Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 977 Money is really of no use to me, so you might as well die!

"What are you waiting for? Get over here!"

Li Jinrong's eyes were red, and he turned around and roared, like a tiger, which made Li Qiong tremble all over!

Although Li Jinrong's body is old, his burst of energy is no less than that of a mature man!


Li Qiong's pretty face turned pale, and she stood there stiffly, looking at Li Jinrong!

"Who is your grandfather? How dare you do such a thing to the master? Are you going to kill everyone in the Li family? Come here now!" Li Jinrong was shaking with anger.

He ran towards Li Qiong suddenly, stretched out a hand, took Li Qiong's arm, and pulled her to Lin Nan!

"Kneel down!"


Li Jinrong was not polite at all and kicked him over, landing in Li Qiong's knee!


Li Qiong's knees softened and he fell to the ground, his face getting paler!

"Old slave Li Jinrong, along with the criminal Li Qiong, came to confess his crime and ask the master to punish him!"

Li Jinrong also knelt there and said tremblingly to Lin Nan!

In his heart, he was extremely frightened!

Fortunately, I personally came to Tianhai City today, caught up with Lin Nan on the cruise ship, and encountered Li Qiong's matter in advance. Otherwise, when it really happened, I still didn't know what trouble was going to happen!

If Lin Nan is really angry and involves the Li family, it will be too late for Li Jinrong to regret it!

"She is from your Li family, you can do whatever you want!" Lin Nan said lightly.

Li Jinrong's whole body trembled, and he kowtowed quickly: "I obey!"

After saying this, Li Jinrong suddenly turned his head, looked at Li Qiong, and growled: "Now I, Li Jinrong, in the name of the head of the Li family, will kick Li Qiong out of the Li family tree!"

"At the same time, any Li family assets, real estate, deposits, sports cars and other items in Li Qiong's name should be recovered!"

"From today on, Li Qiong will have no connection with the Li family in Hong Kong!"

When Li Jinrong said this, there was no hesitation at all, as if Li Qiong was not her granddaughter at all!


"Don't call me grandpa, Ms. Li Qiong. You have nothing to do with my Hong Kong Li family anymore!"

Li Jinrong snorted, ruthless!

He has memories from before the restart of the era and knows how terrifying Lin Nan is. Mere family ties are not worth mentioning for a business tycoon like Li Jinrong!

With the help of memories before the restart of the era, Li Jinrong increased the assets of the Li family more than ten times, and now it is almost comparable to the world's super consortium!

How could he give up a great opportunity for Li Qiong?

Li Jinrong could give up even his own son, let alone a granddaughter!

After hearing Li Jinrong's words, Li Qiong was extremely desperate, and the last trace of luck in his heart was gone!

From today on, everything about her will be destroyed, and her life will be completely over!

Everything Li Qiong owns was given by the Li family in Hong Kong. Now that Li Jinrong chooses to take it back, Li Qiong will no longer be the aloof princess, but will completely become an ordinary person!

Without the aura of the little princess of the Li family in Hong Kong, Li Qiong's whole person seemed to look a lot bleaker!

"Now, you can go on your way with peace of mind!"

Lin Nan looked at Li Qiong and smiled lightly!

"You still want to kill me?"

Li Qiong raised his head suddenly, his pupils shrank, his eyes were bloodshot, he glared at Lin Nan, and roared with incomparable venom:

"You took everything from me! Isn't that enough? Now you want to kill me?"

"You are too vicious! You are too vicious! Mr. Lin, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!"

Li Qiong looked crazy and yelled on the spot!

Lin Nan's eyes were filled with calmness, and he said calmly: "Li Jinrong expelled you from the Li family because, as my slave, you don't know how to respect your master. This is the first sin!"

"As for the second crime! You and your boyfriend want to find someone to kill me. Do I still want to show mercy?"

There was a hint of ridicule on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth!


Hearing this, Li Qiong's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley!

She bit her lip, almost bleeding. She trembled and lay on the ground, saying in a trembling voice: "Mr. Lin... can you... please don't kill me... I am willing to continue to be your slave. I will do anything." It can be done!”

As Li Qiong spoke, she even raised her head and cast two flirtatious glances at Lin Nan, like a weak kitten!

"Master! I'm still a virgin. You can have me. I can do anything. I can definitely do it better than the woman next to you!"

"Master! The woman next to you has no figure, and her appearance is average. Why do you want her? I promise to serve you better!"

Li Qiong's attitude made a 180-degree turn!


Hearing Li Qiong's words, Li Jinrong was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground!

He knew very well Liu Ruqing's status in Lin Nan's mind, but Li Qiong actually said such a thing in front of everyone!

"You! Shameless!"

Liu Ruqing's eyes widened and she looked at Li Qiong in disbelief, feeling that her outlook on life had been refreshed!

"Lin Canghai, take her to a place where no one is around and deal with her. Killing her will dirty my hands!"

Lin Nan frowned and waved his hands in disgust!

"As you command!"

Lin Canghai also had a gloomy look on his face. He took one step forward and carried Li Qiong directly towards the outside of the cabin!

During the whole process, no matter how Li Qiong shouted, Lin Canghai remained unmoved!

Seeing his girlfriend Li Qiong being taken away by Lin Canghai, Charles Williams forced a smile on his handsome face!

"Mr. Lin, my father is Grand Duke William, and my mother is the Queen's cousin! I now also have the title of hereditary baron. As long as I return to Europe and inherit my father's title, I will be a genuine Grand Duke! "

"It would be of great benefit to you to spare me!"

"When you enter Europe in the future, I can give you the greatest convenience..."

"I can give you ten manors, plus assets worth tens of billions of pounds. I can give you all kinds of antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and curios if you need them!"

Charles Williams kept talking, and the more he talked, the more excited he got!

Charles Williams even felt that Lin Nan was already trying to bypass him. After all, with his identity, even though he sent a killer over to kill Lin Nan, he would not be punished to death!

"But money is really of no use to me, so you might as well die!"

Lin Nan had a faint smile on his face and sighed lightly, as if he was very sorry!


The smile on Charles Williams' face froze. Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran towards the exit of the cruise ship cabin!

But Lin Nan didn't move at all, he just raised his hand gently and gave Charles Williams a light claw in the direction of escape!

I saw a transparent shadow being grabbed out of Charles Williams' body by Lin Nan!

This transparent shadow looks exactly like Charles Williams himself!

"This is - a soul?"

This thought flashed through the minds of everyone present at the same time!

In the next second, Lin Nan gently shook it with one hand!


Charles Williams' soul was crushed directly by him!

Charles Williams' body continued to rely on inertia and rushed forward for more than ten steps before falling to the ground with a thud, and there was no more sound!

The entire cabin fell into deathly silence!

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