Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1308 Serial Murder Case

Just in the blink of an eye, more than half of January has passed, and today is the 18th. Copy the URL and visitwww.vodtw.com

In the past few days, it can be said that Su Zhe has not left home at all. At most, he only took a walk in the garden or practiced martial arts with Yangyang.

The rest of the time, he spent most of his time in the basement.

During the day, Su Zhe would practice physical skills or divine power fists, and at night he would use it to refine healing potions.

So at the end of the day, he basically had no free time, and had no way to go out.

However, staying behind closed doors these past few days has allowed Su Zhe to gain a lot.

He used these few nights to refine the healing potion, which now exceeds 10,000 liters.

The healing power originally stored in the Supreme Cauldron has now been consumed by about 40%, leaving only about 15 million points.

This also means that Su Zhe now needs to refine another 7,500 liters of healing potion in order to consume all the healing power.

Of course, at the current speed, it would probably take him at least six days to complete all the refining.

Originally, Su Zhe planned to continue practicing and refining medicine at home today.

However, both Yan Yuyan and Shen Chuxia invited him to visit Yadai Group instead of staying at home all the time.

Su Zhe thought that he had indeed not been out for many days, and it would be good to go for a walk today, so he agreed.

Therefore, he had no way to stay at home now, so he decided to go to Yadai Group to have a look.

Just after noon, Su Zhe drove out.

When driving to the exit of Rosewood Villa, he saw a car stopping at the entrance to register, and several security guards were paying special attention to it.

Moreover, the security in Rosewood Villa is much higher than before. There are security guards patrolling all sides, trying to leave no blind spots.

The security level of this Rosewood Villa was suddenly raised by several standards, which seemed very abnormal in the past.

But this did not surprise the residents here.

On the contrary, they also hope that the security level will be higher.

As the saying goes, everything happens for a reason. Since there are such changes in Rosewood Villa, of course there must be a reason.

Su Zhe had already heard about it. This was because a vicious serial murder case had recently occurred in Guanzhou City. In just a few days, several innocent people had been killed.

Because each victim died in a very similar way. Basically, it can be determined that they were committed by the same person, so it is called a serial murder case.

Each victim before death. Everyone will have great fear. It seems that they will see very scary things before they die, so they will have a strong sense of fear.

Moreover, each victim was killed with great force, and their bones would suffer varying degrees of damage, ranging from bone cracks to comminuted fractures, or even being crushed directly. The death scene was extremely horrific and horrific. bloody.

As for who the murderer is, it is still unknown. Even now, the police have no way of knowing what weapon the murderer used to kill.

Moreover, these victims basically have nothing in common and no connection with each other, so it is still unclear what the murderer's purpose was for killing.

The only similarity is that the murderer found an opportunity, the corpse of an ordinary victim. They were all found in remote places.

Therefore, I don’t know now whether the murderer had a certain purpose in killing, or whether it was because the murderer had a psychological abnormality and simply wanted to kill people.

That's why the murderer's goals are not the same. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, the murderer will act.

And the murderer of this serial murder case. The most frightening thing is that so many people have died, so naturally it cannot be hidden.

Therefore, as soon as the news broke out, it caused panic among many people.

Nowadays, people in Guanzhou City can be said to be in danger of meeting strangers. Will be particularly vigilant.

Just like the current Rosewood Villa, the security level has been improved a lot. This is to prevent the murderer from sneaking into the Rosewood Villa.

Although it will be a little troublesome and cause inconvenience to daily life, for the sake of safety, no residents will have any objections. Even if it is troublesome, they hope that there will be more security guards patrolling, so that when they sleep at night, they will not On tenterhooks.

Of course, this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. The best solution is naturally to hope that the police can catch the murderer as soon as possible.

It's just that there are not many clues about the murderer now, because no one has seen the murderer, and there are no victims who can survive, all of them are dead.

In addition, the murderer was extremely cunning and cautious, so there were no clues about the murderer.

Therefore, we can only take this conservative approach and improve the security level a little bit.

Ever since the party ended and Su Xin and the others went back, Su Zhe hadn't met them in person. Of course, they still kept in touch with each other, just by phone and not in person.

During this time, Su Xin and Fu Yanjie seemed to be very busy and had many things to deal with.

Su Zhe also has to practice and refine medicine, so they have never met each other until now.

However, when the serial murder case was exposed, Su Xin and Fu Yanjie also called.

Su Xin and Fu Yanjie asked Su Zhe and the others to pay attention to safety recently and try not to go out if not necessary. Especially at night, it was best to stay in Rosewood Villa.

Because relatively speaking, the security at Rosewood Villa is very good, at least much safer than other places.

Although Su Zhe is not afraid of this serial murderer, he still hopes that if he meets this murderer, he can catch him so that he can no longer do evil.

After all, with his current strength, he will naturally not be afraid of meeting this murderer, and naturally hopes that he can eliminate harm for the people.

So many innocent people were killed, and Su Zhe wanted to kill the murderer with a thousand knives.

But on the phone, he still promised Su Xin and Fu Yanjie that he should pay more attention to safety.

However, Su Zhe did not come out during this period of time. Leaving Rosewood Villa today was the first time he left home after returning from Yanyun City.

Of course, he also asked An Xin and Yang Yang to stay at home as much as possible. It was best not to go out before the murderer was caught.

Moreover, Su Zhe also asked Yan Yuyan and Shen Chuxia not to work overtime during this period.

Even if there is still work to be done, it is best to take it home and do it instead of coming back so late.

Because at night, there are more opportunities for murderers, and the danger naturally increases a lot, and Yan Yuyan and the others agreed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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