Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1473: Can't sit still

"Actually, I can understand that Mr. Meng attaches so much importance to the Zong family. After all, the contradiction between the two families is really too deep. It is hatred for decades. It can be said that it is a struggle between several generations. Although it is said that the matter is very important, it is not the point, because to be honest, there is not much left for the old man, and he has no reason to talk to me at length."

Ye Shengling frowned and continued,

"It's just that when the old man finished talking about Zongzhengren and talking about other things, I finally understood what he wanted to say. What he said was not about the Meng family and the Zong family at all. He was talking about you, Mr. Meng and The things between Zongzheng and Zongzheng are just like what you just said. I also knew at that time why Zou Hongyun hated you like this. I really have to count it down seriously. You are really his number one enemy, I think. What Zou Hongyun said to me before is correct, that is, he regrets that he didn't kill you personally. I can feel that he really wants your life."

Ye Shengling stood up, looked at Meng Xinghe and smiled and continued.

"But what puzzles me most is the death of your Mr. Meng. This is simply a trick to hide from the sky. Zou Hongyun, who has always claimed to be a murderer, should be very clear whether he killed you or not, but he is clearly your number one. Enemy, but still, without killing you, took the initiative to recognize this matter, but on the other hand, he helped hide you on the other hand."

"But why did he do this? I have been thinking about this for a long time, and the conclusion that Elder Meng said is the same as mine, that is, he is setting up smoke bombs. He knows exactly who the culprit is? So I want to use this. The way to hide that person, such as Zou Hongyun, can allow him to sacrifice himself to release smoke bombs. It is estimated that he really needs a certain status and relationship. It must be a central boss who meets this condition, but The center is obviously eager to get you out, so it is absolutely impossible for the center to do it, so only another person has this ability."

Ye Shengling stood still and said.

"You, are you talking about Zong Zhengren?"

Meng Qian's brain circuit quickly reacted, and she blurted out immediately.

Meng Xinghe's eyes moved a little at this time, his throat swallowed, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Ye Shengling glanced at him, and then continued

"Yes, after thinking about this person, I can make Zou Hongyun take the initiative to become a scapegoat. I am afraid that only Zong Zhengren will be left, but I don't think it is because of their deep feelings. Zou Hongyun is willing to do such a thing, probably because I don’t know what the transaction is between them and what you are, but I guess that ten *** is that money."

"Actually, I really don’t know Zongzheng as a special person. I only dealt with him not long ago, and he died not long ago, so I can only say that it is a superficial friendship, but there is one thing. , That is, since Zong Zheng can be the head of the big family of the Zong family, then he is definitely not a fool. I have thought before, Mr. Meng, you used this trick to make yourself disappear, surely not. Let Zou Hongyun know, will that Zong Zhengren know about this?"

Ye Shengling continued to pace forward, and then said again.

"I think the answer is yes. Zong Zheng knows that Zou Hongyun didn't kill you, and he also knows better that he didn't kill you, but he told Zou Hongyun that you were killed by him and asked him to cover for himself. This is a big one. Renqing, why does he want to do this? The reason that can be explained is that Zongzheng knows that you are not dead at all, and also knows what your purpose is. He just wants to help you use this kind of suspended animation to confuse the past!"

"It's nonsense! Bloody! Ye Shengling, I can listen to you saying you have other opinions, but now what you say is that I and Zong Zhengren secretly reached a deal, right? It's just nonsense, I have Patiently listen to your stories here, but you didn't let you slander me. You don't recognize that you pour dirty water on me like this!"

Meng Xinghe's face was already blue at this time, he gritted his teeth and stood up, cursing.

Meng Qian looked at her father in silence at this time. She did not refute her father since she was a child, but she also had her own thinking. After analysis, she was very clear about what Ye Shengling's words meant. She knew , All of which are justified and well-founded.

"Hehe, Mr. Meng, can't you sit still so soon? You have been hiding behind the scenes to control the situation. In my impression, you should be a calm talent. I didn't expect to be irritated so easily. Ah, it seems that I am really embarrassed, but you don’t have to rush to deny it. Maybe my guess just now may be a bit unacceptable, but is this setting more logical than what you just said? We won’t argue about these, anyway, Cici and Meng Meng should be able to judge by themselves."

Ye Shengling looked at Meng Xinghe's anxious look, and said with a smile indifferently.

Meng Xinghe really does not have the calm look he had just now, nor the approachable smile on his face as he did at the beginning. His face is full of iron this time, and his eyes look like he can't wait to eat Ye Shengling. Said in a very harsh tone.

"Huh! What are you trying to say? Do you mean you want me to let you attack me personally? You insult me ​​like this in front of my daughter. Why are you saying that? And you just said that I and Zongzheng still has a private transaction. Do you have any evidence! Otherwise, you have any reason to say that."

Ye Shengling sighed and said.

"Mr. Meng is at this time, and he can say this with such confidence. He is really a master. You must have handled it cleanly. After all, with your cautious character, you also know Zong Zhengren. I’m dead now, so no matter what I say, I can’t produce any substantive evidence, but you don’t have to be so eager to be happy. It’s already here, and it will surely convince you."

Meng Xinghe whispered, panting.

"Okay, okay, okay you, you really want to fight with me to the end today. If I don’t listen to what you said today, I will still seem to have a ghost in my heart, as if I still deliberately refused to give you a chance. ."

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