Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 995 Thank you, let’s get out of here!

Lin Nan felt something was wrong about the Tiandao matter, so he immediately summoned the Golden Holy Dragon and prepared a series of back-up plans!

It was the first time that Liu Ruqing saw Lin Nan being so cautious. They had been talking to the Golden Holy Dragon in the room for three whole days and still had no intention of leaving the room!


Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai were guarding outside the room!

"What's going on? It's been three days, teacher, and you still haven't come out. What happened?"

Leng Yan finally couldn't help it anymore and felt the seriousness of the situation!

For the past three days, Leng Yan has been standing here, not even a drop of water in his mouth, waiting quietly, his brows tightly knitted together!

"Something big may be about to happen! We must also be fully prepared. Although our strength cannot be compared with the master, we cannot hold back. We must be prepared!" Lin Canghai also said.

"Master's wife, what happened?" Leng Yan looked at Liu Ruqing and asked anxiously.

Liu Ruqing stood there, very calm. She believed Lin Nan could handle this matter!

"Not long ago, Lin Nan met Tiandao once, then summoned Ergouzi, said a few words and went directly into the house!" Liu Ruqing explained.

"The way of heaven?"

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai had a flash of shock on their faces!

"Did the teacher actually summon Tiandao?"

Leng Yan's whole body was stiff. She knew that Lin Nan was very strong, but she didn't expect that Lin Nan could even step on the Dao of Heaven?

Lin Canghai bent down deeply and looked into the room where Lin Nan was, with deep awe flashing in his eyes!

Finally, at noon on the third day.


There was a soft sound, the door to the room was pushed open, and Lin Nan walked out of the room with a bright smile on his face!

The midday sun shines right on Lin Nan's face, dazzling and eye-catching!



Leng Yan and Lin Canghai stepped forward at the same time!

"Lin Nan!"

Liu Ruqing even exclaimed, rushed forward and threw herself into Lin Nan's arms, her body trembling slightly!

"What's wrong?" Lin Nan smiled slightly and reached out to touch Liu Ruqing's little head.


Liu Ruqing sobbed softly and leaned on Lin Nan's chest, "You scared me to death! I thought something really happened, and I didn't even dare to tell Mo'er Ling'er and the others!"

"make you worry!"

Lin Nan smiled softly and comforted Liu Ruqing softly!

Liu Ruqing raised her head and looked at Lin Nan's face with a confident smile. This man had always been so strong and confident. Regardless of his status as the Emperor of Heaven, it was this strong self-confidence that deeply attracted Liu Ruqing!

"So how is the situation now?"

"never mind!"

Lin Nan smiled easily and said proudly: "I was in the room just now, entered the small world, blocked the secrets of heaven, conducted some deductions, and confirmed that there is indeed something wrong with the way of heaven!"

"The way of heaven and the entire universe are a whole. Unless there is the energy of chaos, which was born when the world first opened, it can block the perception of the way of heaven. Therefore, I entered the small world and isolated myself from the world, which delayed some time. time!"

"I have ordered Ergouzi to prepare a back-up plan. Once any abnormality occurs, I will take action with thunderous force. No matter what disturbance occurs, I will raise my hand to suppress it!"

Listening to Lin Nan's explanation, Liu Ruqing breathed a sigh of relief!

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai looked at each other and stopped disturbing each other. They silently turned around and left, disappearing from sight!

"Hmph! Then you have to make it up to me. It's been three days, I'm scared to death!"

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai had just left, and Liu Ruqing immediately returned to the demeanor of a little woman, acting coquettishly in Lin Nan's arms!

"Haha! Okay, I will make it up to you today, and I will cook it myself later! But in the evening, you have to make it up to me!"

Lin Nan laughed, stretched out a hand, and picked Liu Ruqing's chin!

Liu Ruqing blushed. Although she was very shy, she did not avoid it. Instead, she followed Lin Nan's wishes and nodded shyly!

At the same time, outside the Shengdan Pavilion!

Chen Jiuyang and Chen Yuan have been kneeling here for three days and three nights. More and more people have gathered outside the entire Shengdan Pavilion!

"Is this a person from the Sanctuary?"

"Otherwise, what do you think? Hehe, I have long been unhappy with this group of people! They are obviously not from our high martial arts world, but they occupied Yuancheng as soon as they came and issued a no-air order. What the hell!"

"It's okay now. These two guys are kneeling there. Everyone in the Chen family in the city lord's palace has long since disappeared. Now the air ban is just a piece of paper!"

The passers-by around were talking funny!

Some people even come to Shengdan Pavilion before and after tea to see what the so-called powerful men at the level of True Lord and Saint Lord look like!

The people who came to the high martial arts world from the holy realm were not only Chen Jiuyang, Chen Yuan and other members of the Chen family, but also people from other families who also appeared in various places in the high martial arts world to recruit cultivation geniuses!

At the beginning, Chen Jiuyang and Chen Yuan were very tough!

However, after kneeling for three days and three nights, no matter how stubborn a person is, he is wiped out!

"These guys! Damn it!"

Chen Yuanqi's face turned blue and the veins on his forehead popped out. He wanted to tear these passers-by who were casually talking to them alive into pieces!

"Hey, Yuan'er, you don't have to be angry, these people are just a bunch of ants!" Chen Jiuyang laughed, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes!

At this moment, even though he is kneeling here, Chen Jiuyang, as the Holy Lord of Nine Suns, still has an arrogance in his heart that looks down on all living beings!


Chen Yuan looked at Chen Jiuyang in surprise!

"A gentleman's revenge is never too late!"

Chen Jiuyang said lightly: "Didn't that person say that? Once we have figured it out, we can leave. Now that I have figured it out, it's great to admit my mistake and surrender now. After returning to the Holy Land, there will always be a chance to make a comeback. By that time, I They will massacre hundreds of millions of people in this city!"

Chen Jiuyang spoke very calmly, but the bloodthirsty tone in his tone made Chen Yuan couldn't help but shudder!

next moment.

Chen Jiuyang shouted: "Sage Jiuyang, I know I was wrong! Please forgive me, Senior Lin!"

After saying this, Chen Jiuyang kowtowed nine times in the direction of Shengdan Pavilion without saying a word!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After nine ringings, sure enough, the pressure on Chen Jiuyang suddenly relaxed, and then he stood up directly!


Seeing Chen Jiuyang kowtow, Chen Yuan no longer hesitated. He kowtowed nine times in the direction of Shengdan Pavilion, and the pressure on his body disappeared without a trace in an instant!

At this moment, Lin Canghai walked out of the Shengdan Pavilion, looked at Chen Jiuyang and Chen Yuan indifferently, and said, "You can get out!"


A trace of anger flashed in Chen Yuan's eyes!

Chen Jiuyang stretched out a hand and stopped Chen Yuan directly. He smiled at Lin Canghai and said, "Thank you, let's get out of here!"

After saying that, with everyone stunned, he turned around and left!

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