Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 996 Lin Nan’s decision!

After leaving the Shengdan Pavilion, Chen Jiuyang and Chen Yuan left Yuancheng directly!

"Uncle, that old servant just went too far!"

"We all kowtowed and admitted our mistake, but he still has this attitude!"

Chen Yuan said angrily.

Chen Jiuyang had a calm look on his face, and a sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth, saying: "Yuan'er, you kowtow and admit your mistake! What else can make you angry?"

"Uncle, I..."

Chen Yuan was stunned!

"You can endure what ordinary people cannot endure, so you can achieve great things!"

Chen Jiuyang looked at Chen Yuan steadily and continued: "Even my majestic Saint King kowtowed to this man and admitted his mistake. Do you still care about the humiliation of an old servant? He told us to get out, we just get out, and we will wait until we come back. Today, even if he escapes to the outer reaches of the universe, I will hunt him down!"

Chen Jiuyang's tone was full of terrifying murderous intent!

Chen Yuan couldn't help but shudder!

At this moment, in the small courtyard inside Shengdan Pavilion.

Liu Ruqing was washing vegetables, while Lin Nan was handling the ingredients. Lin Momo and Ling'er sat aside with their eyes wide open, watching their parents busy!

"Why are you helping me today? In the past, I remember that you never went to the kitchen. You went to the kitchen several times and made the kitchen full of smoke!"

"One time even the pot exploded!"

Lin Nan said with a smile.


Liu Ruqing pouted and snorted, "If I learn to cook seriously, I will definitely make it even more delicious than you!"

Liu Ruqing said, looking back at Lin Momo and Ling'er arrogantly!

"Two little ones, don't you think so?"

"Yes! Yes! Mom's cooking is the best!"

Lin Momo nodded quickly with an expression of enjoyment!

"I like mom's food too!"

Ling'er nodded her little head obediently, looking innocent and ignorant!


Liu Ruqing was amused by the two of them and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Two little sycophants! Who did you learn from them? You know how to say nice things!"


Lin Momo and Linger reached out their hands at the same time, pointing at Lin Nan!

"It's unfair! I really didn't teach this!" Lin Nan shouted.

"Ha ha!"

There were bursts of laughter throughout the kitchen!

Soon, a sumptuous lunch was prepared. It was still the ingredients of the small world in Lin Nan's body. All kinds of fairy beasts were the same. If they appeared in the high martial arts world, they would cause an uproar!

However, these things all became food on Lin Nan’s table!

"I'm going to start!"

Lin Momo looked at the table full of food, drooled, and started to eat happily, while Ling'er seemed more reserved, and her eating movements were very elegant!

Liu Ruqing looked at the two of them with a smile, and took the rare opportunity to help Lin Nan pick up the vegetables and put them into his bowl!

"Here! This is for you to eat as a reward!"

"I did this myself!" Lin Nan retorted.

"Hmph! I don't care, since I'm the one holding it now, you have to treat it as if I did it!"

Liu Ruqing hummed twice!

Lin Nan touched his nose and replied with a smile: "Okay, just think of it as your doing!"

The whole family had a great time eating this meal!

"After eating, let's set off to the Holy Land!"

Lin Nan suddenly spoke.

"Ah? Isn't there still a pill competition in Yuancheng? I won't participate?"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan in surprise!

"Just let Leng Yan and Lin Canghai participate. The cultivation environment here is very suitable for them! But in fact, the Holy Land is more suitable for you, Mo'er and Ling'er to practice!"

"And Yang Xueqi is also in the Sanctuary, aren't you worried about her? Why don't we just go directly to the Sanctuary!" Lin Nan explained with a smile.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Liu Ruqing didn't ask any more questions and nodded obediently!

After lunch, Lin Nan called Leng Yan and Lin Canghai over!



Leng Yan and Lin Canghai stood there with their hands tied, ready to listen to Lin Nan's orders!

"Ruqing and I are preparing to leave the high martial arts world and go to the holy realm. As for you two, just stay in the high martial arts world. This place is very suitable for you to practice!" Lin Nan said straight to the point.


Leng Yan was stunned, looked at Lin Nan suspiciously, and asked doubtfully: "Teacher, you won't take us with you?"

"Taking you with me is not good for you! You just follow me, like a little eagle that never leaves its nest, unable to become a bird that soars in the nine heavens! Only by practicing on your own can you progress faster. The elixir competition is just for you. Take the first step on your personal journey!”

Lin Nan took a breath and spoke slowly.

"Master! I don't need any experience. I want to stay by your side and serve you well!" Lin Canghai bowed and said.

"You are very loyal. It's great to have you here! But you should also go and practice. I hope to see a different Lin Canghai when I see you next time!" Lin Nan looked at Lin Canghai with praise, and then He stretched out a hand and patted Lin Canghai on the shoulder!


Lin Canghai burst into tears with excitement and knelt on the ground, his body trembling slightly!

Although Lin Nan was his master, he was also the Emperor of Heaven. How could Lin Canghai not be excited to be praised like this by the Emperor of Heaven?

Lin Nan smiled, raised his hand gently, and a ray of light shot into Lin Canghai's eyebrows, and then poured into his mind!

Lin Canghai was shocked, and a bright light lit up in his muddy old eyes!

"Master, what is this?"

"This is a quasi-emperor-level scripture. It depends on you how far you can cultivate! In fact, for all things in the world, the qualifications for cultivation are not important. At the beginning, this emperor was still an ordinary person. At that time, he was also a good-for-nothing in everyone's eyes, with no talent for cultivation!" Lin Nan said earnestly, looking at Lin Canghai!

"You have to follow your own path in cultivation. As for how far you can go, it's up to you!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Lin Canghai kowtowed nine times in succession to Lin Nan, each one with incomparable sincerity!

Lin Nan continued to move, and runes emerged from his fingertips, turning into a rain of light and sinking into Leng Yan's body!

"Since you are my disciple, you should act like a disciple of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"These Dao patterns are what I understood back then. Now I will teach them all to you. How much you can understand depends entirely on your luck!"

"I'll give you three years. After three years, I don't want to see anyone in the entire high-level martial arts world who is your opponent! If there are still others, don't come to see me!" Lin Nan looked at Leng Yan, said solemnly.

He wasn't kidding, he was serious!

"Disciple accepts the order. If he does not reach the top of the martial arts world within three years, he will not be able to see the teacher again without a cold face!"

Leng Yan's eyes were filled with mist, and he kowtowed deeply to Lin Nan!

However, a hint of determination flashed across her pretty face!

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