Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1006: Loulan North

"Their cause of death was a sudden illness, but there were ***-inducing factors, Ye Shengling, I know that your medical skills are good, medicine can save people, and it can also harm people. Only you have this ability."

Ye Yingjian continued.

"Moreover, I don’t count this matter. The people at the General Administration have already determined that this matter is related to you. No matter how many violations Qin Fadao did, you are not a law-enforcer after all. You kill him. You have to take responsibility, not to mention that Qin Fadao still has an official status, so this matter is not so easy to handle."

"Fuck, these people at the top of the General Administration deliberately want to mess with me, right?"

Ye Shengling said with staring eyes.

"Brother Ye, we can't say what the situation is, but the situation is really troublesome. We also want to call you over in advance to discuss it."

Pei Changdao also said to the side.

"Ye Shengling, I know that you and Bing Xin care about it. I will try my best to help you with this matter. I have already asked the upper echelons what they mean. They said that this matter is not required to be held accountable, but it must meet the conditions."

Ye Yingjian continued.

Ye Shengling is really unwilling to have too much involvement with the Mystery Security Bureau. If they really want to deliberately target themselves, it will be really troublesome, even if he is not afraid of those people’s revenge, but the people around him What should people do.

"Meet the conditions, what are the conditions?"

Ye Shengling asked.

"The first condition is that you return to the Mystery Security Bureau, you can continue to use the original code name, but they even sent a copy of your file."

Ye Yingjian pointed to the stack of documents on the table and said.

"If you return to the Mystery Security Bureau, then you will have the identity of the law enforcer. Your killing of Qin Fadao will be recognized as performing official duties. Naturally, the bureau will not hold you accountable, and you will be rewarded, Shi Rong is now seriously injured in bed, and the upper level means that the head of the Eastern Division will ask you to do it directly..."

"No, there's more."

Before Ye Yingjian finished speaking, Ye Shengling refused directly.

"The second word is to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. Next month, the Mystery Defense Bureau will have a major action. A group of independent troops gathered in the Western Regions. This time the operation is to wipe out them. You take the lead and take down the northern border of Loulan."

"Loulan North?"

Ye Shengling frowned, he had naturally heard of this place.

The northern part of Loulan is a group of militants gathered in the Western Regions, perhaps because of its geographical location close to the Pamirs. There are countless cultivators inside, plus the fact that it is equipped with sufficient weapons, it has almost become the largest in the Western Regions. Malignant tumor, no one.

Although the main scope of China's activities is in the Western Regions, and there are traces of them all over the world, their main illegal and criminal activities are gambling and smuggling.

The northern area of ​​Loulan is also their headquarters. Almost all members there are cultivators. This organization is completely an illegal and criminal organization against humanity. Countries in the world have zero tolerance for such organizations, but their strength is too strong. Even the Mystery Security Bureau could not directly annihilate them.

And this time the big move is obviously to make enough preparations, but the Mystery Defense Bureau actually wanted to use itself as a shield, and actually let himself go to the front, Ye Shengling's face also became cold when he heard this.

"Brother Ye, there is not only one person in the lead. The top players in the game will go. In short, our attitude in China is to completely eradicate this cancer."

Pei Changdao added on the side.

"Next next month? When is that."

Ye Shengling asked.

"In fact, it will be a month later, because it is now the end of the month. He is talking about the beginning of the next month, but I think 30 days are enough for you to prepare."

Ye Yingjian replied from the side.

"That's fine, then I accept this condition."

Ye Shengling nodded. If this happens, it is equivalent to supplementing the mysterious defense bureau's combat power. Although this seems to be commanding himself, fortunately, it is also a matter of sweeping the black and evil, so that Ye Shengling will not be so difficult. accept.

And most importantly, he knows the urinary nature of the Mystery Defense Bureau very well. If he does not accept it, he will probably find other ways to force him to submit. It is still okay instead of doing something else. It's better to accept this now.

"Ye Shengling, even if you can analyze this matter carefully, you don't necessarily have to accept it. You need to know what kind of organization is in the northern area of ​​Loulan. This is an extremely dangerous thing."

Ye Yingjian then reminded him again.

"No, let's make a decision like this."

Ye Shengling said nothing, he could indeed do his best to help the Defense Bureau to wipe out these terrorist organizations, but if there is a possibility of action failure, Ye Shengling will naturally run away without hesitation, anyway, he has now broken through. At the very least, it's more than enough to run away.

"Then if you have already decided, then I will report it to the General Administration."

Ye Yingjian nodded, then stood up.

"Brother Ye, the General Administration's intention is to let me monitor you, but you can rest assured that I will definitely not do it. You can bring me here when you are ready to leave."

Pei Changdao also said to Ye Shengling.

"it is good."

Ye Shengling didn't mind this, he knew that Pei Changdao was a member of the Mystery Security Bureau, and some things were understandable.

This matter was decided in this way. As the first team member of this operation, Ye Shengling's danger is absolutely conceivable. In fact, Ye Yingjian and Ye Yuan still somewhat hope that Ye Shengling can refuse. After all, they know Ye Bingxin. I like Ye Shengling, if something happens, Ye Bingxin can't hate them forever.

Regarding this action, although Ye Shengling said that he was indeed worried, he was not overly nervous. Anyway, since he broke through, he hasn’t really gone through any wars, so it’s better to take advantage of this exercise. , You can also test your own ability.

A few of them discussed this matter for another day. Ye Shengling didn’t leave the base until the next day. Ye Shengling hadn’t been to his black clinic for many days, but he picked up when he returned home in the morning. When Miao She called, he said that he had made an appointment with that friend, just to ask if he could come to see the doctor now.

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