Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1309 Ru0026D Department

A serial murder case occurred in Guanzhou City, which had a huge impact on the people.

It was okay during the day, there were many people on the road, and even if the murderer appeared, he would not dare to take action casually.

At night, the impact is even greater. Many people are afraid to go out. Even in broad daylight, many people are afraid to go to some remote places.

Even if you stay at home, you can't feel at ease, because the security in some places is not very good. If you stay at home and don't go out, you may be visited by murderers. Especially single women at home are even more afraid.

This is not alarmist, this is what actually happened.

Because in this serial murder case, a single woman was killed at home, and she was not discovered until the next day.

Coupled with the cruel methods of the murderer, this makes people even more frightened.

In short, many people in Guanzhou City have been restless these past few days, always worrying that they will be harmed for no reason.

However, for Su Zhe, his life has not been affected, and he has not been out in the past few days, so he will not be affected.

And since he is so powerful, he won't worry about this serial killer anymore.

It would be even better if Su Zhe happened to meet a serial killer. He could bring this person to justice.

It's just that the police can't find the murderer now, let alone anyone else.

So even if he wanted to catch the serial killer, he had no clue where to start.

Now he can only let nature take its course. Su Zhe only hopes that the police can catch the murderer as soon as possible to prevent more people from being harmed.

Thinking of this, Su Zhe had already driven to Yadai Group.

Yadai Group seems to be very busy every day, and the employees inside always behave very busy.

But compared to before, the people of Yadai Group are no longer lifeless. In the past, before Su Zhe became a shareholder, because the group was in a desperate situation, no one here could see hope, so they all behaved listlessly.

But now it's different. The emergence of Snow Skin Cream gave Yadai Group a new lease of life, which made everyone feel full of vitality.

Current mental outlook.

As soon as people enter, they feel motivated.

After Su Zhe arrived here, he told the receptionist and was allowed to go in to find Yan Yuyan.

Although most people here don't know that he is the major shareholder of Yadai Group, Yan Yuyan said it in front of everyone before. From now on, Su Zhe will be able to travel here without any hindrance. He can go wherever he wants and no one can hinder him.

Therefore, naturally no one will come to stop him from entering now.

Just when Su Zhe was about to walk to Yan Yuyan's office, the door to the office next to him opened at that moment.

Shen Chuxia, who had just come out, saw Su Zhe and smiled and said, "You came just in time. We are preparing to go to the R\u0026D department now. Do you want to go with us?"

"R\u0026D department? Okay!" Su Zhe came here today without a specific goal. He was just going to take a walk, so going to the R\u0026D department wasn't a bad idea.

Shen Chuxia said: "Okay, just wait for me, I'll get ready and then I can go."

Then, Yan Yuyan also came out of her office. She was going to the R\u0026D department together now, and she was ready.

Yan Yuyan was a little surprised when she saw Su Zhe. She didn't expect Su Zhe to show up at this time.

But now it's just right, so Su Zhe can go to the R\u0026D department together. Check out the latest news on moisturizing creams.

When I went to the R\u0026D department this time, not many people went there, except for Yan Yuyan, Shen Chuxia, and their assistants. There was only Su Zhe.

None of the other senior executives of Yadai Group went because this trip was not too important. Yan Yuyan and the others just went over there to take a look, so naturally they didn't need too many people to follow.

Soon, Yan Yuyan and the others were ready to set off.

Because the R\u0026D department of Yadai Group is not in this building, but is located in the suburbs. Along with the factory.

Therefore, Su Zhe, who had just arrived at Yadai Group, was now driving away again.

Yan Yuyan and Shen Chuxia both brought assistants, so they each drove a car. Su Zhe also drove here this time, so he also drove there by himself.

Their cars were parked outside the building, very close to each other.

Su Zhe came to his car. He opened the door and was about to get in the car when he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, which made him stop.

If what he felt just now was correct, the feeling that made his heart palpitation should be caused by the death energy, and it is very likely that he is infected by the death energy.

It's just that the death aura disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving Su Zhe unable to sense it anymore, which made him frown.

When Shen Chuxia saw Su Zhe in front of him suddenly stopped and frowned, she asked, "Su Zhe, what's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Hearing this, Su Zhe smiled and said, "Oh! It's okay."

He sensed it carefully again, but still couldn't sense the death energy. It seemed that the previous feeling was just an illusion, maybe the person infected with the death energy had left.

Now that the person infected with Death Qi has disappeared, Su Zhe also got in the car.

After Shen Chuxia saw Su Zhe getting in the car, although she was a little confused, she still got in the car.

Yan Yuyan and Shen Chuxia both knew that Su Zhe was not familiar with the road conditions in Guanzhou City, and they were going to the suburbs this time, so they did not drive very fast and led the way.

About half an hour later, Su Zhe and the others arrived at the factory of Yadai Group.

After coming in, Su Zhe found that the environment where the factory is located is still very beautiful, and the factory's buildings have tried their best not to damage the surrounding environment.

After all, this factory is quite beautiful, and the people who work here should be quite comfortable.

It was the first time for Yan Yuyan and the others to see Su Zhe here, so they were not in a hurry to go to the R\u0026D department. Instead, they took Su Zhe for a general tour of the factory and showed him the scenery here.

After that, Su Zhe and the others started walking towards the R\u0026D department.

After arriving at the R\u0026D department, Su Zhe and the others put on specially prepared dust-free work clothes so that they could enter the R\u0026D department to visit.

The R\u0026D department of Yade Group has a professional R\u0026D team and the most top-notch equipment and instruments. It is also responsible for the task of researching, developing new products, and improving products. The R\u0026D department is the core department of Yade Group.

Therefore, if the formula of the moisturizing cream is handed over to the R\u0026D department, the effects and side effects of the moisturizing cream can be verified as quickly as possible, and these can be fully analyzed.

Now the entire R\u0026D department of Yadai Group is serving the moisturizing cream, because this is the most important task now.

Today, Su Zhe and the others came here to see the progress of the research and development of moisturizing cream. (To be continued.)

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