Urban Supreme System

Chapter 105 Friends

Indeed, Le Qing guessed right. After reading Su Zhe's text message, Liu Linger decided to go to the airport to see him off.

Because Liu Linger thought that Su Zhe was her friend, and now that Su Zhe was going back to Yanyun City, she thought she should go to the airport to see Su Zhe.

The confused Liu Linger left the school and was in the bus shelter when she was about to stop the car. Only then did Liu Linger realize that her wallet and mobile phone were left in the bedroom and forgot to take them out. Going back to get it now, Liu Linger is worried about the delay, because Liu Linger doesn't know what time Su Zhe's flight is on, and she doesn't know if she can still meet Su Zhe in time.

Liu Linger, who searched all her pockets, only found a coin with a face value of one yuan.

At this time, a bus just arrived, and this bus happened to pass the airport in Jingnan City. When the bus stops at the shelter. After learning that this bus would lead to Jingnan Airport, Liu Linger didn't think much about it, and went directly to the bus with the flow of people.

Liu Linger put the only one-yuan coin on her body directly into the coin box. Liu Linger didn't think about using the only 1 yuan on her body now, what should she do when she returns, and how should she get back to school. She hadn't thought about this, she only knew that she wanted to rush to the airport to see Su Zhe off.

The bus driver didn't give Liu Linger a chance to go back on it. After all the passengers at this stop got up, the bus driver slowly started the car and drove forward.

The seats on the bus were full, so Liu Linger could only stand.

Although the bus has no place, there are still many people at each stop, crowding on the bus. After passing through two stops, the bus was already crowded with people, and there was almost no place for the stop.

After arriving at the next stop, no passengers got off the bus. Although the bus was already full of people, the driver still opened the front door and let the people waiting for the bus come on.

The front door of the car was basically full of people, but there were still many people behind who wanted to squeeze in.

At this time, the driver began to speak, turned his head to face the passengers in the bus, and shouted: "Everyone, please cooperate a little, and walk to the back. There are many empty spaces behind, so that others can come up."

And Liu Linger, who was in the center of the bus, carefully turned her head and looked back, but was startled, so she said, "Master, don't scare me, you really can't see "them"? "

Fortunately, Liu Linger's voice was not heard, and there were all kinds of noises in the bus. It was very noisy. No passengers could hear Liu Linger's words, let alone the driver in front.

After Liu Linger finished speaking, she realized that she was scaring herself. It's not that the driver didn't see the passengers behind him, but he wanted all the passengers to squeeze back to make room for more people to squeeze up.

Passengers get off at every bus stop, but because many people get on the bus at each stop, the number of people in the bus has not decreased along the way, but the number of passengers in the bus is increasing.

The air was a bit sultry today, and the bus was crowded with so many people. There are also a few passengers who are only interested in their own enjoyment, ignoring the no smoking instructions posted on the car, and regardless of the feelings of other passengers, they still smoke in the car. Let the smell of smoke fill the bus, make the already hot and stuffy bus more smoky and make people more irritable.

Fortunately, Liu Linger's body continued to emit a fragrance, which made the air in the car a little better, and made other passengers feel more comfortable, so that it would not be so uncomfortable.

Liu Linger, who is not used to this kind of environment,

She felt that she didn't even have the air to breathe, she was about to breathe, and she felt dizzy.

Fortunately, just when Liu Linger was about to lose it, the bus full of people finally indicated the name of the next stop, which was Liu Linger's destination.

As soon as the bus arrived at the stop, Liu Linger, who was extremely uncomfortable, hurriedly got off the bus.

Liu Linger, who got out of the car, took a few breaths of sufficient oxygen before finally feeling better.

Liu Linger looked at the time and hurriedly ran to the opposite side. The place where Liu Linger got off was opposite Jingnan Airport.


Inside the airport, Su Zhe and Yu Xuanhao arranged Xiaoxuelong properly and sent him to the plane. They saw that it was still a little early, so they were not in a hurry to get on the plane and chatted for a while at the airport.

Su Zhe and Yu Xuanhao talked about some interesting things about raising dogs, and exchanged some ideas and experiences with each other. In this regard, Su Zhe really has nothing to say, and Yu Xuanhao really knows dogs well and has rich experience.

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Zhe is a brilliant doctor. If he doesn't understand dogs, he will be suspicious. So Su Zhe can only copy the information introduced in the pet exchange mall.

Every theory Su Zhe said surprised Yu Xuanhao. I feel that after listening to it, I have benefited a lot and gained a lot, so Yu Xuanhao is even more sure that Su Zhe's medical skills are extraordinary.

Su Zhe, who was communicating with Yu Xuanhao, vaguely saw a figure running into the airport in a hurry. The other party looked around as if he was looking for someone. Su Zhe felt very familiar with this person's back, like Liu Linger, but he was a little unsure whether it was because he never thought that Liu Linger would personally come to the airport to see him because of a text message he sent temporarily.

When the other party turned around and looked at the familiar face, Su Zhe finally determined that the other party was Liu Linger.

After Su Zhe and Yu Xuanhao greeted each other, they left their positions and accelerated their pace towards Liu Linger.

Su Zhe walked to Liu Linger's side and said, "Linger, why did you come here?"

Although Su Zhe has seen Liu Linger now, he still doesn't believe it. Liu Linger came to the airport specially to see him off. Perhaps because Liu Linger happened to pass by here, Su Zhe thought that Liu Linger didn't come to him. .

Because Su Zhe was not sure that Liu Linger would really know, because he sent a simple farewell text message without even saying the time, she ran to the airport to see him off. If it was Su Zhe, perhaps Su Zhe would only return a text message at most, and he would not have come to the airport to deliver it.

After all, the communication between Su Zhe and Liu Linger is not very deep. Su Zhe and Liu Linger have only been there once in the suburbs, and it is only a chance encounter. It was Su Zhe who had such an idea, so he thought that Liu Linger didn't come to the airport to see him off.

"Because you are going back today, I will come to the airport to see you off. I didn't say that we are friends. As a friend, of course I will come to see you off, otherwise we are not friends." Liu Linger heard Su Zhe If so, of course.

Now that Liu Linger suddenly saw Su Zhe, she was very pleasantly surprised, her eyes became crescents with laughter, Ben Liu Linger thought that she would not be able to come to the airport in time to see Su Zhe.

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