Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1474: People without emotions

"Ye Shengling, I am very suspicious of your thoughts and ingredients now, what exactly do you want to do, or who you are doing things for, you are against me like this, but I finally see you clearly now. From now on, I I will no longer treat you as my own person!"

Meng Xinghe's face had become calm, and he laughed repeatedly.

"My own person? Haha, it's better."

Ye Shengling said mockingly at the corner of his mouth, he looked at Meng Xinghe with an annoyed look, and shook his head.

"You don't need to say these nice things in front of me. I know very well what kind of relationship is between you and me. We can't talk about being our own people, or even friends, Mr. Meng, I'll start all over again. At the end, I didn’t think we had any feelings at all. This sentence is not only aimed at my attitude towards you, but also aimed at the facts.”

"Fact? Ye Shengling, if the person who killed Old Man Meng was not his father. Who else would it be? Could it be Zong Zhengren?"

Meng Qian was a little strange, and said quickly.

"To be honest, this is a big mistake for me. When this incident just happened, I was a little bit **** at the time. I was too obsessed with wanting to know who the real culprit was. I think this is a very Important things, so I put many other things aside, but in fact those things are more important, otherwise they won't confuse me to this day."

Ye Shengling said slowly after thinking for a while.

"The old man Meng told me a lot that night. He told me that he wanted to help me open up a road. He wanted to do something for me before he left. That was to get rid of all the opponents in front of him. In fact, at that time, I thought the opponents were Bai Heran and Zou Hongyun. If the old man is still very afraid of the Zong family, then maybe another Zongzheng person should be added."

Ye Shengling's tone suddenly became serious at this time.

"But I realized later that Grandpa Meng was in the next big chess game. He was more than just trying to get rid of those people. In addition to them, there is also the center, as well as Bai Changlin, who has already begun to show his prowess. Importantly, the person the old man wants to solve is Mr. Meng who was already dead."

"Ah? You mean, do you mean the old man knew that Dad was pretending?"

Meng Qian frowned and said.

Ye Shengling nodded lightly, then only buckled his forehead and said.

"Cici, I remember that I told you the content of the old man chatting with me that day. I remember the old man told me one thing that day. He said that up to now, there are many things that I don't understand, but It’s just a matter of time to understand those things. It’s like triggering a plot. As long as a certain point is reached, the next step will naturally be unlocked. He told me not to judge these people and things in the first place."

"In fact, at that time, I still didn’t know what the old man meant? I thought he wanted me to check Zong Zhengren’s situation, but I didn’t know until such a tragedy happened in Zong Zhengren’s family later. The person the old man said is not a Zongzheng person at all, Cici, let me ask you one thing. To be honest, although I don’t have much dealings with the old man, he values ​​me very much, and I am a little bit sad about his death. I know that your heart has been hit harder, but I still want to ask you a question."

Ye Shengling looked at Meng Qian and asked every word.

"If we don’t consider the emotional part, now think about these things after the old man’s death. Do you think that after the old man’s death, many things we did have gone smoothly? In other words, the old man Did his death provide us with a lot of help."


Meng Qian was completely stunned when she heard this. The logic Ye Shengling said she didn't have at all, and she never even thought of it. In fact, this kind of thinking is almost impossible for a normal person. If a family member who has a blood relationship has an accident, the heart will definitely be extremely painful and sad.

Under such circumstances, unless the kind of brain is sick, or someone who has no emotions at all, who will consider how much the death of their relatives will help them at this time? Meng Qian had always been saddened by the death of the old man, so Ye Shengling mentioned this suddenly, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

But now that I have talked about this, Meng Qian naturally thinks deeply from this perspective. She was originally a strong woman who can take on the role of a big family. She is naturally brilliant in her mind. She immediately As if thinking of something, Meng Qian looked at Meng Xinghe with a weird expression.

Meng Xinghe was also uncomfortable by this look, and his face began to look very ugly.

"I know that asking questions like this may make it difficult for you to answer. After all, there is absolutely no normal person who can analyze the gains and losses in such a situation. Let's stand from the perspective of Zou Hongyun. Cici, if you say If you are Zou Hongyun’s position, the old man suddenly died like this, do you think it is now possible for the Zong Family and the Meng Family to start a complete war."

Ye Shengling thought for a while, then changed another way and continued to ask.

"Um...I think it should be okay? To be honest, Zou Hongyun's strength is not very strong, and their family is not as strong as the Zong family and Meng family, so if he really wants to get the funds, Zou Hongyun will definitely want it. Taking advantage of this opportunity to weaken the strength of the Zong Family and the Meng Family first, if he can use this method to kill Zong Zhengren, then his goal can be considered as achieved. This should be considered the best opportunity."

Meng Qian said after thinking for a while.

Ye Shengling smiled faintly and shook his head.

"No, maybe this is a good practice, but it is not a good time. He has no reason to do it at that time. Think about it, if Zou Hongyun really wants to provoke a conflict between the two families, then Wouldn’t it be better to use this technique during the Meng family’s murderous case? In fact, the strength of the Meng family was even weaker at that time, and Yuwenbai, an internal traitor, still exists. It can be said to be internal and external troubles. , If you really want to fight, no one can stop it."

"Think about it now, Zou Hongyun has a very rigorous thinking in everything he does. If he really has such a purpose, why should he delay this matter until now? In the meantime, let the Meng family regain stability. After the knight, a lot of vitality has been restored, isn't it even more difficult to deal with."

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