Urban Supreme System

Chapter 108 Eating instant noodles

Although An Xin may now know Su Zhe's secret, he finds that Su Zhe has a way to speed up the growth of medicinal materials.

But Su Zhe was not worried that An Xin would leak his secret. Based on Su Zhe's understanding of An Xin, An Xin would not do this and would not frame him.

It is because Su Zhe is not worried about An Xin, so he did not avoid anything in front of An Xin and the others, and has been speeding up the growth of medicinal herbs in front of them.

Su Zhe observed the various medicinal materials planted in the backyard and found that although Su Zhe had been away for a few days, the medicinal materials were even better than before he left. It seems that after Su Zhe left, An Xin took care of these medicinal materials and spent a lot of thought.

The magic potion left in the backyard for planting medicinal herbs was almost gone, so Su Zhe used tap water to match the magic power in his body, and reconfigured some magic potions for backup.

These magical potions placed in the backyard only have one function, which is to accelerate growth. There is no healing and strengthening effect. These magic potions only have one effect, but because of this, the effects of these magic potions are more obvious.

After preparing the magic potion, Su Zhe went back to the living room.

Su Zhe hardly ate anything today, before Xiao Xuelong participated in the dog fighting competition. Because Su Zhe was worried about Xiaoxuelong, he had no appetite and didn't eat anything. Then he hurried to the airport. On the plane, Su Zhe didn't eat either.

After returning home, Su Zhe felt very hungry after he had nothing to do.

So Su Zhe planned to go to the kitchen to find something to eat. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuelong also followed and called Su Zhe a few times.

Xiaoxuelong's meaning is obvious, its stomach is also hungry, and it wants to eat.

It's also that Xiaoxuelong only ate some beef this morning, but in the dogfighting match, Xiaoxuelong, who was dueling with the ghost king, spent a lot of physical strength, and the energy brought by the beef has long been consumed by now. It's all clean.

Knowing that Xiaoxuelong was hungry, Su Zhe planned to take care of Xiaoxuelong's food first. He went to get the dog food and poured some in front of Xiaoxuelong.

This kind of dog food, Xiao Xuelong usually likes to eat it. But now Xiao Xuelong seems to be eating very reluctantly, slowly, as if it is difficult to eat.

Su Zhe looked at the dog food package. It was still early before the expiration time. He smelled the dog food, and there was no peculiar smell. It was still the same as usual, and the dog food had not deteriorated.

This is strange, this dog food has not expired, has not deteriorated, and the taste is still the same as before. That's why Xiaoxuelong, who used to like to eat, doesn't like to eat now.

Could it be that Xiao Xuelong was ill, or was he injured in some way. But Xiaoxuelong looked very healthy and energetic, and there was no sign of illness. Su Zhe also checked Xiaoxuelong before, and found that Xiaoxuelong was not injured.

Su Zhe, who couldn't understand, didn't find anything unusual about Xiao Xuelong, and his stomach was already hungry, so he put down his doubts and planned to find something to eat first to solve his appetite.

Su Zhe walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and looked at what to eat.

When Su Zhe saw a piece of frozen raw beef in the refrigerator, he wondered why Xiaoxuelong suddenly stopped eating dog food.

It was because when he was in Jingnan City, Xiaoxuelong's appetite had been raised, and he no longer liked dog food.

During the three days in Jingnan City, Xiaoxuelong ate every day at the pet restaurant in the hotel.

made food. Every meal is basically beef, and because of this, Xiaoxuelong has some disgust towards dog food.

Su Zhe also saw raw beef in the refrigerator, and he just wanted to understand.

"I have also learned to be picky eaters. It seems that I am really spoiled." Su Zhe said so, but he still took out the raw beef from the refrigerator and planned to make it for Xiaoxuelong himself. After all, Xiaoxuelong has always been very obedient. Now It likes to eat beef, and it is impossible for Su Zhe not to satisfy it.

Su Zhe took the tap water with a plate, added a little salt to the water, and put the frozen raw beef into it.

I heard that the thawing speed is faster by using cold water with salt. This method was learned by Su Zhe from the Internet.

After waiting for the raw beef to be thawed, Su Zhe cut a piece of raw beef with a kitchen knife. It weighed about half a catty. He estimated that it should be enough for Xiao Xuelong to eat. With the remaining beef, Su Zhe put it back in the refrigerator.

Su Zhe cut the raw beef into several large pieces, then threw it directly into the pot, added water, and turned on the fire.

During this period, Su Zhe did not add any seasoning to it, just like that, he simmered directly with water.

After the beef in the pot was cooked, Su Zhe fished out all the beef inside and put it on Xiaoxuelong's plate. Su Zhe waited for the beef that had just been cooked to cool down a little, before placing it in front of Xiaoxuelong.

As soon as Xiao Xuelong saw the beef, he immediately became excited, unlike the listless look when he ate dog food before. It looked alive now, and after Xiao Xuelong tasted it, he devoured it immediately, for fear of being robbed.

Although Su Zhe's beef is not very delicious at first glance, but if you compare it with dog food, it can't be compared, and the taste is much better. So Xiaoxuelong eats it very happily and likes it very much.

Fortunately, Xiaoxuelong's appetite has not been fully nourished, and he has not been seriously picky eaters. Xiao Xuelong was very satisfied with the beef that Su Zhe simply made, and he liked it very much. If Xiao Xuelong insisted on eating the food made by the pet restaurant, it would be more troublesome, then Su Zhe would have a headache.

If such a thing really happened, Su Zhe would have to hire a special chef to serve Xiaoxuelong every day.

Su Zhe saw that Xiaoxuelong didn't hate eating the beef he made, but after he liked it, he stopped caring about Xiaoxuelong.

Now that Xiaoxuelong's food has been solved, Su Zhe has to solve it for himself.

Su Zhe went back into the kitchen, looking for food that would solve his hunger problem.

It's a pity that after some searching, there are a lot of ingredients in the kitchen, but after thinking about his cooking skills, Su Zhe can only give up.

Wanting to eat better food is impossible now. Going out to eat, Su Zhe is too lazy to go out now. He called to order takeout, and Su Zhe didn't have the energy or mood to wait. Helpless, Su Zhe could only flush a pack of instant noodles and simply fill his stomach.

Su Zhe, who was eating instant noodles, missed An Xin's homely meal. When there was no An Xin before, Su Zhe was used to eating instant noodles, and he didn't feel anything. Later, after An Xin came, Su Zhe's taste was picked up, and he was very disgusted with instant noodles.

Su Zhe has not eaten An Xin's food for three days. Now Su Zhe, who is eating instant noodles, misses An Xin's craftsmanship even more.

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