Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1307 Supreme Enjoyment

c_t; Previously, Su Zhe used medicinal materials that were around seventy years old when refining the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill. /

This three-turn marrow-cleansing pill, which was refined from seventy-year-old medicinal materials, had a very obvious effect on him when it was first refined.

But now that Su Zhe's physique has improved so much compared to that time, the power of the third-level marrow cleansing pill will naturally be relatively weakened.

Therefore, this time he planned to use older medicinal materials to refine the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill, so that he could continue to maintain a higher cultivation efficiency.

Su Zhe walked towards the shelf where the medicinal materials were stored, and then found some ginseng that was eighty years old. This was the main medicinal material for refining the three-turn marrow cleansing pill, and then he prepared all the other medicinal materials.

This time, he plans to use 80-year-old ginseng to refine the third-level marrow cleansing pill. In this case, the medicine should be more powerful and more suitable for his current physique.

In fact, it's not like Su Zhe never thought of using older ginseng to refine the three-turn marrow cleansing pill.

In fact, not only had he thought about it this way, he had also tried it himself before, but the effect was not as good as he imagined.

In the past, Su Zhe had already tried to directly use century-old ginseng to refine the three-turn marrow-cleansing pill. After it was finally completed, the three-turn marrow-cleansing pill was indeed much more powerful.

But just because the hundred-year-old third-level marrow cleansing pill was too powerful, it was difficult for him to absorb it, and the absorption efficiency suddenly dropped a lot.

Moreover, if the power of the third-level marrow cleansing pill enters his Dantian for too long, some of the power will slowly escape from his body, which will be wasted. /

Therefore, for Su Zhe, the three-turn marrow cleansing pill refined from ginseng over the past century would not only be a waste, but also deliberately reduce the cultivation efficiency.

So after that. Su Zhe no longer took the three-turn marrow-cleansing pill that had been refined from ginseng for hundreds of years. Instead, he used younger medicinal materials to refine it, so that the medicinal power could be used with maximum efficiency.

There are still more than a dozen hundred-year-old three-turn marrow-cleansing pills in his Supreme Cauldron. This has never been used.

These three-turn marrow-cleansing pills may have to wait until his physique reaches a certain level before he can take these century-old three-turn marrow-cleansing pills.

Therefore, the year of selecting medicinal materials will change with Su Zhe's strength.

And you can't blindly improve too much at once.

No matter how powerful the medicine is, if he can't absorb it, it's just a useless elixir and has no use at all.

Su Zhe, who had tried it before, would not do it again now.

He now waits until the potency of the Sanzhuan Marrow Cleansing Pill has weakened before using ginseng that is older, and it is not much higher, and usually changes within ten years.

In this way, the power of the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill is the most suitable for him to absorb. Moreover, the cultivation efficiency is also the highest.

As the saying goes, what is suitable is the best.

The ginseng Su Zhe chose this time was eighty years old, only ten years older than the previous three-turn marrow-cleansing pill.

He believed that the Sanzhuan Marrow Cleansing Pill made from eighty years of ginseng was the most suitable for him to absorb.

It didn't take long for Su Zhe to refine hundreds of three-turn marrow cleansing pills.

Based on his current training arrangement, he takes an average of three third-turn marrow-cleansing pills every day. Of course, if he actually fights with people, the power of the third-turn marrow-cleansing pill will be absorbed quickly, and more will be needed.

But anyway. If Su Zhe were to take these hundreds of three-turn marrow cleansing pills alone, he should be able to use them for at least a month without any problem.

Maybe after a month, these third-level marrow cleansing pills are no longer suitable for him. It is also very possible that the effect will begin to weaken again, and that older medicinal materials will be needed to refine it.

Therefore, there is no need for Su Zhe to refine too many third-turn marrow-cleansing pills. He will use these three-turn marrow-cleansing pills now and wait until they are used up. Refining again.

After refining the third-level marrow cleansing elixir, he began to officially refine the healing potion.

A lot of time has passed since I successively refined the Rejuvenating Pill, the Seven Spirits Cleansing Water, and the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill.

By the time Su Zhe started refining the healing potion, it was already very late.

I think An Xin and Yang Yang had already gone to rest by this time, but he had no way to rest.

Now he has to refine the healing potion before he can do other things.

But it's already so late now. After Su Zhe refines the healing potion, he probably won't have to sleep anymore.

It was already so late and he didn't dare waste any more time.

So Su Zhe immediately started refining.

Although he was already very handy when refining the healing potion, the efficiency was very high.

However, there are too many healing potions to be refined, so there will be no way to complete them in a while.

The goal Su Zhe set for himself was to refine more than 2,700 liters first, so that he could complete the task.

By the time he refined 2,700 liters of healing potion, more than seven hours had passed.

After reaching his goal, Su Zhe could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing the healing potion stored in the Supreme Cauldron, he felt satisfied. This finally did not waste the fruits of his labor.

After that, Su Zhe took back the Supreme Cauldron, tidied it up a little, and left the basement.

When he was in the basement before, because he was too immersed in it, he didn't even have time to look at it, so he didn't know how long he stayed in the basement to sleep.

Now that he came up, Su Zhe realized that it was starting to get light. It turned out that he had spent the whole night in the basement without knowing it.

It was already dawn, and he had no intention of going to bed.

However, Su Zhe returned to the bathroom in his room and filled the bathtub with warm water first.

After that, he lay down comfortably and now took a warm bath.

At this time, even if Su Zhe wanted to go to bed, there was not much time for him to sleep, and it was not too late.

Therefore, he chose to take a hot bath at this time. Anyway, he also wanted to try the feeling of taking a bath in a large bathtub. Now was a very good opportunity.

Su Zhe spent the entire day yesterday practicing, which was enough to make him very tired, and then he practiced medicine all night, which made his spirit even more tired.

It is winter again at this time. Taking a hot bath now can indeed wash away the fatigue and relieve physiological fatigue.

Lying in the hot water, Su Zhe was so comfortable that he almost fell asleep. He also listened to light music.

For him, this kind of enjoyment was too much.

Su Zhe did not turn on the massage function of the bathtub because he was not used to it and felt very uncomfortable, so he did not turn on the massage function.

But even so, it was enough for him to enjoy it. (To be continued.)

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