Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 980 Mr. Lin, we have to leave now!

Early the next morning.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, after making some preparations, bought some gifts in Tianhai City before heading towards Jinling City!

Along the way, Liu Ruqing kept explaining!

"Aunt Qingwen and my mother are sisters. They get together every year during the Chinese New Year or festivals!"

"As for me, I'm going to play with my cousin Xue Qi. This is the first time I'm taking Mo'er and Ling'er with me this year!"

"As long as you like it, if you feel happy, I will bring you back every year from now on!"

Lin Nan smiled softly.

For him, returning to Earth is just a thought. If he wants to come back, he can come back at any time!

"Really? That's great!"

Liu Ruqing's eyes lit up, and she kissed Lin Nan hard on the face!

"Of course it's true!"

Lin Nan nodded seriously!

After arriving in Jinling City, Liu Ruqing dialed Shen Qingxue's phone number!

On the other end of the phone, there was a burst of laughter like silver bells. It was Lin Momo and Ling'er, accompanied by other people's conversations at the same time!

"Mom, where are you?" Liu Ruqing asked.

"Oh, we are at your Uncle Yang's villa. Have you and Lin Nan arrived?"

"We have arrived in Jinling City, we will come right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing headed towards Yang Huaian's villa. Lin Nan had been here several times, so he was familiar with the road!


In Yang Huaian's villa, everyone was talking!


"Ruqing should be here!"

Shen Qingwen smiled faintly, stood up and went to open the door. As soon as she opened the door, she found Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing standing outside the door!

"Auntie, I wish you a happy family, good luck, longevity and good health, everything goes well, happiness is always with you, and a prosperous New Year!"

Liu Ruqing stood at the door and congratulated, while Lin Nan stood aside with a smile on his face, holding a gift!

The Emperor of Heaven personally came to pay New Year's greetings and completely changed the feng shui of the Yang family's villa area!

The underground dragon veins gathered here in an instant, and the feng shui of the entire Jinling City directly sublimated countless times, almost catching up with the Longxing Capital of Yanjing!

"Come in, this kid, he's here. Why are you bringing so many gifts?"

Shen Qingwen spat, quickly took the gift from Lin Nan's hand, and then welcomed the two of them into the villa!

Yang Huaian was originally sitting on the sofa. After seeing Lin Nan, he stood up from the sofa with a loud noise!

"Mr. Lin!"

He said hello quickly in the direction of Lin Nan!

"You're welcome! My identity today is not Mr. Lin, I'm just the son-in-law of the Liu family!" Lin Nan waved his hand lightly.

"Yes, Uncle Yang, if we go by seniority, you are still Lin Nan's elder!"

Liu Ruqing said with a smile.

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Yang Huaian shook his head quickly, how could he dare to be Lin Nan's elder?

It wasn't until Lin Nan sat down that Yang Huaian dared to sit back on the sofa. Several wealthy people who were also sitting on the sofa couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene!

"Brother Yang, who is this person? You are also based in Jinling, and he is a big boss, right? Meeting him is like a cat meeting a mouse?"

A rich man with a big belly asked jokingly with a smile on his face.

"Yes! Who is this young man?"

Another middle-aged man also asked with interest!

The two of them are not natives of Jinling. They come from other provinces. Both are worth more than 100 billion. They don't know Lin Nan!

"This...this is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!" Yang Huaian said quietly.


At this moment, these rich people, like Yang Huaian just now, stood up from the sofa with a loud sound, with a look of horror on their faces!

The fat man with a big belly was shaking all over his body, and his oily face turned pale instantly!

The middle-aged man was sweating profusely on his forehead. He took out a handkerchief from his suit jacket pocket and kept wiping his forehead!


"It turns out to be Mr. Lin, sorry! We didn't know it just now!"

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, we really didn't know it was you, otherwise we wouldn't have dared to sit down when you arrived!"

These rich people explained quickly, their faces turning red from holding back!

They have never met Lin Nan, haven't they heard of Lin Nan's reputation?

Even the Ding family in the three northern provinces was wiped out by him. Recently, it was said that the Han family in Tianhai City has become the number one family in Tianhai again!

As for what happened on the high seas outside Tianhai City last night, everyone doesn't know yet. If the news comes back, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar again!

"He who does not know is not guilty!"

Lin Nan spoke calmly, not taking it to heart!

Liu Ruqing was rarely happy today. He didn't want anything to happen here to affect Liu Ruqing's mood!

"Brother Yang...ah! Brother Yang, you have such a relative, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

The rich man with a big belly quickly changed his words.

Not long ago, he called Yang Huaian "Brother Yang". When Lin Nan appeared, he instantly became "Brother Yang!"

All of this changed after Lin Nan arrived!

"You didn't even ask!"

Yang Huaian smiled slightly, feeling very happy!

"Ahem! Brother Yang, you said it would be fine soon. The contract will be done as you said. We signed it!"

"Yes, yes, we have no objection at all to the profit distribution that Brother Yang said, and we will do as you say!"

These rich people said quickly.

They came here today originally because they were invited by Yang Huaian to discuss the contract. They never expected that Lin Nan would appear here today!

"Then it's settled!"

Yang Huaian nodded slightly, looking calm!

Last night, he learned that Lin Nan would come to his home today, so he directly made an appointment with these rich people to discuss business, in order to use Lin Nan's reputation to beat these rich people!

Yang Huaian thought that after meeting Lin Nan, these people would consider the contract!

Unexpectedly, these rich people immediately changed their tune after meeting Lin Nan and decided to sign the contract on the spot, which surprised Yang Huaian!

Lin Nan knew what Yang Huaian was thinking, but he didn't reveal it!

Since he was Liu Ruqing's uncle, there was nothing wrong with doing this, but Lin Nan didn't take it to heart!

"Okay, Brother Yang, let's go first!"


"Mr. Lin, let's leave now!"

After these rich people said hello, they left Yang Huaian's villa in a state of embarrassment. Ever since Lin Nan appeared, they felt uncomfortable even standing there. How could they dare to stay for a long time?

After these rich people left, Liu Ruqing looked around as if he was looking for something!

But after searching for a long time, Yang Xueqi was not found, so she asked suspiciously: "Aunt, where is cousin Xueqi? Why don't you see her?"


Hearing Liu Ruqing's words, Yang Huaian and Shen Qingwen were stunned at the same time, with strange expressions on their faces!

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