Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 994 Lin Nan——Can’t be killed!

"Yes, be the Emperor of Heaven yourself!"

The black shadow in the aura of chaos nodded seriously!

"Do you still think that if Lin Nan just says a word, you will lick his face and come up to him? Do you even have to answer a random question from his woman?"

"If you yourself become the Emperor of Heaven and the Dao of Heaven, where can you go in the entire universe?"

"Wouldn't it be great if you were the Emperor of Heaven?"

The way of heaven was silent, and the entire void space fell into a dead silence!

The black shadow wrapped in the energy of chaos no longer spoke, but quietly waited for Heaven's answer!

I don’t know how long has passed, maybe a minute, maybe a quarter of an hour, maybe a month, the voice of heaven finally sounded again!

"Why should I believe you? Don't you want to be the Emperor of Heaven yourself? There can only be one Emperor of Heaven in this world! If I were the Emperor of Heaven, would you be willing to do so?"

Tiandao's voice was a little excited!


The voice of the black shadow in the chaotic air suddenly laughed. He raised his hand and shook, the void space trembled slightly, and a rain of light appeared!

In the void space, this seems to be the first time light appears since the beginning of the universe!

In the light rain, a picture was formed, which was one galaxy after another, floating and sinking in the mist of chaos. Each galaxy formed its own area, blocked by the breath of chaos, and did not affect each other!

And there are so many of these galaxies, one after another, floating and sinking in the air of chaos, more than the stars in the depths of the universe!

"What's this?"

Tiandao's expression changed slightly!

"Does it look good? Let me tell you, I discovered the secret of the origin of the universe! Now, becoming the Heavenly Emperor is no longer my goal!"

The black shadow in the chaos grinned and said proudly, with a little pride in his tone!

"After getting the energy of the origin of chaos, I discovered that this universe is not the only one. Do you really think that the nine heavens and ten earths, three thousand small worlds, and ninety-nine heavens are the entire universe? Have you discovered , not only are there barriers between connections between all realms of the universe?”

"The major fairy worlds are not connected to each other! People living in this world will find that their world is only this big?"

"It's like people living on the earth think that the earth is only this big! But people in the martial arts world know that there are other worlds outside the earth!"

"And the people in the Holy Realm know that besides the Gaowu Realm, there is also the Holy Realm! One realm is connected with another, one is connected with another! The universe is so big and endless! Could it be that the ninety-ninth level of the Immortal Realm is the ultimate in the universe? Are there other worlds outside the frontier of the universe?"


Tiandao shook his head decisively, he didn't believe the words of the black shadow in the energy of chaos at all!

"When the world first opened, the Emperor of Heaven and I personally came to the frontier of the universe. There was nothingness there, and there was nothing at all!"

Back then, after the era was restarted, Lin Nan and Tiandao personally came to the frontier of the universe and saw the state of the barrier of the universe. It was filled with nothingness and had no boundaries at all!

"Then have you ever entered the void?" the black shadow in the aura of chaos asked.

Tiandao frowned, then shook his head and said: "I have never gone in, but the Emperor of Heaven has!"

"Then he told you, what is in the void?"

"The Emperor said there is nothing!"

"Haha! Nothing!" The black shadow in the chaos laughed and asked mockingly: "If there is nothing, let me ask you, where was I when the era restarted? Why didn't you find me? Actually? At that time, I used the energy of chaos to hide in nothingness!"

"What is the world beyond nothingness?" Tiandao shuddered!

"There are other worlds outside of nothingness! It separates many universes, and other universes also have the way of heaven. Believe me, you are not the only way of heaven! And in other universes, there are also existences at the level of heavenly emperors!" The angry shadow shook his head and explained.

"Through the energy of chaos, I saw a guy named Wu Shi, who was fighting with another guy named Emperor Zun! They condensed the universe they were in into a furnace, preparing to refine it and break through the barrier of the universe! "

"I was in another universe and saw a place called Dou Qi Continent... There was a guy named Xiao Yan. He collected a lot of strange fires that represent the origin of the universe, and he has the status of becoming an emperor!"

The black shadow in the aura of chaos continued!

"There is another place called Douluo Continent. The people's cultivation system there is completely different from ours! They actually use the soul rings of soul beasts to improve their abilities!"

"Have you heard of these weird cultivation methods?"

The black shadow in the chaotic air is good at tempting, just like the big bad wolf tempting Little Red Riding Hood, spitting out its big tongue greedily!

"The universe is really not the only one!"

"Let me tell you, have we left this universe to Lin Nan? Wouldn't it be beautiful if you and I worked together to open the barriers of the universe and go to another world?"

Tiandao had already been dumbfounded and dumbfounded. Hearing the words of the black shadow in the aura of chaos, it didn't seem like he was deceiving him!

Moreover, as a Heavenly Dao, he could deduce that the black shadow in the chaotic energy did not lie to him, and everything he said was true!

"Alas! It's a pity that with our strength, we can't break through the barriers of the universe!"

Tiandao shook his head gently and sighed helplessly!

"Haha! Who said that? We can't open it, but Lin Nan can! Over the past dozens of epochs, I have studied the energy of chaos countless times, and now the energy of chaos has become one with me. , I have found the fragile node of the barrier of the universe!"

The black shadow in the aura of chaos couldn't help laughing!

"When the time comes, just lead Lin Nan there and use him as an atomic bomb! Bang!"

The black shadow wrapped in the energy of chaos said, stretched out his hands, and made an explosive movement in the air!

"The barrier of the universe will naturally be broken down!"

"You want to kill Lin Nan?"

Tian Dao was shocked!

"What a pity, I want to kill him too!"

The black shadow in the chaotic energy sighed, "It's a pity that Lin Nan is the Emperor of Heaven and is invincible in this world. I can plot against him and use countless methods, but I can't kill him!"

"For dozens of epochs, I have used countless methods, but I have discovered a desperate fact. Lin Nan - cannot be killed!"

"Then what can you do?" Tiandao sneered. If you can't kill Lin Nan, all the previous words will be in vain!

"Of course I have a way, all we need is this..."

The black shadow in the chaotic air smiled faintly!

His voice gradually became quieter. I don't know how long it took, but the entire void space fell into deathly silence again!

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