Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 510: including you

He knew very well that Jiang Shengling should have wanted to avenge You Du. Although he and You Du were brothers, they could only cut their brothers twice for their lives now.

Jiang Shengling ignored him, grabbed his neck and pulled out the door directly, put it on the stairs and kicked it down, letting him roll down into the living room on the first floor.

Sun Shi was different from Cheng Hu. He didn't have much effort. After being tortured by such a meal, he just fell apart and couldn't even stand up.

At this time everyone saw Jiang Shengling's behavior, even if they were dissatisfied, they still dared not say anything. Only Sun Jie stepped forward and helped Sun Shi.

"It's okay, sit up quickly."

Sun Jie raised her head and stared at Jiang Shengling, and said with a grudge on her face.

"Jiang Shengling, you are simply a wolf's ambition. You have stayed in our house for so long, don't you think it is too inhuman to our people now!"

Jiang Shengling didn't want to pay attention to this brainless woman at this time. Without speaking, he walked down the stairs slowly.

Ye Bingxin knew that Jiang Shengling was too lazy to explain, so he also stood up and said.

"Everyone heard me say that Jiang Shengling did this for a reason. We recently tracked down a criminal group whose leader is called You Du. Several kidnappings in the Sun family are related to this You Du, and Sun Shi is The people over Yudu!"

Although Jiang Shengling didn't tell her these things, but combined with the cause and effect, she could probably guess the context of the matter.

"How is it possible, Ye Bingxin, how can you help this kid to slander our Sun family, is it possible that you are also in the same group?"

Although Sun Shang said he did not dare to confront Jiang Shengling, he still dared to speak loudly to Ye Bingxin.

"Yes, Ye Bingxin, you are legally responsible for what you said. You should know the law and abide by the law. Our Sun family has people in the provincial government and municipal bureaus. You, a little detective, are not qualified to talk nonsense here. "

Sun Shang shouted loudly.

"You guys! Do you know what kind of criminal You Du is like? Sun Shi, as his internal correspondent, is already a serious crime in these kidnapping cases alone!"

Ye Bingxin's face was very ugly, and she still argued loudly.

"Miss Ye, I know best what the people of our family are like. I don't know whether Sun Shi is a good person or a bad person."

Boss Sun said with a face.

"They spit their mouths. I really haven't done those things, and I don't know Yudu. I don't know what they are talking about."

When Sun Shi saw that his family was supporting him, he immediately became courageous, and quickly pretended to be innocent.

He knew very well that if Jiang Shengling really wanted to kill himself, it would be really easy, but now it is a legal society after all. In the presence of so many people, it is impossible for him to kill himself without any reason.

"shut up!"

Jiang Shengling walked down the stairs, and after glaring at Sun Shi, he immediately did not dare to continue talking.

"Let me summarize. You Du colluded with Sun Shi and planned two kidnapping cases. He is the inner ghost of your Sun family. This time Man Yu and Yaoyao were injured, and he was the culprit."

"Impossible, Sun Ge is usually gentle and easy-going, how can he have a relationship with that kind of person? I believe in his character."

"Yes, I also believe him, how could Sun Shige be such a person."

Jiang Shengling's remarks couldn't convince them at all, and those people were still speaking for Sun Shi.

Sun Shi made a lot of money, and naturally gave others a small favor from time to time in the family, and naturally formed a lot of prestige.

"Listen, Jiang Shengling, if he is really a heinous criminal, will there be so many people talking for him? I know you are very powerful, but it doesn't mean that our Sun family will be intimidating and succumbing to you."

Sun Lao said with an awe-inspiring look.

"You brought this detective here today, and you came up to accuse us, and no matter what your intentions, you talk nonsense like this without evidence, can I sue you for defamation."

"Mr. Jiang, do you have any evidence."

Zhong Guojin is one of the few people here who is reasonably sensible. He is not strictly a member of the Sun family, so he does not want to maintain the dignity of the Sun family like those people are crazy.

"Of course there is, but don’t you believe it? It’s better. If I can’t prove Sun Shi’s crime, I will give each of you a knock. If I can prove it, then you will give me a knock, including you!"

Jiang Shengling said, and at the same time stretched out his finger to point at Lao Sun on the chair.

"You are too much..."

"Old lady, this person is simply..."

Those people in the Sun family quarreled again. To tell the truth, Jiang Shengling broke into their Sun family today, and indeed he had already slapped their Sun family in the face. They are a big family, and no one can help Jiang Shengling.

Many families have a very strong sense of face, especially this kind of old-fashioned family, and they want to maintain the status of the family at all times. Today, when Jiang Shengling stepped on his head, he already wanted to go up and kill Jiang Shengling all by himself.

"shut up!"

Sun Lao shouted, staring straight at Jiang Shengling and said.

"Yes, if he really did something sorry for the country and the people, then I am willing to be punished. But if you spit on people, I will definitely make you pay for your actions today."

Jiang Shengling was not talking, took out Cheng Hu's mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Zhong Guojin.

"Let it go, maybe you will understand after reading it."

Jiang Shengling sneered and said, there are various recordings and videos in this phone. Cheng Hu really doesn't trust You Du to come, so that's why he left so much evidence.

Sun Shi was also able to recognize Cheng Hu's mobile phone at a glance, and he was so scared that he was a little out of control, and a commotion spread.

Zhong Guojin asked someone to bring in a giant-screen TV. After connecting to the phone, he started to play a video inside. First, a figure appeared in the video. Cheng Hu was sitting on the sofa, and then two more people were sitting there. Down, one of them was Sun Shi.

Seeing this scene, the people in the whole hall were stunned. They couldn't imagine how Sun Shi got involved with Cheng Hu. Cheng Hu was one of the bosses of the Dragon Tiger Club, and naturally many people knew him. Of course, this understanding is not good, Cheng Hu has been tracked down by the entire network.

There is another person in this video. Those in the Sun family thought he seemed familiar, but for a while, he couldn't fully recognize who this person was.

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