Urban Supreme System

Chapter 109 Seeing An Xin and the baby

An Xin held the baby in one hand and a vegetable basket in the other, and was choosing dishes in the market.

"Sister An Xin, when will my brother come back, the baby misses his brother." The baby looked at An Xin with big eyes, hoping that An Xin could give an answer.

An Xin was thinking about what kind of food she should buy tonight, when she was disturbed by the baby's voice, and when the baby mentioned it, An Xin also found that she missed Su Zhe a little too. An Xin and Su Zhe, as well as the baby, didn't spend a long time together. But An Xin has unknowingly integrated into the life of Su Zhe and the baby, and has become a part of her life. She is her closest person, just like her sister An Xuan.

"When my brother will come back, my sister doesn't know. After I get home, the baby will call my brother and ask when my brother will be back, okay?" An Xin didn't know when Su Zhe would come back.

Because Su Zhe didn't say when he left, he would go out for a few days this time. When Su Zhe talked to them on the phone before, he didn't say the exact time of coming back, because Su Zhe himself didn't know how long he would stay there for a few days.

"Well, okay, when the baby gets home, I call and tell my brother that the baby misses him." The baby nodded vigorously. what.

Although Su Zhe had only been away for three days, because they never knew how many days Su Zhe would be away, Bao Bao and An Xin felt that a long time had passed, as if Su Zhe had been away for a long time.


At home, Su Zhe just ate a few mouthfuls of instant noodles, and he had no appetite to eat any more. Although Su Zhe wasn't full yet, he didn't feel any discomfort after having something in his stomach.

Su Zhe emptied the remaining instant noodles, and then went to see Xiaoxuelong. Su Zhe found that Xiaoxuelong had eaten the beef he made clean, and there was no residue left, and the plates were licked clean by Xiaoxuelong.

Satisfied, Xiaoxuelong rested on the body of the Sulcata tortoise.

The Sulcata tortoise, who was used to being bullied by Xiaoxuelong, has no opinion at all and will not resist Xiaoxuelong. Because the biggest support of the Sulcata tortoise, its little master baby, is mostly on the side of Xiaoxuelong.

The Sulcata tortoise had no backstage support, so Xiaoxuelong could only use it as a pillow or a mount.

Su Zhe thought that Xiao Xuelong had not taken a bath for a few days, so he called him to the bathroom.

He turned on the nozzle of the water heater, adjusted the water temperature, and turned the water to Xiaoxuelong, soaking all its smooth hair.

Xiao Xuelong is now very well-behaved when taking a bath. He won't be like before. Every time he takes a bath, he is very reluctant, and every time he takes a lot of effort from Su Zhe.

Now that Su Zhe helped Xiao Xuelong take a bath, Xiao Xuelong would stand up obediently, and would not move or shake his body again, throwing water all over Su Zhe. Xiao Xuelong now only shakes his head when the water gets in his eyes and feels uncomfortable.

After Su Zhe wet Xiaoxuelong's whole body, he squeezed some pet shampoo for Xiaoxuelong. After smearing the shampoo on Xiaoxuelong's hair, after Xiaoxuelong's body was covered in foam, Su Zhe took a pet massage and brushed it.

The pet massage brush is specially used for bathing pets. Su Zhe uses this every time he bathes Xiaoxuelong. It feels very convenient and easy to use, and the cleaning effect is good.

Su Zhe used a pet massage brush to gently comb Xiaoxuelong's hair against the hair.

Comb the hair again. This will not only clean to the roots of the hair, but also clean the skin. After going back and forth a few times, Su Zhecai completely rinsed the shampoo on Xiao Xuelong's body with clean water.

After confirming that there was no residual bath liquid left in Xiaoxuelong's hair, to prevent Xiaoxuelong from catching a cold, Su Zhe quickly brought the prepared dry towel, wiped it for Xiaoxuelong first, and wiped off most of the water droplets on Xiaoxuelong's body.

Then Su Zhecai used a hairdryer to dry Xiaoxuelong's hair and combed Xiaoxuelong's hair well, and then Su Zhecai let Xiaoxuelong move freely.

After giving Xiao Xuelong a bath, Su Zhe simply took the opportunity to help the Sulcata tortoise take a bath too.

After the Sulcata tortoise has been optimized by Su Zhe's divine power, he can already understand some of Su Zhe's relatively simple commands.

For example, now, Su Zhe stood at the door of the bathroom, clapped his hands, and waved to the Sulcata tortoise after his eyes were drawn here.

When the Sulcata tortoise saw it, he understood that the signal was that Su Zhe wanted to bathe it. So the Sulcata tortoise crawled over immediately, crawled into the bathroom obediently, and waited quietly under the nozzle of the water heater.

Bathing the Sulcata tortoise is much easier than Xiaoxuelong. Su Zhe doesn't need to comb the hair over and over again, he just needs to brush the back shell of the Sulcata tortoise with a brush, then turn the Sulcata tortoise over, brush the plastron, and then turn on the water heater. Spray the head and rinse the Sulcata tortoise with warm water.

Finally, use a dry towel to clean the water droplets on the shell of the Sulcata tortoise, and that's it.

After bathing Xiaoxuelong and Sulcata tortoise respectively, Su Zhe changed the water for the little tortoise and the fighting fish. After being busy, Su Zhe, who was sweating all over, took a set of clean clothes, and simply went to take a shower in comfort.

After Su Zhe came out of the shower and dried his hair, An Xin and Bao Bao still hadn't come back, and Su Zhe didn't know what they were doing outside.

The bored Su Zhe brought the remote control, turned on the TV, and sat on the sofa, planning to find a TV program to relieve the boring time.

At this moment, the sound of the key opening the door suddenly sounded, and Su Zhe followed the sound and looked over.

The door opened, and it was An Xin and Bao Bao who opened the door.

After they opened the door, when they saw Su Zhe sitting on the sofa, there were some incredulousness in their eyes, and more surprises. An Xin and Baobao never thought that Su Zhe had come back. When they were outside just now, I was still discussing calling Su Zhe, wanting to know when Su Zhe would come back, but I didn't expect that Su Zhe was already waiting for them at home.

When Bao Bao saw Su Zhe, he was initially stunned. After he reacted, he immediately ran to Su Zhe: "Brother, when did you come back, why doesn't Bao Bao know?"

Su Zhe picked up the baby and kissed the baby's little cheek.

When An Xin saw Su Zhe back, she was also a little happy, but An Xin just said hello to Su Zhe and took the dishes into the kitchen. Naturally, An Xin couldn't be the same as the baby.

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