Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 981 Shut up! If you are looking for death, don't get involved with me!

"What's wrong? Could it be that something happened to cousin Xueqi!"

Liu Ruqing asked in surprise, her tone a little anxious!

She has had a good relationship with Yang Xueqi since they were young, and they talk about everything!

"Nothing happened to her!"

Yang Huaian spoke and shook his head!


Shen Qingwen also sighed softly, shook her head, and said helplessly: "This child doesn't know what's wrong. He said that he was going to seek immortality. He seemed to have gone to Kunlun Mountain. Huai'an asked someone to inquire about it. Xue Qi It is very possible that you have entered the Tianmen of Kunlun Mountain!"


Liu Ruqing was shocked!

"Where did Xue Qi go? Tianmen and the other world are no joke. If Xue Qi, a girl, gets into trouble..."

Liu Ruqing finally understood that Yang Xueqi met Lin Nan last time and gave Yang Xueqi the memory of restarting the era!

After knowing everything, knowing that there are gods and immortal cultivators in this world, how could Yang Xueqi still be willing to be an ordinary person?

"Don't worry, I just deduced it, she is safe!"

Lin Nan nodded lightly!

"Really? Lin Nan?"

Shen Qingwen looked over quickly. She knew that Lin Nan was very capable, but she didn't know how powerful Lin Nan was!

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Liu Ruqing breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Don't worry, aunt, Lin Nan said my cousin is fine, then it's fine!"

"Sister, don't worry, this child Xueqi will be fine!"

Shen Qingxue also said with a smile!


Shen Qingwen's heart was still full of doubts, but her sister Shen Qingxue said so, and Liu Ruqing was extremely worried at first. After Lin Nan spoke, Liu Ruqing calmed down, and Shen Qingwen felt a little relieved!

"Okay, let's go eat first. It's Chinese New Year, so don't talk about this!" Shen Qingwen smiled slightly!

Everyone left the Yang family's villa and headed towards the hotel booked by Yang Huaian!

Jinling Hotel is located on the riverside. Over the years, Jiangnan has developed into the second largest city in China. Jinling has also followed the rising tide and developed very high. The original Jinling Hotel itself was a five-star hotel!

Now, another wealthy person has invested and directly upgraded the Jinling Hotel to a six-star hotel!

Moreover, because of Jinling's extremely high cultural heritage, a group of wealthy people have invested in a film and television city here in Jinling. Many of the country's big stars almost live in Jinling!

Lin Nan and others had just entered the Jinling Hotel when a surprising voice came from them!

"Mr. Lin, it's really you!"

Lin Nan looked up and saw a twenty-seven or eight-year-old girl walking excitedly in a coat!

What happened on the cruise ship last night has long been reported back to the entertainment industry. Although Yang Mi knew that Lin Nan was very powerful, she did not expect that Lin Nan was so powerful!

Even the Li family on Hong Kong Island are Lin Nan's servants?

After hearing the news, Yang Mi was stunned for a long time!

When Ye Qi, the head of the Ye family in Yanjing, became the head of the Ye family, Lin Nan personally intervened!

The Liu family in Jiangnan is almost Lin Nan's own power. Although Lin Nan is the son-in-law of the Liu family, the Liu family has grown and prospered because of Lin Nan!

The three major families in China, the Ye family, the Liu family, the Li family and Lin Nan, are all inextricably linked!

"Yang Mi?"

Liu Ruqing also recognized this person, it was Yang Mi, a famous star in the Chinese entertainment industry!

"Ruqing, long time no see!"

Yang Mi greeted with a smile, "By the way, why are you here? I have a dinner party above me. Mr. Lin, do you want to attend? If you can attend, we will definitely be prosperous!"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Yang, today is our family dinner!"

When Shen Qingwen saw this, she walked up with a frown!

"let's go!"

After Shen Qingwen finished speaking, she blocked Yang Mi behind her, while Yang Huaian led Lin Nan and others towards the upper floors of Jinling Hotel!

"What's going on with you people? A big star like Sister Mi invites you to dinner, but you still don't give me face?"

Yang Mi's manager walked up and stopped in front of everyone!

"shut up!"

When Yang Mi heard this, her face changed drastically and she glared at her agent!

Lin Nan even frowned and looked at the manager standing in front of him!

"Sister Mi, am I right? How many rich people worth hundreds of billions have to queue up if they want to treat you to dinner. You are in a good mood today and treat these people to dinner, but they still don't show your respect?"

Yang Mi's manager didn't seem to notice Yang Mi's face, which was frighteningly dark, and continued to talk to herself.

"Shut up! Don't get involved with me if you're looking for death!"

Yang Mi had the urge to vomit blood in anger. She found that Lin Nan's face was already very ugly!

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, you go up first, we will get out of the way!"

Yang Mi quickly stepped forward and pulled her manager aside!

Lin Nan didn't say anything more, ignored Yang Mi and continued walking towards the interior of Jinling Hotel!

Wait until everyone leaves!

"Sister Mi, who is this? Your eyes are raised to the sky. You invited them to dinner, but they haven't come yet? There aren't many people with such dignity in the entire entertainment industry, right?" the manager asked tentatively.

He also discovered that what he had just done seemed a little inappropriate!


Yang Mi raised her hand and slapped her, landing on the manager's face!

"Sister Mi?"

The agent was stunned and looked at Yang Mi in disbelief!

She had been following Yang Mi for more than half a year, and this was the first time she saw Yang Mi. She was so angry that she slapped her manager in public, regardless of whether there were paparazzi around?

If those paparazzi took photos, it would be huge news again!


Yang Mi snorted coldly, looked at her manager, and said angrily: "Are you crazy? Even I don't dare to block his way, but you dare to block it? If you want to die, find a place to die by yourself. !Why do you want to drag me along?"

Seeing Yang Mi getting angry, the manager finally knew that he was in trouble!

And just then.

A Lamborghini stopped at the door of the hotel, and a few middle-aged men got out of the car, plus a young woman who was well-dressed and had an amazing temperament!

After seeing this woman, Yang Mi trembled all over and hurriedly greeted her!

"Sister Qi, why are you here?"

The person who got off the Lamborghini was none other than Ye Qi, the head of the Ye family!

Accompanying her were a group of elders from the Jin family!

She was originally going to take everyone from the Jin family to the Liu family in Jiangnan to apologize to Lin Nan early this morning. However, she learned last night that Lin Nan was on the high seas in Tianhai City. After arriving in Tianhai City early in the morning, she listened to spies. Say, Lin Nan has arrived in Jinling!

So, Ye Qi took the elders of the Jin family to Jinling City, just in time to catch up with Lin Nan entering the Jinling Hotel!

"Hmph! I'm here, can you ask me? Just stand there!"

Ye Qi gave Yang Mi a cold look!

Yang Mi smiled awkwardly and quickly lowered her head!

At this time.

Ye Qicai turned back and said to the elders of the Jin family: "Mr. Lin just entered the hotel, let's go in too!"


Several elders of the Jin family, after thinking for a while, all nodded!

After Ye Qi and others completely disappeared from sight, the manager looked at Yang Mi in surprise and asked: "Sister Mi... the Mr. Lin they were talking about could not be the Mr. Lin just now, right?"

Who is Ye Qi?

The patriarch of the first family in Yanjing!

In the entertainment industry, one sentence can determine a person's life or death!

"What do you think?"

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