Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 509: We are saved

"Since you want to let me let go so much, then you go away."

Jiang Shengling flicked a hand forcefully, smashing him to the ceiling heavily, and Sun Hao suddenly let out a cry of ghost and wolf.

"It's arrogant! Quickly control this mob!"

Old Sun was too angry, slapped the tea table in front of him, and ordered loudly.

Several security guards rushed in and rushed towards Jiang Shengling, but after two seconds they were all kicked to the wall.

"Don't challenge my patience. For Yaoyao's face, I will save you face. If you don't make friends, then I will go up by myself."

Jiang Shengling said lightly, and then began to walk upstairs.

"You stand still, you dare to be so arrogant in front of me."

Seeing his son being beaten, of course Sun Shang couldn't sit still, and with the two bodyguards behind him, he wanted to stop Jiang Shengling.

Relying on his weight of almost two hundred jins, he thought he would fight Jiang Shengling, but he was kicked out of the door by Jiang Shengling with his two bodyguards.

"Oh, it hurts me so much."

Seeing Sun Shang screaming outside the door, those other people really felt that Jiang Shengling was too much. In any case, this was also the territory of the Sun family, and Sun Shang had the highest status besides Sun Lao.

Not only did Jiang Shengling disrespect Lao Sun verbally, but even now he hits people, which directly caused public outrage.

"Grandma, this person is simply a beast. You must severely punish this kind of gangster."

Sun Hao climbed up from the ground with difficulty, clutching his chest and shouting loudly.

"Go to the practice room and invite Uncle Tian to come!"

Granny Sun knew that Jiang Shengling would never be allowed to go on like this, and she shouted tremblingly.

Uncle Tian is a member of the Sun family. He usually practices in the practice room, and he rarely comes out. Therefore, if it is not a particularly serious matter, they will definitely not trouble Uncle Tian.

Therefore, in the eyes of these grandchildren, Uncle Tian is their amulet. As long as Uncle Tian is there, no one can bully their grandson family.

In fact, Uncle Tian’s strength has long been inferior to the previous one. He is a traitor of a certain sect. When he descends the mountain, his strength is indeed okay, but it’s a pity that he has already become a bad habit in the world, even though he is in the practice room every day. Cultivation, in fact, is fooling around outside all day long.

At this time, Uncle Tian had just returned from the Yanliu Alley outside. When he slipped back from the small road, he heard a noisy noise in the villa, and he walked over to see what was going on.

"Uncle Tian, ​​are you here? So you also felt an enemy invaded, so you really deserve to be Uncle Tian."

A junior yelled excitedly after seeing Uncle Tian, ​​because the old grandson explained the reason why he could not disturb Uncle Tian, ​​so the practice rooms are all in remote places. Your villa is far away, so at this time When Uncle Tian appeared here, he naturally thought that Uncle Tian sensed the presence of the enemy.

"Uncle Tian is here, we are saved."

Those other people said excitedly, they believed that after Uncle Tian came, he would surely be able to subdue Jiang Shengling.

"A Tian! Go and teach this young man who doesn't know the heights of the sky, how dare to be presumptuous in our Sun's family!"

Sun Lao quickly said after seeing Uncle Tian.

"Uncle Tian, ​​kill him directly!"

Sun Shang just kept coughing up blood from his chest, and pointed to Jiang Shengling with difficulty.

"Yes, let him know the arrogant end of our Sun family."

"At the very least, he must be crippled, and he must be well educated."

Others also started to point and point. They saw that Uncle Tian was there, and seemed to have a lot of confidence, and they began to dare to speak loudly.

"You? Boy, I think you are really impatient with your life. You dare to come to the Sun family to be presumptuous. I am forbidden to kowtow to the people of the Sun family and apologize immediately. Maybe I can spare your life."

Uncle Tian paced slowly in front of Jiang Shengling, with a look of contempt.

Since he went down the mountain, he really hasn't met any opponents who can do well. After all, most of the people in this world are ordinary people, even if they have a little bit of strength, they can't stand a blow in front of him.

It's just that he naturally thought that Jiang Shengling should be a man of some strength, so he didn't take it seriously.

"Take back those words you just said, and then give me a bang. I can treat you as if you haven't been there."

Jiang Shengling raised his eyes and looked at Uncle Tian coldly and said.


Uncle Tian was furious, and immediately violent. He stretched out his hands and wanted to catch Jiang Shengling.

However, Jiang Shengling had no intention of playing with him. He directly held his stretched arm with his backhand and pulled directly. Accompanied by the sound of tearing bones and skin, Jiang Shengling directly pulled one of his arms forcibly. , For a while, blood was flooding the entire staircase.

Jiang Shengling continued to kick it out, and a huge shoe print immediately covered Uncle Tian's face, continuously flowing out of his mouth and nose. Poor Uncle Tian was knocked unconscious on the ground before he even reacted.

After a whole night of tossing, Jiang Shengling is really quite tired today, but he is angry now, and naturally he can't control the severity of his actions.

At this moment, seeing such a **** and cruel scene, everyone in the Sun family was speechless. They were all self-proclaimed civilized elites. How could they have seen such a scene?

The most important thing is that they are just uncle Tian as amulets. They are not even qualified to have two tricks in front of Jiang Shengling. They were beaten to be crippled after just a face-to-face encounter. They never thought that Jiang Shengling would have such strength. .

"It's a bunch of stupid talents, knowing that it's wasting my time."

Jiang Shengling cursed, and then ignored them and went directly to the second floor.

"Stop him! Stop him!"

Old Sun was still yelling there, but no one dared to go forward this time. Not only had they seen Jiang Shengling's true strength, but most importantly, they knew that he was such a **** and cruel person.

At this time, Sun Hao and Sun Shang both felt a little fortunate. It seemed that Jiang Shengling hadn't abolished himself directly. They were really lucky.

Jiang Shengling followed the breath he felt and walked up directly, then kicked open an iron door, punched a solid wood cabinet, and then grabbed Sun Shi by the collar and pushed him directly from the cabinet. Pulled it out.

"I, I, I, I said, Jiang Shengling, I know what you want to ask, and I will say whatever you want to know."

Sun Shi hurriedly cried and begged for mercy.

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