Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 986 Someone is coming from the sanctuary!

After returning to the Gaowu Realm, Lin Nan and others did not stay in Dongzhou for a long time. Instead, they headed westward, directly entering the territory of Zhongzhou and returning to Yuancheng!

It had only been a month since Lin Nan left Yuancheng, but Yuancheng seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes!

On the streets of Yuancheng, many monks were constantly coming and going, whispering to each other, and seemed to be discussing something!


On the head of the city, a dragon flag was planted. The golden flag was surrounded by silver edges, and an old five-clawed figure was painted on it. It was lifelike and majestic!

Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er, Leng Yan, Lin Canghai and others came from the sky and landed in the sky above Yuan City, preparing to fly into the city!


"Stop! Who dares to enter the city without permission? Don't you know that there is a no-air order in Yuancheng?"

A group of more than thirty soldiers guarding the city all rose into the night, flew high into the sky, and stopped in front of Lin Nan and others!

"You don't want your life, even Senior Lin dares to stop you!"

Another captain guarding the city, when he saw clearly that the person coming was Lin Nan, he couldn't help but turned pale and shouted quickly!

"Senior Lin? What is Senior Lin?"

The soldier captain who stopped Lin Nan was stunned for a moment and asked uncertainly!

"A month ago, senior Lin Nanlin Lin Wudi killed the Holy King of Central Continent in the city lord's palace!"

The captain said in awe!


The group of soldiers who stopped Lin Nan were all stunned, and then their faces turned pale in an instant, and they dispersed in a hurry!

"Senior Lin, I am blind and can't see Mount Tai. Please forgive me, Senior Lin!"

The soldier captain who blocked the road just now was so frightened that he knelt on the city wall and kept kowtowing to Lin Nan!

"Get up!"

Lin Nan spoke calmly, not as knowledgeable as a soldier!

"Thank you, Senior Lin!"

This soldier captain dared to get up!

When Lin Nan was about to take a step forward and enter the city, the soldier captains looked at each other and couldn't help but said: "Senior Lin, please stay!"

"What? Are you still trying to stop my master?"

Lin Canghai frowned!

"No no no!"

Seeing this, these soldier captains shook their heads like rattles!

"Senior Lin, how dare we stop Senior Lin! I just suggest that you, seniors, should not fly into the city, but come down and take a few steps!"

"What does this mean?" Lin Nan asked lightly.

"Senior Lin, you don't know something! Just half a month ago, a group of people suddenly descended on Yuan City, claiming to be from the Holy Land! As soon as they entered the city, they occupied the City Lord's Mansion, and people from all the major Holy Lands were there. After hearing about the arrival of these people from the Holy Land, all the major Holy Lords came to Yuancheng in person to receive them!" The soldier captain who blocked the road slowly explained.

"After these adults from the Holy Land took over the city lord's palace in Yuan City, they immediately issued a no-air order! Even the owners of the major holy places have to walk into the city when they enter Yuan City!"

"This dragon flag is the height left by those adults who forbid any monks from flying beyond the dragon flag, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

"What kind of bullshit sanctuary does my master have to obey their orders?" Lin Canghai sneered!

Lin Nan didn't take this matter to heart at all. He took one step and led everyone to fly directly over the wall of Yuan City and towards the direction of Shengdan Pavilion!

Only the group of soldiers guarding the city were left, stunned on the spot and opened their mouths!

"Senior Lin Wudi is in trouble now!"

The soldier captain sighed lightly!

"Alas! Who says it's not the case? Last time, Jiang Yuntian, the head of the Jiang family of the Taikoo family, had his legs broken by an old servant in public because he did not obey the air ban order of the adults in the sanctuary and was thrown out of the city. !”

"The Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Taichu also almost had his legs broken because he violated the rules. He seemed to have given up after he apologized!"

"What is the origin of this Holy Land that it is so powerful? Even the Holy Land is afraid of them?"

This group of soldiers gathered together and talked curiously!

"Hey, I heard that this holy realm is very special. It is located at the connection between the high martial arts world and the fairy world! From the holy realm, you can enter and leave our high martial arts world at will, and you can also enter the fairy world!" A soldier captain laughed. .

"You...how do you know?"

Everyone was stunned and looked over in surprise!

"My cousin is a guard at the City Lord's Mansion! I heard some important people talking a few days ago, so I know it!" the soldier captain explained.

"If it is true, doesn't it mean that entering the Holy Realm is equivalent to entering the Immortal Realm at will?"

Everyone's eyes suddenly became extremely hot!

Entering the fairy world is the dream of all monks. If people in the holy realm can enter the fairy world at will, who wouldn't want to enter the holy realm and have a look?

at the same time.

After Lin Nan and others entered Yuan City, they turned into a ray of light, cut through the sky, and flew towards the Shengdan Pavilion!

Ever since the people from the Holy Domain came and issued a no-air order in Yuan City, except for birds, how can any monks in Yuan City dare to fly into the sky?

Today, someone actually ignored the orders of the people in the sanctuary and flew in the sky in Yuan City?

"Who is it? So brave!"

After seeing the string of escaping lights in the sky, all the monks in Yuan City were shocked!

"I'm so tired of living! Haven't you seen the example of the master of the Jiang family and the Holy Master of Taichu Holy Land?"

An old Martial Saint monk's brows jumped sharply, he raised his head in horror and looked at the backs of Lin Nan and others in the air!

"These two are super important people! Because they violated the air ban, one of them had his legs broken and was thrown out of the city. The Holy Lord Taichu even apologized and finally entered the city on foot!"

A strong martial artist, with flashing eyes, said something incredible!

"Under such circumstances, you still dare to commit crimes against the wind? It's really the longevity old man who hanged himself because he didn't want to live too long!"

Some monks also shook their heads!

"Who is it?"

Many monks in the city stretched their necks to see who it was that dared to be so bold!

Unfortunately, Lin Nan was flying too fast. When everyone reacted, only a back figure was left and disappeared at the end of the field of vision!

"Come on, follow us and take a look!"

Many monks became interested and followed closely behind Lin Nan and others. Unfortunately, Lin Nan's speed was so fast that the people on the ground could not keep up!

After losing several waves of people, I finally witnessed Lin Nan and others flying into the Shengdan Pavilion!

"Sacred Pill Pavilion..."

"It's actually here..."

Many monks looked strange for a while, and their expressions became a little strange. Everyone was thinking of the same person!

"Is it Lin Wudi?"

"Hey! It really might be him!"

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