Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 988 Me? Raise your hand to split the stars!

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“Let’s keep preaching!”

Chen Yuan spoke calmly!

However, the people below could no longer remain calm. More than a month ago, Lin Nan powerfully killed the Saint King of Central Continent and wiped out three major ancient families in the city lord's palace where they were!

Everything in the past is still vivid in my mind!

How long had it passed before Chen Yuan asked an old servant to kill Lin Nan?

Who can remain calm?

The breathing of everyone present suddenly became rapid!

The Holy Son of Zi Mansion held his breath and concentrated, almost stopping breathing!

The newly appointed Daqian Holy Son's chest was rising and falling violently, and he was breathing heavily, unable to remain calm at all!

The primordial saint Yan Qingxian was stunned on the spot, sitting there with her delicate body stiff, her mouth slightly opened, and she looked at Chen Yuan in shock!

The various saint-level figures below and the descendants of the major religions behaved differently, and all of them fell into Chen Yuan's eyes!

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Yuan frowned slightly!

There was dead silence below, no one spoke!

"Why don't you speak?" Chen Yuan asked again.

It was still deathly quiet!

Chen Yuan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. He glanced at the crowd, landed on Yan Qingxian, and asked, "Fellow Taoist Yan, why are you behaving like this?"

"Chen Zhenjun!"

The body of the Taichu Saint Yan Qingxian trembled slightly, she looked at Chen Yuan in surprise and asked: "You really don't know why we are surprised?"

"I really don't know!"

Chen Yuan nodded slightly!


Yan Qingxian took a deep breath and then explained quietly: "Chen Zhenjun, do you know that the senior Lin you just asked someone to kill... is almost one of the most powerful people in our Central Continent. You will How can we not be shocked when a slave is sent to kill him like this?"

Yan Qingxian said and gave a helpless smile!

"I see!"

Chen Yuan smiled disdainfully and said proudly: "To you, this Lin Nan may be one of the most powerful people, but to me, he is just an ant!"

"Maybe, it's a slightly stronger ant!"

Chen Yuan added with a smile, his tone was very calm, and he was not moved at all!

Everyone's expressions changed for a while, and they looked at Chen Yuan with great fear!

They still remembered that ten days ago, the head of the Taikoo family, the Jiang family, had his legs broken by the middle-aged servant just now because he violated the air ban in Yuan City and was thrown from the wall of Yuan City!

The Holy Lord of Taichu Holy Land was also scolded by Chen Yuan for violating the air ban!

Just a sense of majesty frightened Holy Lord Taichu to the ground on the spot, crawled out of the city tremblingly, and finally walked into the city to apologize to Chen Yuan!

"Chen Zhenjun, I would like to ask this offensively, what realm are you in?"

The Holy Son of Zifu stood up, bowed deeply to Chen Yuan, and asked with great respect!

"Realm? Haha!"

Chen Yuan smiled softly, shook his head, and said proudly: "For you in the high-level martial arts world, it is just a low-level plane. No matter how strong you are, you are only above this star, which can be regarded as a star level. Existence! And once you reach the realm of True Lord, you can physically travel into the depths of the universe unscrupulously, which is considered a cosmic level!"

"Cosmic level!"

Everyone's pupils shrank slightly, as if they had discovered a new continent!


Chen Yuan nodded lightly!

"How about your strength, Chen Zhenjun?"

"Me? I can split the stars with my hand!"

Chen Yuanping said!

He spoke very calmly, as if he was telling a trivial matter, but in the ears of everyone present, it sounded like a stormy sea!



"You can split the stars with your hands!"

Everyone present took a deep breath, with different expressions, including surprise, shock, amazement, and disbelief!

But the eyes were very unified, and there was a hint of awe in the eyes looking at Chen Yuan!

The other side.

The old servant sent by Chen Yuan has arrived outside the Shengdan Pavilion, strode directly into the Shengdan Pavilion!

"Is Lin Nan here?"

The old servant glanced around and said slowly.

"Who are you? How dare you call Senior Lin by name!" Several people in charge of the Shengdan Pavilion immediately stood up and looked at Chen Yuan's old servant with cold eyes!

"The answer is wrong!"

The old servant narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and slapped forward!


A stream of blood mist emerged, and the responsible persons did not even have a chance to react. They were immediately turned into a pulp, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, broken bones and blood scattered all over the floor!


"There is an enemy attack!"

The entire Shengdan Pavilion was in a mess. A large number of guards rushed out and rushed towards the old servant. The weapons in their hands buzzed and they slashed down with force!

"Haha, you don't overestimate your capabilities, a mantis' arm is like a chariot, and a cricket is shaking a big tree!"

The old servant sneered and waved his long sleeves forward. The group of guards who rushed up immediately turned into blood mist and died on the spot!

The huge movement in front of Shengdan Pavilion alarmed the pavilion master Ouyang Anyan!

"What happened?"

Ouyang Anyan rushed to the scene of the incident and looked at the blood on the ground, his face turned extremely ugly!

"I am the Pavilion Master of Shengdan Pavilion. Who are you? You dare to kill people here. Don't you know where this place is?" Ouyang Anyan growled.

"Are you the master of Shengdan Pavilion?"

The old servant grinned, stretched out a big hand, and grabbed Ouyang Anyan's throat!

Ouyang Anyan didn't have time to react, and his whole body was caught in the hands of the old servant. Now, with just a slight exertion from the old servant, Ouyang Anyan's neck would be crushed by him on the spot!

"Where is Lin Nan?"

The old servant asked indifferently, looking down at Ouyang Anyan!

"In...in the backyard..."

Ouyang Anyan was trembling all over, as if he had seen a ghost, and he was extremely frightened!

"Lead the way!"

The old servant threw Ouyang Anyan away like trash and said in a commanding tone!

Ouyang Anyan trembled all over and did not dare to neglect. He nodded quickly and said: "Okay, okay!"

He did not dare to be negligent at all, and immediately took the old servant towards the yard where Lin Nan lived. Without even a cup of tea, Ouyang Anyan took the old servant to Lin Nan. Where you live!

This is a quiet courtyard, located in the best part of Shengdan Pavilion!

"This is it..."

Ouyang Anyan pointed to the yard ahead!

"But I advise you, it's best not to force your way in. Since the last time someone..."

Before Ouyang Anyan could finish his sentence, the old servant took a step forward and rushed out towards the yard where Lin Nan was. Just as he was about to step into the yard, a transparent light suddenly appeared. The light curtain lights up!

The old servant didn't react in time and bumped into this transparent light curtain!


There was a crisp sound, and the old servant exploded like a watermelon on the spot, turning into a mist of blood. He died on the spot!

"Why are you doing this?"

Ouyang Anyan sighed softly and shook his head!

"I've told you... don't be anxious! Last time, Saint Daqian had someone break down the gate of this courtyard, and Senior Lin set up a magic circle. No matter who... who breaks into this courtyard by force, they will be killed. I’ve never seen anyone survive!”

"I told you to stop pretending, now it's better!"

Ouyang Anyan sneered!

At the same time, inside the city lord’s palace.

Chen Yuan, who was preaching, suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of Shengdan Pavilion, with a look of surprise in his eyes!

"Chen Zhenjun, what's wrong?"

Everyone below asked suspiciously!

"The servant I just sent out is dead!" Chen Yuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

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