Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 388: This is Mingqiang

Originally, Gou Fugui almost fainted in pain. After hearing what Jiang Shengling said, he knew that the matter had not been resolved. Now he could not faint like this. He was afraid that he would faint like this and never woke up again. Opportunity.

So at this time, he was very eager to survive, he gave himself two or three slaps on the spot, forced himself to wake up, and then said in a hurry.

"Yes, yes, yes, I have to pay interest on this part. I'm sorry to delay Mr. Jiang's time. I owed Mr. Jiang several hundred thousand just now. I paid two million for the price, and I gave Mr. Jiang tea for more. If it’s not enough, please tell Mr. Jiang."

Gou Fugui said with a sad face that he was really afraid of Jiang Shengling. If Jiang Shengling punched himself a few more times, then he really wanted to explain here.

"Well, it should be almost the same. Then you can bring the money. Remember, I want clean money, not the unwashed black money in your casino. Do you know it? Get it quickly."

Jiang Shengling nodded, and then let Gou Fugui to get the money.

He believed that Gou Fugui really didn't have the guts to escape this time, so he didn't intend to prevent him at all.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Gou Fugui to trot over with a card and hand it over to Jiang Shengling respectfully. It wasn't that he really didn't want to run, but that he knew that running was useless.

Obviously Jiang Shengling is no ordinary person, as long as he still lives in Jiangdong City, he will eventually be found by Jiang Shengling.

"Mr. Jiang, these are all clean money. I can transfer it to you now, or give you this card."

Gou Fugui hurriedly said that he had bleached all the money, and the source was fairly regular. Originally, he himself was not willing to use this part, but now there is no way to save his life.

"Then you can transfer it to me, and I will tell you the account number."

Jiang Shengling nodded, and then read his number.

"Jiang Shengling, how do I feel that you are robbing you in the open."

Ye Bingxin said next to him, giving Jiang Shengling a white look. In any case, she is also a member of the detective agency cooperating with the police. Seeing such a thing, she is really uncomfortable, but she also knows that she can't control Jiang Shengling.

"No, no, this is not called robbing. This is supposed to be what I owe Mr. Jiang. The total principal and interest are two million. Mr. Jiang, I have already transferred it to you."

Jiang Shengling hadn't spoken yet, and Gou Fugui even said again and again. After being taught a lesson, he is now a lot honest, and quite conscious.

"Go, avenge the boss."

But before he finished speaking, the door of the casino was suddenly pushed open, and then a group of people rushed in.

But this time Gou Fugui had completely lost the idea of ​​resisting, and he quickly wanted to stop those people, but those people could not hear it at this time, only Jiang Shengling was in his eyes, and the 10,000 yuan rewarded after killing him.

Jiang Shengling shook his head and walked towards them slowly, and easily solved all these people with three strokes, and then walked back slowly.

Seeing this scene, Gou Fugui was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak. Fortunately, he didn't make any radical actions this time, otherwise there would be no chance.

After honestly transferring the money to Jiang Shengling, it didn’t take long for the roar of many cars to sound downstairs. This generation was originally relatively remote and there were no people coming, so this kind of voice must be in Ye Bingxin’s detective agency. The people have arrived.

By the way, the case handlers from the bureau also rushed there, and after taking Gou Fugui and some of his younger brothers back, the matter was resolved.

"Looking at your unlucky pair, you also know that you must have been scammed a lot of money. Let's hold the money for a while."

After Jiang Shengling knew that Gao Bin was Ye Bingxin's distant cousin, he also directly took out tens of thousands of yuan from the pile of money on the gaming table to give Gao Bin, and the rest was naturally confiscated.

Looking at Jiang Shengling's actions, Ye Bingxin knew that this kind of thing was out of order, but still didn't say anything. Anyway, part of the money in it really belonged to Jiang Shengling.


Gao Bin was also a little embarrassed, not knowing whether to reach out and take it.

"It's okay, just take it. He doesn't need this money anyway."

Ye Bingxin knew that Jiang Shengling was a local tyrant, so she also directly said that if the money was given to herself, she would definitely not accept it, but if it was given to Gao Bin, she wouldn't care.

Everything here has been taken over by the people in the bureau, so there is nothing Jiang Shengling has to do. Of course, if you have to go back to eat, there is no need. Simply hand over and Jiang Shengling will go back.


At this time, in a forest area outside the capital, there were no people in the area for a few miles, let alone any buildings, but a tall building stood up in the center.

This building looks quite different, almost entirely made of glass, but from the outside, nothing can be seen clearly, making it impossible to see the secrets inside.

This is the headquarters of the National Security Bureau. A special meeting is currently being held regarding the recent happenings in Jiangdong City.

"Everyone, I propose to establish a branch team in Jianghai Province. The various things that have happened in Jianghai Province recently are obvious to all, especially Jiangdong City, which needs our support. Do you have any opinions?"

An old man sitting at the front said angrily.

The place they are discussing this time is Jianghai Province, which is not a special place at first, and neither economy nor geographical location can be regarded as an important place in the country.

But the reason why they were able to rise to the point where they were discussing is entirely because there is also Jiang Shengling in Jiangdong City. They cannot ignore Jiang Shengling's existence and directly carry out work in Jiangdong City.

"We used to have a former member who is still in Jiangdong City, and you may also be able to see it. This time, a lot of things have happened. This member of ours also has a great relationship. If you rush in, you must consider his opinion. This You still have to be cautious about one thing."

Said one of them veteran.

"It is true. Although he may not necessarily affect our work, after all, he is also there. We still have to think about it and don't make the relationship between the two parties too rigid."

Another middle-aged man also nodded. Although Jiang Shengling had spent a lot of time in the National Security Bureau, they still hadn't figured out Jiang Shengling's specific temper.

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