Urban Supreme System

Chapter 104: Liu Linger

After making sure that Xiaoxuelong's injury was okay, Su Zhe and Yu Xuanhao opened the ZY club's website.

At this time, the prize money of the game has arrived, which ZY club has done well. Su Zhe transferred all the money in the member's account back to the bank account, and the money was still in the bank, so Su Zhe felt more at ease.

In case the ZY club goes bankrupt, the money will go to waste. Besides, this ZY club is still opened by Zheng Yan. If Zheng Yan finds an excuse to close his member account, now with the relationship between Zheng Yan and Su Zhe, this kind of thing is not impossible. If Zheng Yan really did this, it would be too late for Su Zhe to regret it.

So just in case, Su Zhe still turned all his chips out now, so as to be foolproof. Yu Xuanhao did the same as Su Zhe, and transferred all the chips.

After doing this, Su Zhe and the others left the ZY club with Xiaoxuelong. Their purpose has been achieved, and there is no point in continuing to stay in the ZY club.

After getting in the car, Yu Xuanhao said solemnly, "Su Zhe, I really thank you this time, you helped me again."

"Thank me for what, I haven't done anything." Su Zhe smiled.

"Yes, I also want to thank Xiao Xuelong, but I still want to say thank you to you."

Su Zhe smiled and shook his head, but said nothing.

Yu Xuanhao and the others did not go back to the hotel, but drove to the animal quarantine station in Jingnan City and issued an animal quarantine certificate for Xiaoxuelong.

After completing the formalities, they returned to the hotel. After they packed up their clothes, Yu Xuanhao's bodyguard went to the front desk to withdraw their room. Yu Xuanhao and Su Zhe have both decided to go back to Yanyun City today. Yu Xuanhao lost the black tiger and had no mood, so he continued to stay in Jingnan City to play.

On the way to Jingnan Airport, Su Zhe took out his mobile phone and sent a text message out.


In the student dormitory of Jingnan University. This bedroom is a quadruple room.

At this time, there were only two people in the dormitory. One of them was lying on the bed and was putting on a mask leisurely. She was in good shape. Because the mask covered her face, she couldn't see her face.

The other person was humming an unknown tune in a low voice and seemed to be in a good mood. The girl humming, holding alfalfa hay in her hand, was feeding the two small animals in front of her.

Those were two little chinchillas, eating the food given by the girls with relish and looking very cute.

It turned out that this girl was Liu Linger, who lost her way with Su Zhe in the suburbs last time, and these two little chinchillas are more and less.

This time of day is the most sleepy time, Liu Linger's beautiful tone, like the flow of clear spring water, makes the people who hear it quiet, plus the strange fragrance emanating from Liu Linger's body. All this is like a song, a lullaby that can make people fall asleep at ease, making the girls lying on the bed more and more sleepy.

Just when the girl wearing the mask was about to fall asleep. The text message ringtone of Liu Linger's mobile phone rang at this moment.

Let Liu Linger, who was feeding the chinchillas to eat alfalfa hay, hurriedly took out her mobile phone and hurriedly tried to cover the sound of the mobile phone with both hands.

Liu Linger looked at the girl wearing the mask with a guilty conscience, worried about disturbing the girl's sleep, and found that the girl didn't move, she thought she hadn't woken the girl up. Liu Linger stuck out her tongue, patted her chest, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did Liu Linger open the text message,

After seeing it, she immediately stood up, left her seat, ran to the door of the bedroom, turned around, and said to the girl who was putting on a mask on the bed: "Sister Qing, I'm going out to see a friend, please help I'll take care of Duo Duo and Shao Shao, don't let them get lost. Please, I'm in a hurry, so don't talk."

After Liu Linger finished speaking, she left the bedroom in a hurry.

"Linger, what kind of friend are you going to see? Don't be deceived." The girl who was called Sister Qing by Liu Linger only found out that she was talking to the air after speaking, and Liu Linger had already left without a trace.

Helpless, Le Qing could only get up from the bed, she tore off the mask, walked over and put Duoduo and Shaishuo back in the cage.

Le Qing yawned, she was still a little sleepy, and was about to go back to bed to make up for a nap. But suddenly found Liu Linger's wallet on the bed, she must have forgotten to bring her wallet again.

Helpless, Le Qing planned to call Liu Linger and talk to her. But what Le Qing never expected was that after she got through Liu Ling'er's phone, she found that Liu Ling'er's ringtone rang behind Le Qing, and Le Qing had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Le Qing saw the phone on Liu Linger's desk, it was Liu Linger's phone. Unexpectedly, after reading the text message, Liu Linger left her phone on the table and left. Liu Linger forgot to take her phone out.

Le Qing patted her head, okay, now she can't sleep at all in her beauty sleep. With Liu Linger's confused personality, she has no defense against people, and Liu Linger is still a road idiot. Le Qing was really worried about Liu Linger who went out without her cell phone and wallet.

When Liu Linger went out just now, she didn't tell Le Qing where she was going. So even if Le Qing wanted to find Liu Linger now, she didn't know where to look.

However, Le Qing knew that Liu Linger was there and went out after reading the text message on her phone. Now Le Qing can only put her hope on this text message, hoping that this text message contains the address where Liu Linger went.

Liu Linger has no precautions against people, and she doesn't mind others looking at her mobile phone, so there is no password set on her mobile phone. So Le Qing didn't bother, she turned on Liu Linger's mobile phone, and she clicked on the phone's text message box to check the latest text message.

The sender's remark name was Brother Su Zhe. When Le Qing saw the remark name, her pretty eyebrows could not help but wrinkle slightly. Le Qing had never heard of the name Su Zhe, and in her impression Liu Linger knew no one named Su Zhe.

Leqing and Liu Linger have 4 people in their dormitory, and they have a very good relationship. Especially Leqing and Liu Linger have nothing to say. Liu Linger will tell Leqing everything, and Leqing's feelings towards Liu Linger. Everything is clearly understood.

She didn't know when Liu Linger had a friend named Su Zhe. And from the name of Su Zhe, he is still a male friend. You must know that Liu Linger has very few friends, let alone male friends.

The text message from Su Zhe was very brief, with only a few sentences.

The general meaning of this text message is that Su Zhe is going to take a plane back to Yanyun City now. Sending a text message is to say goodbye to Liu Linger, and does not mean to ask Liu Linger to go out.

Le Qing guessed that after reading the text message, Liu Linger decided to go to the airport to send Su Zhe off.

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