Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 987 I said, kill!

Lin Nan and others caused a huge sensation just after they returned to Shengdan Pavilion!

"Senior Lin, you are finally back!"

Ouyang Anyan didn't know where he came from, and appeared directly at the door of the courtyard where Lin Nan lived!

"But you actually... actually flew back directly from the sky? What should I do? You have caused big trouble again!"

Ouyang Anyan paced back and forth anxiously, frowning, with a sighing expression on his face!

"Pavilion Master Ouyang, are you too timid and afraid of getting into trouble?"

Leng Yan rolled his eyes at Ouyang Anyan!

Ouyang Anyan looked at Leng Yan and explained: "Miss Leng Yan, you don't know something! The air ban in Yuan City was issued by the adults from the Sanctuary! Do you know about the Sanctuary? That is a special The existence of this world is the world between our high martial arts world and the fairy world, and the strong people in it are much stronger than our high martial arts world!"

"Are you afraid of people from the Sanctuary?"

Leng Yan looked at Ouyang Anyan strangely!

He looked back at Lin Nan and saw that Lin Nan's expression was calm and showed no fluctuations!

"The people in the City Lord's Mansion this time are said to be from a certain big family in the Holy Domain. They are here to select cultivating geniuses to enter the Holy Domain!" Ouyang Anyan continued.

"The descendants of all the major holy places, ancient families, and super religions are all selected to enter the holy realm! And the people of the holy realm only come to the high martial arts world once every one hundred thousand years, and each time they will lead a large number of geniuses Leave, many big forces hope to send their descendants to the Holy Realm!"

"So what about the Holy Domain? Are those people really powerful?"

Leng Yan asked with interest.

Ouyang Anyan's face condensed, and he nodded: "It's more than amazing! It is said that there are true immortals in the holy realm!"

Yuancheng, inside the city lord's palace!

Since the people from the Holy Domain came to Yuan City, the City Lord of Yuan City immediately withdrew from the City Lord's Mansion and moved elsewhere, freeing up the City Lord's Mansion for the people from the Holy Domain to live in!


In the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion, a young man sat at the head of the table. Below him was a group of disciples and descendants of the Holy Land and Taikoo families, all sitting there respectfully!

On the high platform at the head, the young man was sitting on a futon and preaching to everyone!

A middle-aged man dressed as a servant came hurriedly, as if he had something to report, but when he saw the young man sitting there preaching, he immediately stood there respectfully, waiting quietly, not daring to say anything. The slightest sound!

"Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things!"

The young man at the head was sitting on the high platform and talking, very calmly!

Every time he preaches, everyone below has some understanding. Although the age of everyone below is similar to that of the young man in the first position, their understanding of the Dao is not at the same level!

"As expected of a person from the Holy Realm, he explained very clearly what the Tao is in just a few short sentences!"

The Holy Son of Zifu Holy Land nodded slightly, as if he had some realization, with a hint of admiration in his eyes!

"That's right! I'm lucky enough to be here and listen to the True Lord's sermons for three days. It's really a blessing that I have cultivated for three lifetimes!"

The new Holy Son of Daqian Holy Land also nodded, his face full of solemnity!

"Listening to the True Lord's words is worth a hundred years of enlightenment!"

"It's enough to meet the true king in this life!"

Another group of disciples from the Taikoo family also nodded in praise!

Among these people, there are many saint-child-level figures, and more of them are descendants of other super religions. Yan Qingxian, the saint of the Holy Land of Taichu, is also among them!

Her eyes flickered as she looked at the young man in front of her, and she couldn't help but admire him in her heart!

‘Are all the people in the Holy Realm so powerful? Chen Zhenjun is similar in age to us, but his strength is far superior to mine. He is even more terrifying than the Supreme Elder of Taichu Holy Land! ’

‘And his understanding of the Dao is very thorough! I'm afraid I have a chance to become an immortal in this life! ’ Yan Qingxian thought secretly.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, what are you thinking about?"

The young man sitting at the front seat felt Yan Qingxian's strange gaze and asked her with a smile!


Yan Qingxian quickly lowered her head, shook her head and said, "No...it's nothing!"

"Don't be distracted and listen carefully!"

The young man reminded me with a smile, a warm smile on his face!

"Okay, thank you Chen Zhenjun for the reminder!"

Yan Qingxian did not dare to neglect and nodded quickly!

The young man in front of me, named Chen Yuan, comes from the Chen family in the holy realm. His cultivation has already broken through the limits of this world and reached the realm of the true king!

Next, Chen Yuan continued to preach, and the people below were mesmerized. Moreover, when Chen Yuan moved his hands and feet, he was as dazzling as jade, just like an immortal descending to earth!

About half an hour later, Chen Yuancai slowly stopped and looked at the middle-aged man dressed as a servant who had just entered the dojo!

"What's up?"

Chen Yuan asked lightly. A maid next to him handed over a handkerchief and wiped her hands gently!

The middle-aged man who was a servant dared to reply: "Young Master, someone just violated the air ban and flew into the city in the air!"


Chen Yuan said lightly, still with a smile on his face.

The middle-aged man who was a servant frowned and explained: "But... Young Master, this person's identity is extraordinary. He is the one you are very interested in - Lin Wudi!"

Hearing the words Lin Wudi, everyone present was stunned, and the scene became quiet for a while!

Including Yan Qingxian, the saint of the early days, they all raised their heads in surprise, pricked up their ears, and looked at the middle-aged man who was a servant in surprise!

In the past month or so, after Lin Nan killed the Holy King of Central Continent, it was almost as if he had disappeared from the world. Now that he hears the news about Lin Nan, everyone is paying attention!

"Oh? Is it him?"

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered slightly!

"Yes, young master, what do you think we should do?"

The middle-aged man who looked like a servant, hunched slightly, asked cautiously!

Everyone present held their breath!

A month ago, Lin Nan beheaded the Holy King of Zhongzhou in public in this city lord's palace, shocking the world!

On the other side, there is Chen Yuan and Chen Zhenjun who have arrived in the Holy Realm. Everyone wants to know how Chen Yuan will handle this matter!

"I said, kill!"

Chen Yuan still kept smiling.

In his words, Lin Nan's life was insignificant, worse than an ant, and his life and death could be decided by just talking and laughing!

Seeing this scene, all the saint-level figures and successors of the great religion present were stunned. They took a deep look at Chen Yuan. He was indeed a figure who had descended from the holy realm. Chen Yuan was not unaware of Lin Nan's reputation, and he was also very good at it. I asked everyone if I was interested!

It's a pity that everyone doesn't know much about Lin Nan, and they don't tell Chen Yuan much news!

Now, Lin Nan violated Yuancheng's air ban, and Chen Yuan actually made such an understatement, deciding Lin Nan's life or death with just one sentence?

"As ordered, I will kill him now!"

The old servant bowed in the direction of Chen Yuan, then turned around and left!

Everyone present was so shocked that they stood up and opened their mouths!

The whole place was dead silent!

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