Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 976 Idiot! Come here, kneel down and apologize to the master!

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Li Qiong couldn't help but frown!

"Mr. Lin, I have heard that you are very powerful. Even some consortiums and families in the underground world and the Japanese country can't do anything to you. But you said that the entire Li family is your servant. The tone of your words is too much. It’s too big!”

"Joan, what are you talking about!"

When Charles Williams heard this, he was so shocked that his whole body trembled with fear!

"Oh? You don't believe it?"

Lin Nan found it interesting!

"Haha! I know, more than a year ago, you went to Hong Kong Island and even scared my grandfather to his knees in public. I know you, but I don't know what you look like!" Li Qiong laughed!

She looked at Lin Nan deeply and continued: "But! Mr. Lin, your reputation is very powerful, but it is only achieved by relying on your strong strength and killing people!"

"My Li family is just a family of merchants after all. How majestic you are! Even the emperor of Japan knelt down before you! My grandfather is just an ordinary businessman. How can he not be afraid of you?"

"But you want to say that our entire Li family is your servant. I don't agree with this statement!"

Speaking of this, Li Qiong shook his head!

The whole place was dead silent!

Everyone looked at Li Qiong in horror, never expecting that she would dare to say such a thing!

You know, in the hearts of everyone, the fear of Lin Nan has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!


"This Li Qiong is right. Mr. Lin has a very strong reputation, rather than a vicious reputation. All the dignity comes from killing! If someone puts a knife on your neck, can you not be convinced?" Some rich people Discussing quietly.

"So, what Mr. Lin just said was just an act!"

"That's true. How is it possible that the entire Li family is his slave? In what age is this, you can still say this! Are you really not afraid of people's jokes?"

Some other wealthy people also whispered.


"You don't want your life?"

Several people nearby turned pale with fear!

"Hmph! What are you afraid of? In this world, morality is all about convincing people. No matter how powerful his force is, it doesn't matter. Even if you kill me, I won't accept it!"

The rich man said proudly, as if he was going to die proudly!

Listening to the discussion of the people around, they all moved closer to Li Qiong. A faint proud smile appeared on the corner of Li Qiong's mouth!

"Hmph! A bunch of idiots! Do you really think anyone can be the master's slave?"

Hearing such words, Lin Canghai couldn't help but sneered!

"You people are just like ants! Being able to be your master's slave is a blessing that your Li family has cultivated over many lifetimes. Is there something wrong with Li Jinrong's brain, or is there something wrong with your Li family's genes?"

"How can there be such a fool as you?"

Lin Canghai shook his head as he spoke!

As the Emperor of Heaven, Lin Nan is the most powerful man in the universe!

Even the Immortal King above Nine Heavens is not qualified to become Lin Nan's slave!

Could it be that the people present are more noble than the Immortal King?

Once Lin Nan opened his mouth, countless people in the immortal world came one after another, hoping to become the slaves of the Emperor of Heaven!

Lin Nan is willing to admit that the entire Li family in Hong Kong are his slaves. For the Li family, it is a great honor. How dare Li Qiong say such a thing?

In Lin Canghai's opinion, this is absolutely stupid behavior!

At this moment, the staff responsible for the cruise ship's external security rushed in in a hurry!

"Master, the head of the Li family in Hong Kong, Li Jinrong, hopes to enter the cruise ship and attend the party!"

This staff member reports!


Everyone present was stunned!

Just now everyone was discussing the Li family in Hong Kong. Why is the old man of the Li family here now? What a coincidence!

"Grandpa? He...why is he here?"

The smile on Li Qiong's face was a little stiff, and a bad premonition welled up in her heart!

Kudo Hideyoshi was also stunned for a moment and asked: "The head of the Li family in Hong Kong Island? What is he doing here?"

"He didn't say it!"

The person who reported the news shook his head!

Kudo Hideyoshi looked towards Lin Nan, with an inquiring look inside, but Lin Nan did not look at him. Kudo Hideyoshi thought for a while, and then said to the person who reported the news: "Let him in!"

When the person who reported the news saw this, he ran out in a hurry!

Not long after, Li Jinrong appeared in the eyes of everyone, accompanied by a group of followers!

After Li Jinrong appeared, he scanned the entire cabin of the huge cruise ship and immediately discovered Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing sitting there!

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Jinrong walked over quickly and fell to his knees in front of everyone!

"Old slave Li Jinrong, see the master!"

"Really kneeling!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was frightened, their eyes widened, and they looked at Li Jinrong in disbelief!

"Is this really the old man of the Li family?"

"It can't be fake, right?"

Everyone felt incredible, except for the actors and a few directors on Hong Kong Island, whose expressions changed again and again!

They have met Li Jinrong, and of course they know what Li Jinrong looks like. There is absolutely no way he can be wrong!

"Grandpa! You...how did you..."

Li Qiong was completely shocked. She stretched out her little hand to cover her mouth. She couldn't believe her eyes!

"Xiaoqiong? Aren't you in Europe? Why are you here?" Li Jinrong turned around and looked at his granddaughter in surprise!


Li Qiong opened his mouth and found that he was speechless!

"It's really the old man of the Li family!"

Seeing Li Qiong's performance, everyone couldn't help but be stunned, and then they believed that this was really the old man of the Li family who had arrived!

"I didn't summon you, what are you doing here?"

Lin Nan looked at Li Jinrong and asked lightly.

Li Jinrong was still kneeling there and explained with a smile: "Master, your whereabouts are unpredictable, and you often don't show up for a year and a half. It's not easy for me to find out that you appeared in Tianhai City today, and I was on my way to see my master, but I had to I know you got on a cruise ship and entered the high seas, so I came all the way here!"

Everyone was stunned!

No one thought that Li Jinrong was actually him who came to see Lin Nan?

Many people's eyes changed again and again, and they all looked towards Li Qiong1

Although Li Qiong was still calm, it was obvious that her lips were trembling and her breathing became rapid!

"But you, my granddaughter, don't seem to know what the situation is like in your Li family. As a slave, you commit crimes and provoke the master. As the head of the Li family, tell me what should be done!" Lin Nan looked at it calmly! Li Jinrong!


Li Jinrong raised his head in horror and looked at Lin Nan with a puzzled expression!

Lin Canghai took a step forward and told in detail what had just happened, the causes and consequences, including what happened in the Chanel clothing store during the day, and what happened on the deck outside not long ago!

Li Jinrong's face changed wildly when he heard this, and his last old face turned completely pale and bloodless!

"Master, I really don't know about this!"

Li Jinrong said, turned back and glared at Li Qiong, and shouted: "Idiot! Get over here, kneel down and apologize to the master!"

Li Qiong's pretty face instantly turned pale, and her limbs were trembling a little!

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