Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 993 I am the Emperor of Heaven!

"Are you the way of heaven?"

Liu Ruqing looked at the young man in front of him and asked curiously.


The young man who was the incarnation of the law of heaven nodded slightly at Liu Ruqing!

"Um, do you know where Xue Qi is?"

Liu Ruqing asked, very curious about the young man in front of her. She had heard Lin Nan talk about the way of heaven, but this was the first time she saw him!

According to Lin Nan's explanation, the way of heaven is the evolution of the principles of the universe and the earth. It is not a certain kind of creature. He turned into a human form just to communicate with the human race better. He can turn into anything in the world!


The boy who was the incarnation of heaven frowned!

"What's wrong?" Liu Ruqing looked at Tiandao suspiciously.

"According to the laws of heaven and earth, you are just an ordinary person. As the Dao of Heaven, I should not answer your questions!" Tiandao shook his head gently.

"He is my woman!" Lin Nan said proudly.

He glanced at Tiandao indifferently, "I can re-stipulate the laws of the universe. I have modified this rule. No matter what Liu Ruqing asks you in the future, you must answer it, and you cannot hide it!"

The Emperor of Heaven speaks, the golden rule!


The whole world trembled slightly. After Lin Nan's words, some kind of Tao seemed to be formed!

"As you command!"

The young man who was the incarnation of heaven no longer dared to disobey Lin Nan's majesty!

Because once Lin Nan is serious, there will be no problem even if he is replaced by the Emperor of Heaven. This is the self-confidence of the Emperor of Heaven!

"Yang Xueqi has left the high martial arts world and is now in the holy realm. She is extremely talented in cultivation and was selected by the people of the holy realm!" Tiandao replied to Liu Ruqing.

After saying that, he stood there respectfully with his hands tied and continued to wait!

Next, Liu Ruqing asked many more questions, and Tiandao answered them one by one. Until the end, Liu Ruqing no longer had any doubts in her heart!

"You can go!" Lin Nan said calmly.

"Emperor of Heaven, resign!"

After Tiandao bowed to Lin Nan, the space around him fluctuated, and the whole person disappeared before his eyes without a trace!

After Tiandao left, the smile on Lin Nan's face disappeared and became serious!

"The way of heaven has changed!"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan in confusion!

"The way of heaven has changed its original intention. It is no longer the way of heaven before! Logically speaking, the way of heaven is the will of this universe. There will be no other two minds. The laws of heaven and earth are what he needs to abide by!"

"If he hasn't changed, even if I threaten him, he won't change his tune!"

"However, when I expressed that I wanted to change Tiandao, Tiandao showed a hint of fear! He didn't want me to replace it, which means that Tiandao had selfish motives. Maybe he had something to hide from me!" Lin Nan frowned. Frowning slightly, he said this.

Liu Ruqing didn't quite understand what Lin Nan's words meant!

After all, it was a matter of heaven, and she was just an ordinary woman, so she couldn't express her opinions casually!

"You are the Emperor of Heaven, who is not afraid of you! Moreover, everyone in the world has selfish motives! Just like my selfishness, I hope you can be well, and Mo'er Ling'er and the others can grow up healthily!"

"This is different!"

Lin Nan shook his head, with a solemn look in his eyes!

Seeing Lin Nan's behavior, Liu Ruqing also paid attention to it and asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, I always feel something is wrong, as if there is a fog in front of my eyes! I have felt this way once before. That time, the previous Tiandao summoned more than a dozen quasi-emperors to besiege me on Earth!"

"This time, it's now!"

Lin Nan said seriously, his eyes flickering as he looked at the void in front of him!


Liu Ruqing also became worried. She stepped forward and took Lin Nan's arm, with a hint of fear in her eyes. "Will something big happen? I'm so afraid that something will happen again. We have experienced too many hardships. Life is so difficult now." It’s hard-earned and I don’t want to lose it!”

"Don't worry, nothing will happen! I am the Emperor of Heaven!" Lin Nan smiled proudly.


Liu Ruqing's eyes lit up, and some of the worries in her heart disappeared!

"Of course it's true, I promise you!" Lin Nan grinned.


Liu Ruqing breathed a sigh of relief, held Lin Nan's arm affectionately, and looked up at Lin Momo and Ling'er who were playing under the tree in the distance!

"You and them are enough, I don't really want much!"

"I don't want much. I'm not even going to ask for the title of Emperor of Heaven! Those people still don't understand what the most precious thing in the world is!" Lin Nan also chuckled.

Emperor of Heaven is just a title to him!

Even if you can control the universe, so what? Lin Nan no longer has any interest in power!

And this time.

The boy who is the incarnation of heaven has returned to the void space!

In the void space, there is deathly silence, surrounded by darkness, just like a black hole in the universe. There is no light, no wind, no rain, and even the dust in the universe no longer exists here!

"Who are you?"

As soon as Tiandao returned to the void space, his face suddenly sank and he looked at a certain position ahead!


A hearty laughter came, and in the void space, it seemed very alive!

"Who am I? Haven't you and Lin Nan been looking for me? Now that I'm here, you ask me who I am?"

The words fell to the ground!

In the darkness ahead, a figure walked out. He was wrapped in a chaotic energy. He couldn't see his true appearance clearly. Even listening to his voice, he didn't know whether he was a man or a woman!

"It's you!"

Tiandao's voice suddenly became extremely cold, and he sneered: "How dare you appear here? Aren't you afraid that I will tell Lin Nan?"

"You don't call him Emperor of Heaven anymore? You actually call Lin Nan by his first name?"

Black Shadow asked funnyly!

Heaven was silent for a while!


The black shadow chuckled and said sarcastically: "Did I tell you right? It was Lin Nan who summoned you just now, right? Think about it! As the Dao of Heaven, you are the only master of this universe. Logically speaking, everyone should surrender at your feet!"

"But what about you? With just one word from Lin Nan, you rushed over in a hurry. Don't you think you've failed too much?"

"He is the Emperor of Heaven!" Tiandao replied, his voice was ice cold!

"Emperor of Heaven? Tsk tsk! Yes, he is the Emperor of Heaven, so he should be above the way of heaven, so you have to respect his women, right? In the future, you will also respect his children, his disciples, and even his servants , Do you all want to respect me?" Black Shadow said, his tone full of ridicule!

"What do you mean?"

Tiandao's brows were twisted tightly, and he looked at the black figure in front of him with an unkind expression!

"What do you mean? Let me ask you, do you want to be the Emperor of Heaven yourself?" Black Shadow said lightly.

"Become the Emperor of Heaven yourself?"

Tiandao's heart trembled slightly, and his pupils also shrank!

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