Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 395: Find me whenever you need it

"By the way, my name is Sun Manyu. Anyway, thank you for saving me. Please feel free to find me if you need it."

Sun Manyu looked at Jiang Shengling's back and shouted that she hadn't seen such a person, and after so much effort to save people, she even left without asking her own name.

With the money Jiang Shengling gave him, Sun Manyu stopped a taxi from the side of the road and went back. Although it was said to be relatively remote, there were a lot of people, and it was still lively. Naturally, he would not say that such gangsters appeared. .

It's not very far from the city. Sun Manyu didn't go back to where he lived this time, but went straight to the villa.

At this time, a lot of people have gathered in the villa to discuss and discuss how this matter should be resolved. The Sun family is not short of money or masters, but they want to figure out where it is. The forces of one side did it.

Zhong Mengyao and Wang Kexin were also among the group of people at this time. Zhong Mengyao had only one thought in his heart, that is, at least the family should also take out the money and save Man Yu back.

It's just that she doesn't have much say in the family, so she also ordered those people not to be touched.

"Yaoyao, don't worry, Manyu will definitely be fine, and I think the family should be willing to pay for it soon."

Wang Kexin knew that Zhong Mengyao was very depressed at this time, so she said with comfort.

"Hmph, I think they have no plans to save Manyu, and although they say that the Sun family has a big business, it is not easy to spend so much money at once. You see how many of them are willing to pay, how can you say this? But 500 million in cash."

This is the reason why the Sun family hesitated for a long time. The price is indeed too high. The high price is not like an ordinary kidnapping case, it is more like targeting their Sun family specifically.

But they don't have a clue at all now, and they simply don't know which force is doing this, plus the other party's attitude is extremely tough, and it feels like tearing up votes at any time.

So this made the Sun family only dared to deal with it carefully. After promising a time to give money, it is now urgently discussed here. The money is ready, but who will be responsible for how much is still being discussed.

Looking at the cold-blooded people in this room, Zhong Mengyao couldn't help but miss Jiang Shengling a little, thinking that if Jiang Shengling was there now, even if he didn't know Sun Manyu, he would definitely be willing to directly lend a helping hand.

"I think that's the way to do this. Manyu belongs to our Sun family. No matter how much money we need, we can't stop giving it. As for how much you claim, we will look at this matter later. Now It’s almost time now, so let’s redeem Manyu first."

It was Zhong Mengyao's grandmother who was speaking, the highest authority in the entire Sun family, who also had the right to call the shots.

"Hmph, don’t they know that Manyu belongs to our Sun family, but they demanded so much money for a price. I’m afraid it’s impossible not to know that in Jiangdong City, they dare to be so arrogant in front of our Sun family? Who is there."

One of them said.

"Yes, I think I need to check those talents, maybe it's the family that has never dealt with our Sun family."

Someone immediately booed and said.

"Okay, let me stop talking about it. We will discuss the specific situation later. Now the most important thing is the Man language."

Zhong Mengyao shouted, she didn't want to delay time at all now, after all, if you delay for a while, Manyu may be more dangerous, and no one knows what kind of people the gangsters are.

When everyone heard what Zhong Mengyao said, they all calmed down. Even though she was such a junior, speaking like this would definitely be disrespectful. After all, everyone present could be regarded as Zhong Mengyao's elders.

It's just that they are also very aware of Zhong Mengyao and Sun Manyu's childhood relationship, so they didn't say much.

"Yes, yes, I think it's better to resolve this matter as soon as possible, or else there is no danger in manly speaking."

Suddenly, one of the men said that he was Zhong Mengyao's second uncle, Sun Shi. Although his expression looked nervous, there was a slight outline of the corners of his mouth, and he obviously couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, those gangsters cost five hundred million, and they are all cash. Even if we can get it together, it will take time. The old lady sold the stocks in her hands at a low price to get the money. We must know that we are losing money. It’s already far more than 500 million."

One of them said.

"Moreover, money is still a trivial matter. What's more important is that we have to figure out who did this and dare to stand on the head of our Sun family and shit. We must give this kind of people a little bit of color."

"Yes, yes, but the most important thing at the moment is to give money first. Although the price is indeed not small, if you can save Sister Manyu back, it is not more important than anything."

Sun Shi said hurriedly.

"You're right, you can make more money if you don’t have money. If you don’t have people, you will really only have memories. Whenever you don’t even have memories, then they will really disappear."

The old lady of the Sun family nodded and said.

"Then everyone can vote by show of hands, and you can directly put forward any opinions."

After speaking, she also glanced at the people around her, but since even the old lady had already spoken, there was no way other people could say anything different, so they all agreed.

"If this is the case, then we will now take the money we prepared to find those people, as if we were bitten by a dog while walking on the road, we must take the money and bring Manyu back safely. "

The old lady said, finally agreeing.

After hearing this, Sun Shi was overjoyed, thinking that these people had discussed for so long, but fortunately, they had still discussed an answer. He didn't suffer for nothing all night.

This matter also has his share. After the incident is completed, he can directly get more than 30 million, and all he has to do is just to combine it with the outside world, so he feels that this money has not taken a loss at all.

After the old lady gave her instructions, the others did indeed act immediately.

Zhong Mengyao never thought that Sun Shi would even speak for Manyu, but after all, this matter is really not easy, Zhong Mengyao didn't think much about it, thinking that Sun Shi was more related to Sun Manyu.

Thinking about it this way, Zhong Mengyao's heart towards Sun Shi also changed a bit. It seems that blood is thicker than water, and Sun Shicai also cares about Sun Manyu.

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