Urban Supreme System

Chapter 107 Return to Yanyun City

On the plane, Su Zhe, who was sitting in the seat, was dozing off with his eyes closed.

Time passed quickly, and in his thoughts, Su Zhe did not feel the passage of time. Before they knew it, Su Zhe and Yu Xuanhao's flight arrived at the airport in Yanyun City.

Before Su Zhe left, Yu Xuanhao said that he hoped Su Zhe could help him find another dog. Heihu lost his life in Jingnan City with the dog-fighting ghost king and lost his life. Now Yu Xuanhao has no dog to accompany him, so Yu Xuanhao wanted to find another dog, hoping to replace Heihu.

And Su Zhe happens to be doing this business. Yu Xuanhao knows that Su Chong's Home often sells all kinds of rare animals, and the animals sold by Su Chong's Home are excellent in all aspects. And Yu Xuanhao himself was also in Su Chong's house, and bought two hawks with a price of 16 million to give to his two sisters.

After Yu Xuanhao bought the Eagle Poodle, he didn't feel that he had spent money unjustly. The two Eagle Poodles he auctioned were definitely worth the money.

And the reason why Su Chong's house has such excellent animals for sale, Yu Xuanhao believes that all the credit is due to Su Zhe, who seems to be the shopkeeper. Because of this, Yu Xuanhao would trouble Su Zhe to help him pay attention to suitable dogs and recommend them to him. Yu Xuanhao believed that Su Zhe would not let him down, and he could definitely find a dog that would satisfy him.

Now Yu Xuanhao wants Su Zhe to help him find a dog. If Su Zhe exchanges a dog from the pet exchange mall, I believe that Yu Xuanhao can definitely offer a high price, and Su Zhe can make a lot of money from it.

But seriously, Su Zhe didn't want to make Yu Xuanhao's money this time. Although he also likes money very much, he also hopes to have more and more money. But Su Zhe didn't want the animals he exchanged to be trained by Yu Xuanhao into fighting dogs, and then like a black tiger, he went to participate in the dog fighting competition.

Then in the cruel dog fighting competition, perhaps defeating the opponent, perhaps being defeated by other more ferocious fighting dogs in the dog fighting arena, whether it is an injury or even a loss of life in the end, it is the result that Su Zhe does not want to see.

Therefore, Su Zhe still didn't want to promise Yu Xuanhao even though he knew that he could make a lot of profit.

But now Yu Xuanhao is Su Zhe's good friend, and fighting dogs is Yu Xuanhao's hobby. Su Zhe is too embarrassed to accuse Yu Xuanhao, so Su Zhe can only vaguely plan to perfunctory and refuse to agree to Yu Xuanhao's request. A more suitable excuse was dismissed.

"What's the matter, Su Zhe, is there something embarrassing, don't mind, you say it." Yu Xuanhao looked at Su Zhe's expression and knew that Su Zhe didn't say something.

Suddenly, Yu Xuanhao wanted to understand, he knew what Su Zhe meant, and what Su Zhe was worried about, so he said: "Don't worry, I have lost the black dragon and black tiger, I have understood, I will never go to the dog fight again. already."

"That's good, don't worry, I will definitely find a dog that will satisfy you." With Yu Xuanhao's assurance, Su Zhe was relieved, he knew that Yu Xuanhao would not go back on his word, maybe Yu Xuanhao had learned from the black tiger Lesson learned.

After finishing speaking, they left the airport, Su Zhe and Yu Xuanhao said goodbye, then stopped a car and left the airport.

Although Su Zhe left Yanyun City for just three days, he found that he was a little homesick, as if he had been away for a long time. Since Su Zhe started to remember, he rarely left this place in Yanyun City. Su Zhe, who grew up in Yanyun City since he was a child, went to the outside for a circle this time, and set foot on the land of Yanyun City again, and he felt that he couldn't wait to go home.

Su Zhe sat in the moving car, through the window,

Looking at the familiar streets, he found that his heart was more urgent to go home.

After leaving for three days, Su Zhe didn't know if the baby would miss him, although Su Zhe was on the phone every day, chatting with the baby.

After reaching the intersection, Su Zhe paid for the car, then took Xiao Xuelong and walked towards the home. Because the heart of returning home is more urgent, and I also want to surprise the babies and them, Su Zhe's footsteps are much faster, and Xiaoxuelong also runs ahead. It seems that Xiaoxuelong has been away for a few days and is also homesick.

Soon Su Zhe arrived home. He took out the key, opened the door, and walked in to take a look, but he was a little disappointed.

The layout of the home is still the same as when he left, nothing has changed. But they didn't see the babies that Su Zhe wanted to see most at the moment.

Su Zhe called a few times in the living room, but neither Baobao nor An Xin Anxuan came out to respond. It seemed that they were not at home.

Su Zhe, who didn't give up, went to every room with Xiao Xuelong, whether it was the kitchen, the bathroom, the room on the second floor, or the rooftop on the third floor. Anyone.

Disappointed, Su Zhe and Xiao Xuelong returned to the living room. Originally, Su Zhe would come back today, but it was also a temporary idea, and he wanted to surprise the babies and them. So they didn't inform Bao Bao and An Xin. Naturally, they didn't know that Su Zhe would come back to Yanyun City today.

Su Zhe didn't expect that not only was there no more surprises now, but he didn't see anyone after he was eager to get home. Such a result was not expected by Su Zhe.

Su Zhe, who didn't see the babies and the others, naturally found something to do to get through his boredom.

When Su Zhe came to the backyard, he found ginseng and other medicinal materials in the backyard. After he left, it grew better. The various tools that Su Zhe usually uses are now arranged in a lot neater order than before he left Yanyun City, and they are no longer as cluttered as before.

And Su Zhe found that the soil was also a little wet, obviously someone came to water it today. And Su Zhe placed it next to him, and there was also a lot less magic potion specially used to accelerate the growth rate of medicinal materials.

It seems that during the three days that Su Zhe was away, someone came to the backyard to manage the medicinal materials and water them regularly. Su Zhe thought that the most likely person who would do this was An Xin.

Usually, Su Zhe takes care of the backyard by himself, without letting others interfere. Unexpectedly, after Su Zhe left, An Xin would come to take care of the backyard.

And although An Xin didn't ask, he should know that Su Zhe has a way to speed up the growth of the medicinal materials. Because even if An Xin didn't know the medicinal materials, but also knew that medicinal materials, such as ginseng, couldn't grow so fast, Su Zhe must have a special method.

And An Xin knew that the most likely one was the water that Su Zhe prepared for the medicinal materials every day. So after Su Zhe left, An Xin used those magic potions to water the medicinal herbs every day, instead of using ordinary tap water.

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