Urban Supreme System

Chapter 106 Are You Tired?

Liu Linger's seemingly simple reason has to say that Su Zhe was moved a little.

Su Zhe didn't expect Liu Linger to really regard him as a friend in such a short period of time. Su Zhe knew that the friend Liu Linger spoke of was not the friend who was casually mentioned by other people, but a true friend. Su Zhe never thought that Liu Linger would come to the airport to see him off because of his simple farewell text message.

This matter seems to be very small, and there is nothing worth mentioning, but it touched Su Zhe's heart a little.

Su Zhe stretched out his hand to tidy up Liu Linger's messy hair because of the rush and the crowded bus. Su Zhe's movements are very gentle and careful. In the eyes of other people, such a move is already very intimate, and generally only people who are very close will do this.

But Su Zhe did it very naturally, and Liu Linger didn't resist, didn't show any disgust. The two seem to be in harmony, like friends who have known each other for many years.

After Su Zhe arranged Liu Linger's hairstyle, he chatted with Liu Linger for a while.

The broadcast at the airport has reminded several times that the passengers of this flight are required to board the plane as soon as possible, so Su Zhe can only say goodbye to Liu Linger and prepare to get on the plane.

"Brother Su Zhe, I will go to your place to play as soon as I have a holiday. You can't drive me away then." Liu Linger shouted behind Su Zhe.

Hearing this, Su Zhe turned around and said with a smile, "Okay, I welcome you anytime."

After Su Zhe finished speaking, he waved to Liu Linger and went through the registration procedures with Yu Xuanhao.

Liu Linger didn't plan to go back to school until she couldn't see Su Zhe. It was not until now that Liu Linger remembered that she had no money. She even left her mobile phone in the school dormitory and forgot to bring it out. Now it is impossible to ask friends for help.

But up to now, there is no way, no matter how far the road is, we have to go back. Now Liu Linger has no money and no mobile phone with her, so she can only walk home. Thinking of the distance between the airport and the school, Liu Linger couldn't help but sigh.

When Liu Linger walked out of the airport, she looked at the road and became frustrated again. It's not that Liu Linger didn't want to walk home, but after Liu Linger came out, she realized that she didn't know the way back to school.

No matter Liu Linger could only sit on the side of the road with her head down and think again about how to get back.

Suddenly Liu Linger saw that he was a valiant traffic policeman wearing a white steel helmet and a white armed belt at the traffic light intersection. On hot days, he dutifully sticks to his post and sweats hard to maintain traffic.

Liu Linger wanted to find the traffic policeman for help, but was worried about delaying the work of the traffic policeman. Seeing that he was so busy, Liu Linger was embarrassed to go over to trouble the other party.

In the end, Liu Linger lingered for a long time before she made up her mind, thinking about what the teacher taught before, it was difficult to find the police. With this thought in mind, Liu Linger was able to summon the courage to seek help from the other party.

When Liu Linger came to the other party, the traffic policeman, who seemed to be in his early twenties, saluted Liu Linger, very standard, and he said, "Comrade, do you need any help from me?"

"No, it's all right, Uncle Police, I just want to ask if you are tired?" Liu Linger stammered, the other person's salute immediately dissipated all the courage she had finally mustered up.

"Don't be tired, this is my job."

"The police uncle, goodbye." After speaking, Liu Linger hurried away, not daring to look at the other party.

Liu Linger left,

Leaving this dutiful traffic policeman alone is depressed, not to mention that Liu Linger's behavior is very strange, it makes him confused and feels unclear, so he is very depressed by saying Liu Linger's two police uncles .

This traffic policeman was in his early twenties and had not graduated from the police academy not long ago. Today was his first day to direct traffic. He was in a very excited mood. Although he is older than Liu Linger, he is only three years older at most. Now he is called uncle by his peers, which makes him wonder if he is really old.

But soon the traffic policeman forgot about his depression and devoted himself to his work again.

After Liu Linger's mission failed, she no longer had the courage to go to the traffic police for help. Although she also wanted to pick up a phone call with passers-by, so that she could notify the people in the dormitory to come here to pick her up. But the idea came out, and she denied it. Because she doesn't remember anyone's phone number at all.

Liu Linger, who was sitting on the side of the road, suddenly felt the urge to cry, and she had no choice.

"Don't you know how to get back?" Suddenly a voice sounded behind Liu Linger.

"Well, how did you know." Liu Linger responded subconsciously. She felt that the voice was familiar, so she reacted. She turned around, saw the person who came, and said in surprise: "Sister Qing, why are you here? Here, Sister Qing must have heard the prayer in my heart and then came to save me."

"Yes, your sister Qing has great supernatural powers and is omnipotent. She hears your heart, so she can save you." Le Qing said helplessly.

"I knew that Sister Qing would come to save me. Sister Qing, did you know that I almost never saw you?" Liu Linger hugged Le Qing and said aggrievedly in Le Qing's arms.

"Now that you know if you are afraid, I see if you will dare to be so confused in the future."

"I'm not afraid, because I know Sister Qing will come to save me." Liu Linger stuck out her tongue and said.

"You really think I'm a nanny. Let me tell you, if there is another next time, I won't come to you and leave you alone on the streets." Le Qing pretended to threaten.

After Liu Linger went out before, Le Qing found out that Liu Linger's wallet and mobile phone had been forgotten, and wanted to go out and ask Liu Linger to come back, but Liu Linger had already disappeared without a trace. At the beginning, Le Qing thought that after Liu Linger found out that she didn't bring her wallet and mobile phone, she would come back to the bedroom to get it.

But Le Qing waited in the dormitory for a long time and did not see Liu Linger come back. Le Qing, who was worried, had no choice but to wash her face, change into a set of clothes, and set off to find Liu Linger. Le Qing knew from Liu Linger's cell phone text messages that Liu Linger came to the airport to see Su Zhe off.

Because there is only one airport in Jingnan City, it is not difficult to find, so Leqing is not worried about finding Liu Linger.

Sure enough, after Leqing came here, she found Liu Linger sitting alone on the side of the road, looking helpless, so Leqing knew that her worries were right, and Liu Linger really didn't know how to go back to school.

Fortunately, Liu Linger didn't walk home by herself, otherwise Leqing would not dare to guarantee that Liu Linger would not get lost on the way back and disappear. With Liu Linger's confused personality, it is very possible that Leqing It was much more difficult to find Liu Linger.

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