Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 978 The entire Li family will definitely work hard to complete the master’s mission!

No one expected that Lin Nan would actually raise his hand and crush the soul of Charles Williams!

‘This method is too terrifying! Did he use this method to kill my brother back then? ’

Kudo Hideyoshi thought in horror!

At the same time, he finally knew why the entire Japanese country was so afraid of Lin Nan!

Just when everyone was shocked, Liu Ruqing's cell phone suddenly rang!

The entire cabin was very quiet, except for Liu Ruqing's cell phone ringtone, echoing in the air!


Liu Ruqing quickly took out her phone, looked at it, stuck out her tongue, and said to Lin Nan, "It's my mother calling!"

While talking, Liu Ruqing answered the phone!

"Hey, Mom! What are you doing so late? Is Mo'er misbehaving?" Liu Ruqing asked with a smile.

Shen Qingxue's angry voice came from the other end of the phone!

"It's not that Mo'er is bad, Mo'er is much better behaved than you all! On the contrary, it's you and Lin Nan, what's going on? Are you two going crazy and not going home during the Chinese New Year? You two We’ve been out for a few days!”

"Um, what's wrong, Mom?"

Liu Ruqing was very embarrassed when she heard this!

She and Lin Nan came out and even though they said hello to their families, it had indeed been many days!

"What's wrong? Have you forgotten? Every year before the Chinese New Year, our whole family goes to your Aunt Qingwen's house in Jinling to sit and sit. How come you kid even forgot this!" Shen Qingxue said angrily.


Liu Ruqing suddenly realized, "Mom! I remembered! When are we leaving?"

"Hmph! Your dad and I will take Mo'er and Ling'er there tomorrow. You and Lin Nan don't have to go back to Jiangnan. You can go directly to Jinling. Qingwen will treat us to dinner at noon. You and Lin Nan Just wait until Nan arrives!"

Shen Qingxue snorted coldly and spoke like an order!

Liu Ruqing wanted to continue saying a few words, but Shen Qingxue hung up the phone rudely!

Before hanging up the phone, Liu Ruqing vaguely heard some sounds!

"Mo'er be good, Ling'er must be good too, come to grandma's place to eat some candies!"


Liu Ruqing sighed softly, feeling a little disappointed. She put down the phone helplessly and accepted the fact that she had fallen out of favor in front of Shen Qingxue!

Lin Nan sat aside and listened to everything on the phone, knowing the reason for Liu Ruqing's loss!

"Haha! Don't worry, your status with me will never change!"


Liu Ruqing's eyes lit up, she looked at Lin Nan in surprise, and asked with a smile: "Do you mean what you say?"

"Of course!"

Lin Nan grinned, stood up, took Liu Ruqing's hand and said, "There's nothing fun about this party now, why don't we go back first!"


After Liu Ruqing thought for a while, he nodded slightly!

After this happened, even if she and Lin Nan continued to stay, there was still a question whether the party could continue!

In this case, it’s better to just leave!

"Master, are you leaving now?"

Seeing Lin Nan was about to leave, Li Jinrong quickly walked up respectfully and followed Lin Nan!

"What? Are you still busy?"

Lin Nan stopped and looked at Li Jinrong calmly!

Li Jinrong smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Master, you have been gone for more than a year without any instructions. I really don't know where to find you!"


Lin Nan frowned and shook his head, "Why are you like Han Zhongyan? You need me to give orders before you know what to do!"

"Since you have nothing to do, try to find a way to take good care of Chu Yao and Chu Qiong. They have just entered the entertainment industry. I think with the Hong Kong Island Li family and Han Zhongyan taking care of them, there shouldn't be any problems anymore!"

Hear this!


Everyone present turned their attention to Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, who were standing there blankly not far behind Lin Nan!

Countless directors, big stars, and even Ni Yunzhi had expressions of envy in their eyes!

The care of the Li family in Hong Kong Island?

In the entertainment industry, it’s no problem to walk sideways!

"Old slave, I obey! The entire Li family will definitely work hard to complete the master's mission!"

Li Jinrong was overjoyed. As long as it was a person assigned to him by Lin Nan, no matter how small the task was, he would regard it as an imperial order and carry it out!

Lin Nan nodded slightly, said no more, took Liu Ruqing's hand, and disappeared from everyone's sight!

After Lin Nan left.


The entire cabin exploded!

"Is this Mr. Lin really the person in the legend?"

A rich man asked in shock!

"He must be pretty good! The legendary Mr. Jiang Nanlin!"

Another rich man nodded slightly, his eyes solemn, full of solemnity and respect!

"It's really him! It's said that he disappeared for more than a year, why did he suddenly appear again?"

A group of people nearby asked suspiciously.

"I'm not paying attention to this, but what kind of method did Mr. Lin use just now? Raising his hand to take someone's soul? Even the old man of the Li family in Hong Kong is Mr. Lin's slave? This... this is simply shocking!"

"Yes! His methods are comparable to those of gods. No wonder the old man of the Li family is afraid!"

"What I am concerned about now is not Mr. Lin's methods, but what is the relationship between those two girls and Mr. Lin? Before Mr. Lin left, he actually told Li Jinrong to take care of them?"

All the wealthy bosses, directors, and celebrities in the entertainment industry present were discussing intensely!

Ha Ying landed!


Thousands of pairs of eyes suddenly moved over and fell on Chu Yao and Chu Qiong!

Countless well-known directors also surrounded Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, with fiery eyes!

"Both of you, are you interested in participating in the filming of my next movie?"

"Come to my crew! I own an entire TV station that can broadcast your TV series during prime time, and I have also signed contracts with many domestic film companies!"

"As long as you two are willing to join my crew, I guarantee that in the future, your hands will become weak when accepting scripts!"

The directors were chattering away.

They know deeply that once they have the support of the Li family in Hong Kong, even a beggar can be promoted to an international superstar!

Not to mention that Chu Yao and Chu Qiong have an excellent foundation!

More importantly, wouldn't wooing Chu Yao and Chu Qiong be equivalent to wooing Lin Nan?

"This... we still need to consider it..."

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were not only excited but also felt uncomfortable. They had never seen such a scene before!

"You two, do you want to develop in Japan?"

Kudo Hideyoshi also walked up with a smile, smiled at Chu Yao and Chu Qiong and said: "If you are willing, our Kudo family is also willing to pay for you to make a movie in Japan!"

All the directors present were stunned and looked at Kudo Hideyoshi with strange eyes!

A Japanese movie?

A strange picture flashed in everyone's mind!

When Kudo Hideyoshi saw this, he also knew that everyone had misunderstood, and he coughed twice, with a look of shame on his face!

"Ahem! That's not what I meant, not to make that kind of movie!"

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