Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1007: Sit on the floor and start

Although it is said that he has just made 500 million in southern Yunnan, Ye Shengling has never been too much money. After all, if his group seems to be really going to develop, it seems that there is still a big funding gap, so after receiving the seedlings After pardoning the call, he directly asked them to go to the black clinic to wait for him, and then Ye Shengling rushed there.

Miao She was already very respectful to Ye Shengling at this time. Even if he had already arrived at the black clinic first, he still stood respectfully waiting outside the door. After Ye Shengling finally appeared, he quickly said to another person. .

"Eddie, this is the magic doctor."

Then he turned his head and said respectfully to Ye Shengling.

"Mr. Ye, he is the friend I told you before."

"Really? Then come in first."

Ye Shengling nodded, and then he pushed open the door of the black clinic. There was nothing in his black clinic, so he didn't even need to lock the door. He pushed the door directly and walked into his office. Sit down directly.

Eddie has been following Ye Shengling all the time. Judging from his young appearance, he is probably only in his early twenties. To be honest, people at this age may not even graduate with a bachelor's degree in a medical hospital, let alone a master's degree. It's still a doctor. Moreover, just as he had really graduated, but every student had a long internship period, he saw that Ye Shengling's appearance was really unreliable, and he did not look like a doctor.

Although Eddie said he had some doubts in his heart, he still greeted Ye Shengling very politely.

"Hello, Mr. Ye."

Eddie is from the capital, and his family is considered a family, so money is definitely not a problem.

In particular, he is still the only heir in the family. He is not that kind of dude. He has demonstrated extraordinary management skills at a young age, and he is definitely a rising business star. Unfortunately, last year he He was diagnosed with blood cancer, and the doctor determined the remaining lifespan for him at that time. So far, there are only three months left.

Eddie is young, and there are still many ideas in his heart that have not been realized. Of course he does not want to die like this, but malignant tumors are not equivalent to other diseases. Even if he has money, he cannot buy what he wants. Life comes, even if you delay your life a little longer, you can't do it.

When he was diagnosed with this condition, the doctor at the time asserted that his life span would never exceed one year. So far, according to the doctor's estimation at the time, he has not had a few months.

When a person already knows the date of his death, a person with a bad mentality will be no different from death at that moment, the whole person is immersed in grief every day, and nothing else is thought of.

However, only recently, he heard that Miao She actually met a god-man in the south. Not only did he cure his illness, but he also said that he could cure malignant tumors. This is even the most authoritative. The doctors dare not assert.

As a doctor with hundreds of doctors seeking medical advice, Eddie immediately felt that Miao She was definitely a liar. Since he got the disease, he has almost been a frequent visitor to major hospitals. They invited him. There are countless different kinds of doctors and authoritative experts, but they all ended in failure.

The reason why I agreed to visit Jiangdong City this time was mainly because the relationship between Miao She and Eddie was pretty good. He really didn't need to lie to himself, so Eddie believed him once.

Although he believed Miao She's words, he still didn't believe Ye Shengling really had such strength. Although he could cure Miao She's premature **** problem, premature **** and blood cancer were completely different things, and the level of difficulty was not the same. He still felt in his heart. I don't think the credibility is high.

It's just that Miao She was indeed vowing to promise him that even though Eddie didn't think it was possible, she still came with Miao She, and he did not disappoint him.

Originally, Miao She had been introducing Ye Shengling on this road, and he had almost described him as a god-like figure. Eddie began to waver, wondering if there really is something like a **** in this world. Still feel that I have some hope.

It's just that when he came to the door of this black clinic, his original hope seemed to have been extinguished. Now that he saw Ye Shengling, the so-called genius doctor, he hadn't reported any thoughts at all.

"Did you have blood cancer?"

Ye Shengling looked at Eddie and said after sitting down on the sofa.

"Yes, Mr. Miao told me that you have a way to cure my disease."

Although I was a little disbelief, Eddie still asked tentatively.

"Yes, I can cure your disease, and it will be cured immediately, but my charge is high, you have to be mentally prepared first."

Ye Shengling smiled and said casually.

what! ? Not only can it be cured, but it can also be cured immediately. Hearing what he said, Eddie basically concluded that this person was pure nonsense, that there was nothing in this black clinic, except for this desk, not even an extra chair.

Even if he wants to cheat money, he has to invest in renovation first. Even if he is a liar, he can't invest nothing at all.

"Brother Miao, you brought me here, aren't you kidding me?"

Eddie said with a ugly face.

"No no, I..."

Miao She also wanted to introduce Ye Shengling's strength to him again, but at this time Ye Shengling said directly.

"He didn't lie to you. Your blood cancer is really serious. If you continue conservative treatment, you can only live for up to three months. Originally, I charged you 7.5 billion yuan this time. 17.5 billion."

Eddie looked at Ye Shengling, thinking that this man was really a profiteer, and he had never seen such a way of asking prices, and he was actually in the unit of 100 million. Is this still a hospital? 17.5 billion, this can be built There are so many hospitals, and all of them are the top hospitals.

What's more, Ye Shengling's posture of asking for money didn't seem to look like a fairy tale bone in his eyes. How could this be a **** of medicine, and definitely a liar.

In fact, if I really want to spend 17.5 billion, although the money is definitely a lot, Eddie is not unable to get it. If he can really cure his illness, he is willing to sell a few buildings. He must save his life, even if he wants more assets now, he is willing.

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