Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 982 This Lin Nan doesn’t seem to be as scary as the legend says!

Yang Mi’s manager was so frightened that he trembled all over!

"Sister Mi, who is that Mr. Lin? Why does even the head of the Ye family value him so much?"

Yang Mi's agent asked.

She was just an agent and didn't know much about the inside story, so she had no idea how terrible the consequences would be if she just stepped forward to block Lin Nan's way!

She was also one of the few people who blocked Lin Nan's way without causing any trouble!

After Yang Mi sneered, she looked at her agent with a smile but not a smile, "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, you will live longer!"

"As for you, starting from today, you are no longer my agent, because I don't want to be implicated by a fool like you, so get out!"

After saying this, Yang Mi ignored the agent who was staying there and turned around and walked towards the hotel!

The other side.

Lin Nan and others, under the leadership of Yang Huaian, had entered the reserved private room. All the food and drinks had just been served when everyone arrived, and they could start after everyone took their seats!

"Grandma, I want to eat this!"

Lin Momo's eyes lit up when she saw the dazzling array of food!

"Okay, grandma will get you this to eat!"

Shen Qingxue smiled faintly, held Lin Momo in one hand, and Ling'er in the other, and sat down!

Compared with Lin Momo's liveliness and excitement, Ling'er seemed very quiet!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing looked at each other!

"It's only been a few days, and you've already fallen out of favor in front of Mo'er! Hahaha! Xiao Nannan, are you here too?"

Liu Ruqing couldn't help but laughed secretly!


Lin Nan sighed softly, looked at Lin Momo with resentment, shook his head and said, "I can't help it, my daddy has fallen out of favor so quickly!"


Everyone in the box couldn't help laughing, full of cheerful messages!

At this time, Ye Qi and others also arrived outside the insurance where Lin Nan was!

An elder of the Jin family is ready to knock on the door!

"Third Elder, wait!"

Ye Qi spoke quickly and stopped the third elder of the Jin family!


The third elder of the Jin family frowned, hesitated for a moment, did not continue to knock on the door, and looked back at Ye Qi!

"As far as I know, Mr. Lin hates being disturbed. If we knock on the door now, I'm afraid it will anger him. Let's wait until Mr. Lin has finished his meal. Let's wait for him here!" Ye Qi's eyes flickered as he looked at the box. The door, explained.

Everyone in the Jin family was stunned!

"Hmph! My Jin family has come to apologize and hope for reconciliation, and now we have to wait outside the gate for people to finish their meal? This is too much!" The fourth elder of the Jin family couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"let me!"

After saying this, before Ye Qi could stop him, he stepped forward and opened the door of the box!

Seeing this, Ye Qi closed her eyes helplessly and sighed secretly!

'well! This is bad! ’


After the door of the box was pushed open, the laughter in the box stopped abruptly!

Liu Ruqing, Shen Qingxue, Yang Huaian, and Shen Qingwen all looked towards the door of the box, and happened to see the elders of the Jin family filing in!

"Who are you? Didn't you tell me? If nothing happens, don't come in and disturb me!"

Yang Huaian frowned and said displeasedly!

"Haha, you have nothing to do here. We are here today to find Mr. Lin!"

The fourth elder of the Jin family sneered and glanced at Yang Huaian indifferently!

"Mr. Lin?"

Yang Huaian was stunned and looked back at Lin Nan!

Lin Nan was still sitting there, not even looking at the Jin family. He picked up a glass of red wine in his hand, took a light sip, and then shook the goblet in his hand slightly!

"Ye Qi, what do you mean by this? Or am I too indulgent to you? You can already ignore my majesty?"

Hearing Lin Nan's voice, Ye Qi, who was standing outside the box, trembled slightly!

"Mr. Lin...I...this is really not my intention..."

Ye Qi's face turned pale as he walked into the box and stood there, looking down at the carpet under his feet, not daring to look directly into Lin Nan's eyes!

Her heart was already filled with regret!

‘Are these elders of the Jin family mentally ill? ’

‘I have already agreed, everything will be obeyed by me, nothing will be a problem from the beginning! Now there is only one last step left. As long as he is forgiven in front of Lin Nan, everything will be over! ’

'What do these idiots want to do? It’s the final moment, why are you pretending? ’

In Ye Qi's heart, he couldn't help but curse!

No matter how well-educated she is, she just can't bear it now!

"Are you Lin Nan?"

The fourth elder of the Jin family stood there and looked at Lin Nan calmly!

At this moment, Lin Nan looked like an ordinary big boy without any murderous intent, which gave everyone in the Jin family an illusion!

It seems that the person in front of me is not so scary!

Only Ye Qi knew that if Lin Nan didn't move, he would be like thunder!

Lin Nan calmed down and said that he was a quiet and handsome man and there was nothing wrong with him!

However, once Lin Nan gets angry, he will be even more terrifying than the God of Death!

"Are you from the Jin family?" Lin Nan asked slowly.


The fourth elder of the Jin family nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "You are the one who killed me, the head of the Jin family, right?"

"What? Do you have any objections?"

Lin Nan looked at the fourth elder and asked calmly.


A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the fourth elder. If the person in front of him was filled with the majesty of an emperor, one look at him would make people want to kneel down and worship!

None of the four elders of the Jin family will have any complaints!

But the person in front of him didn't have any momentum at the moment, just like an ordinary big boy. In the heart of the fourth elder of the Jin family, there was a germ of dissatisfaction!

"Fourth Elder, no!"

Ye Qi was so frightened that he quickly stopped him!

The fourth elder of the Jin family was stunned and frowned slightly. After thinking for a moment, he said slowly: "Mr. Lin, we are here to negotiate with you!"

‘It’s over… it’s over… it’s completely over…’

Hearing the words of the fourth elder, Ye Qi's heart sank directly to the valley!

It was originally agreed that she would take everyone in the Jin family. After meeting Lin Nan, she would admit her mistake on the spot and compensate Lin Nan's huge interests. All the Jin family's background would be compensated to the Liu family. The Jin family would be closed from now on. Within a hundred years, there would be no more After being born, I hope Lin Nan will not pursue the matter of the ancestor of the Jin family again!

Unexpectedly, after the fourth elder of the Jin family saw Lin Nan again, he did not feel any pressure from Lin Nan and changed his tune directly!

Admit your mistake and turn it into a negotiation?

Negotiate with Lin Nan?

Isn't this crazy?

Ye Qi has never seen anyone dare to negotiate with Lin Nan!

On the contrary, the elders of the Jin family seemed to acquiesce to the fourth elder's words. They all stood there, feeling relaxed in their hearts and with a faint smile on their lips!

They felt that this Lin Nan was not as scary as the legend said!

"Negotiation? It's interesting. Let's talk about it. How do you want to negotiate?"

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth!

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