Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 396: Courageous enough

When Sun Shi saw that everyone agreed, he was also overjoyed, thinking that it is still easy to make money like this, he just participated a little bit, and so on, he can get a lot of money.

At this moment, suddenly the security captain rushed all the way and shouted outside.

"Manyu has come back."

"Manyu is back?"

"Really? Did the kidnappers let them go."

The people inside were stunned for an instant, what the **** was going on.

"Fuck, this is acknowledging the wrong person, right? What happened to You Du, how did he put the person back."

Sun Shi was still secretly happy in his heart, but now he was completely stunned.

The people in the conference hall rushed out and Sun Manyu was slowly walking in. At this time, especially Zhong Mengyao, as soon as he saw Sun Manyu, he rushed forward and hugged her.

"Manyu, are you okay?"


Sun Manyu shook his head. Although she said that she had almost encountered an accident just now, but fortunately, it can be said that nothing happened.

"That's good, that's good, but aren't those people asking us to pay for it? Why do they put you back now."

One of the elders asked strangely.

"Someone saved me and then sent me back."

When Sun Manyu thought of Jiang Shengling, he was a little curious about what kind of person he was.

At this time, Sun Shi was the one who couldn't believe this incident. He also ran out. He didn't expect that Sun Manyu had really come back. Then there was a rush of fire. Damn, what the **** are these people? Going on.

Sun Shi did not continue to stay in the villa for a long time, and fled directly after looking for an opportunity.

After Jiang Shengling sent Sun Manyu back, he directly used the calling machine to report to Ye Bingxin.

"I just went out for a trip, now I am back, and sent someone away. Has anyone gone out since I left."

Jiang Shengling asked.

"No, our people have surrounded the entire junkyard and haven't seen anyone come out."

Ye Bingxin said.

"Well, you just keep guarding outside. If anyone comes out, you can catch it directly."

Jiang Shengling said.

"no problem."

Ye Bingxin nodded, and then turned off the calling machine.

After Jiang Shengling returned to the garbage dump, he ran to the place just now. It was dark here, and no one knew at all when he went out and came back.

After returning to the utility room just now, I found that the corpses were still there. They hadn't moved at all. It seemed that no one had found them.

It's just that there should be one person among these kidnappers. I don't know where this person went, so Jiang Shengling also began to look for it in this garbage dump.

There is also a garbage storage room in this garbage dump. Although it has been useless for a long time, it still emits a peculiar smell, which makes people smell extremely uncomfortable.

Although it was said that he could not clearly see what was in front of him under the dark night, Jiang Shengling was still able to accurately find that someone should have been here. Obviously there were marks of being walked by someone on the ground, and it seemed that there was more than one. It was densely packed as if there was a group of people.

Jiang Shengling quickly slipped into this garbage storage room. It should be quite quiet here, but he seemed to hear a lot of sounds, and these sounds were still human breathing.

He immediately continued to walk inside, only to find dozens of people locked in the corner, all of whom were physically disabled without exception, either with a broken leg or a broken arm.

There were screams in the distance. Jiang Shengling followed the sound and found that there were several other people who were being hung up and were being beaten violently by several strong men as sandbags.

Among those few people was the little leader just now, and that little leader was eating supper comfortably, and said carelessly.

"After this order is completed, everyone will be rewarded with a lot of money, and Boss You has already told me that he wants to make these businesses bigger and stronger, so these things are up to us. In short, this The better things we do, the more money we can have."

Said the little leader.

"Brother Zhuangzi, I feel that our business is small. Look at the people who caught a house, I am afraid that the money sold is not enough for the little girl just now. It is better to focus on that."

Said one of the big guys.

"Oh, the persimmons have to be squeezed. Do you think these rich people are so easy to bully? Not to mention that they have bodyguards and some people give them their lives. At that time, even if they are redeemed, maybe in the future I'll come to trouble us again, even if you make quick money with this kind of money."

Brother Zhuangzi seems to be very experienced, and he speaks very well.

"It's better to catch these people. You see, these are all powerless **** in society. I caught them when I caught them, and they are also very valuable, whether they are sold directly or sold separately for organs. , The prices are still very high, and this business can be done slowly."

"It turns out that this is the case, Zhuangzi really has a good opinion."

The little brothers under their hands nodded in praise, and it seemed that they really didn't understand these things.

"By the way, Brother Zhuangzi, after this business is done, I am afraid that I will get a lot of money. If Brother Zhuangzi wants to go where to play, can we bring us brothers? We also want to go out and meet you. world."

"No problem, you should follow Boss You, especially now that Brother Hu and Boss You have already cooperated and made a lot of money. By then, it will be indispensable for our brothers, let alone going out to play, when the time comes. Even if we emigrate, it is not necessarily true."

Zhuangzi said with a big smile.

"It's alright, you can stay here for now. There are still a few brothers out there who haven't eaten yet. I'll take a few more bottles of beer."

Zhuangzi stood up as he said, carrying a box of beer and ready to go out.

Jiang Shengling certainly wouldn't let these people leave so easily, he just lifted his leg and walked towards them slowly.

They had seen Jiang Shengling's unfamiliar face, and it was a bit strange. Brother Zhuangzi was quite alert, and quickly stepped back and asked.

"what is your job?"

"Yes, ordinary people don't come here at all, how did your kid get in."

"Brother Zhuangzi, I heard that a detective agency recently investigated us very strictly. This kid must be a member of that detective agency."

"Hehe, I dare to come in alone, I'm courageous enough."

Not only were those people not afraid of their faces, they also jokingly said to Jiang Shengling.

. . . . …………

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