, he picked up a chair from the ground and smashed it hard on his left arm!


There was a crisp sound, and one of Kudo Hideyoshi's arms collapsed and twisted at a weird angle!


Seeing this scene, everyone present could not help but take a breath!

There was a hint of surprise and surprise in Lin Nan's eyes!

‘Who is this young man? How could Kudo Hideyoshi break one of his arms with just one sentence? ’

Many people were so surprised that they never expected this to happen!

You must know that if nothing unexpected happens, Kudo Hideyoshi will be the successor of the Kudo family in the future, and he will control wealth comparable to that of a country. With just a word or a move of a finger, it will cause a worldwide financial crisis!

Even the president of a country would attach great importance to such a person!

One of his arms is countless times more precious than an ordinary person's life!

'Wait a minute, Kudo Hideyoshi called him Mr. Lin... Mr. Lin... Is there anyone named Mr. Lin in these years? ’

Some rich people are thinking!

Suddenly, some of the rich men trembled, raised their heads in surprise, eyes flashing, and looked at Lin Nan in disbelief!

‘Mr. Lin from Jiangnan? Could it be him! ’


Kudo Hideyoshi grunted, dragged his severed arm over, endured the severe pain, bowed deeply to Lin Nan, and said: "Mr. Lin, I'm done!"

"It's none of your business!"

Lin Nan nodded lightly!

When Kudo Hideyoshi saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief and stood aside, not daring to make the slightest move!

He knew that a strong man like Lin Nan would never go back on his word once he spoke. He was really fine, he just lost an arm!

Charles Williams and Li Qiong, who were standing in the distance, saw the entire process of Kudo Hideyoshi cutting off his arm. While they were frightened, they had to bite the bullet and step forward!

"Mr. Lin!"

Li Qiong's eyes were extremely complicated. Looking at Lin Nan's face, she never thought that the person in front of her was actually Lin Nan!

"Tell me, if you let people kill me, what kind of punishment should I receive?"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth!


Li Qiong took a long breath, as if he had made a decision, looked at Lin Nan and said seriously: "I can ask my grandfather to compensate you!"

"Yes, yes! I can also compensate you. What kind of money do you like? Pounds? Or US dollars? RMB can also be used. If you don't like it, I can give you jewelry, jade, jade, diamonds, gold? Even antiques are fine. "My father is a fanatical fan of China, and he has collected many Chinese antiques!" Charles Williams also nodded quickly.

He had also heard about Lin Nan's story and knew how powerful Lin Nan's reputation was in the underground world. He didn't dare to be his enemy at all!


Lin Nan smiled, with a hint of ridicule in his tone, and nodded: "Do you know that the entire Li family is my servant, and the entire Li family's assets are mine if I need them, you can Do you want to compensate me?"

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