Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 389: Your previous boyfriend

"Then it’s better to say hello. After all, we haven’t been in contact with Xiao Jiang for many years. It’s always a bit embarrassing to contact him rashly. He was originally from my side. It’s better to send someone over from me, I know. Pei Changdao's relationship with him is pretty good."

The old man at the beginning said again.

"Pei Changdao, is this not so good? After all, this is being transferred to the branch as the team leader. Pei Changdao seems to have a bad evaluation privately."

Someone questioned.

"Private reviews are not important, the key is that he has such an ability."

Someone said again.

Afterwards, everyone talked about it again, and in the end they all voted for it.

"If that's the case, then it's so decided, Pei Changdao as the branch leader."

The old man nodded and said, Changdao Pei's strength is still enough, so even if the wind evaluation is not very good, he can still convince the crowd.

Wake up early the next morning, because He Weiwei's mother contacted the hospital, so he also went directly to the hospital to see He Weiwei's mother's condition.

This hospital was the same hospital where Wang Kexin had treated before, so when the attending doctor saw that it was Jiang Shengling, he immediately became excited.

You must know that Jiang Shengling's performance in treating Wang Kexin was simply amazing. The doctors in their hospital had already thought that Jiang Shengling would be a genius doctor.

Although Jiang Shengling did not disclose the source of his medical skills, they still wanted to learn something more or less. If they could see Jiang Shengling's diagnosis, it would be excellent.

"Doctor, her body can be said to be extremely weak. Now she has to adjust her body before she can start taking medicine."

Jiang Shengling gave He Weiwei's mother a pulse and said that because He Weiwei's mother had never used any medicine before, the condition continued to get worse.

My body is already weak, so I can't take the medicine right away in a short period of time.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes."

The attending doctor nodded again and again, and he was already shocked and speechless. Of course he knew these diagnosis results, but it took many days of observation before he could come to this conclusion, but he didn't expect Jiang Shengling to come here. Can say it accurately.

After that, Jiang Shengling didn't say much, anyway, He Weiwei's mother's condition was not very good, but there was no life-threatening situation, and the more important thing was that it would take some time to cultivate.

Jiang Shengling picked up a medicine list from the desktop and wrote a bunch of medicines and handed it directly to the attending doctor.

"You just prescribe medicine for her as I told her. You don't need to take another medicine by yourself. You just need to take care of the rest on schedule."

Jiang Shengling said to the doctor.

"Well, I must follow your instructions."

After the doctor saw this medicine list, it was almost like a treasure, so he hurriedly put it away.

After doing this, Jiang Shengling also left the hospital, and only then did He Weiwei's mother open her eyes.

She had already woke up, but because she saw Jiang Shengling was there, she wanted to see what the relationship between Jiang Shengling and He Weiwei was.

"Weiwei, tell me who this boy is. He must be so concerned about your affairs. To be honest, is he the boyfriend you mentioned before."

He Weiwei's mother asked, she always felt that Jiang Shengling seemed very familiar. Later, she remembered that her daughter always described a person to herself, and that person's characteristics were exactly the same as the boy.

"This... is it."

He Weiwei didn't know what to say for a while. This was obviously because she couldn't hide it. She was reluctant to intervene in Jiang Shengling's affairs in the past for this reason.

In order to deal with her mother, she directly referred to Jiang Shengling as her boyfriend. Now that she was found out, how could she explain clearly.

"Oh, this little boy is not bad, he is handsome, he is handsome, Weiwei, you are also beautiful, you are also a good match, you are separated, he came to see me, he is also interested ."

He Weiwei's mother shook her head and said.

She didn't force He Weiwei again this time, knowing that some things should go with the flow, and it should depend on the fate of the two people, rather than force them together.

For example, the so-called Boss Song last time, if it weren't for Jiang Shengling's appearance, he didn't know what it was like now. He Weiwei told Jiang Shengling all these things.

But since the two of them had broken up once, there must be a reason, and He Weiwei's mother didn't say much anymore.

He Weiwei was silent. The two of them were indeed not together, but they had never been together. She very much hoped to have a relationship with Jiang Shengling, but the conditions did not allow, she did not dare to intervene in Jiang Shengling’s feelings. No way, Wang Kexin.

"Weiwei, mother will never interfere with your feelings anymore. You have to decide your affairs by yourself, find the person you like, and find the person who can entrust you for the rest of your life."

He Weiwei's mother said earnestly. She also knew that she sometimes made mistakes, and on the contrary, she harmed her daughter even more.

"Ok, I know."

He Weiwei nodded, but she said in her heart that this kind of thing could not be so simple, for example, she likes Jiang Shengling, and there will be no results after all.


In a private room of a hotel in Jiangdong City, Liu Kaiwen just got up right now, and after a glance at the woman beside him, he frowned and said contemptuously.

"So you removed your makeup so ugly, hurry up and get out of my bed, shit, are you going to scare people to death early in the morning."

"Brother Kaiwen, you praised me for being beautiful last night. Why did you change yourself in the morning."

That woman couldn't believe it. Liu Kaiwen said a lot of sweet words when he was pursuing her last night. It was only one night, so he dumped himself so quickly?

This is indeed Liu Kaiwen's consistent operation, because he still has some kidney deficiency reasons, every time he finishes things quickly, and he doesn't feel any pleasure.

, And now blame this kind of thing on the woman.

"Fuck me! Who has changed? You looked like a fairy last night. Who knows that you are now completely exposed, almost like a ghost, don’t **** hurry up, get out of my wallet if you ask for money, Take as much as you want."

Liu Kaiwen said indifferently. Anyway, it seems that there are many women who worship gold. They have good-looking skins, but in essence, they are just people who sell their youth and beauty in exchange for money, and other laborers. There is no difference.

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