Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1310 The best way to publicize

readx; After Su Zhe entered the R\u0026D department, he only had one feeling in his heart, and that was professionalism.

Before he joined the Yadai Group, the Yadai Group itself was a group valued at 100 million yuan. Its scale and comprehensive strength cannot be underestimated.

The R\u0026D department was established by Yadai Group with a large investment, and it is second to none in the domestic cosmetics industry.

In the past, the new products of Yadai Group were developed by this R\u0026D department, including the work of perfecting the products, which was also completed by the R\u0026D department.

Therefore, the strength of this R\u0026D department cannot be underestimated.

Su Zhe followed Yan Yuyan and the others to visit the R\u0026D department before paying attention to the progress of the moisturizing cream.

After he gave the formula of the moisturizing cream to Yan Yuyan and the others, he immediately transferred it to the R\u0026D department to conduct various tests. So far, no side effects have been found, and the effect is even better than what he described. It shocked all members of the R\u0026D department.

After all, these researchers have never heard of a skin care product that can achieve this effect without side effects.

However, the results were tested by them personally. Even though they were shocked, they still accepted it.

Recently, the R\u0026D department has started conducting human experiments, and many volunteers have come to try the moisturizing cream.

So far, these volunteers have not experienced any discomfort, and their daily physical examinations are very healthy. In other words, the moisturizing cream has not found any side effects, or it has no side effects.

In addition, after the volunteers applied the moisturizing cream, the effect was surprising.

Although Yan Yuyan and Hedu believe that the moisturizing cream is a perfect formula, the moisturizing cream still needs to go through the process before it is put on the market. This cannot be careless.

Otherwise, if something happens, the consequences will be unacceptable and will cause a huge blow to the Yadai Group.

so. The moisturizing cream must go through a series of tests and be approved by relevant departments before it is finally put on the market.

All these tasks must be completed. You must not be opportunistic in this regard.

But now the results coming out of the laboratory are surprising.

Good news comes out every day.

After listening to the report from the director of the R\u0026D Department, Su Zhe and the others were very satisfied.

Because judging from the current progress of the trial, the progress of the moisturizing cream is still very good. Judging from the current progress, the day when the moisturizing cream will be launched is not far away.

Su Zhe and the others were looking forward to this very much.

It has already created a stunning miracle. Su Zhe and Yan Yuyan both hope that Moisturizing Cream can create greater brilliance and shock people all over the world.

Judging from the laboratory reports, moisturizing cream has the potential to do this.

This makes Yan Yuyan and the others even more impatient, wanting to launch the moisturizing cream as soon as possible and witness the birth of this miracle as soon as possible.

Spent more than an hour in the R\u0026D department. During this process, Su Zhe and the others also learned about the conditions of some volunteers.

Each of the volunteers who came to test the moisturizing cream this time was tracked and recorded by specialized personnel. Every day's changes were recorded in detail, including taking photos and recording videos.

But now these volunteers are so different from before they started using moisturizing cream that if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to recognize that they are the same people.

In a short time. The moisturizing cream seems to make all the volunteers look better.

Such a result is nothing short of very gratifying.

It seems that Yadai Group is already preparing to announce the news, and will live broadcast the use of these volunteers. Letting everyone see the effects of your moisturizer is the best way to promote it.

Of course, to do this, you must have full confidence in your own products.

Otherwise, by doing this, you will shoot yourself in the foot and destroy the reputation of Yadai Group.

But no matter it is Su Zhe. Yan Yuyan and the others have this confidence in the moisturizing cream, and believe that the moisturizing cream will not let them down.

That's why Yan Yuyan and the others made this plan to live broadcast the usage of volunteers.

If the moisturizer can maintain this effect, then once the live broadcast starts, the whole world will be crazy about the moisturizer. There is no doubt about this.

Yan Yuyan and the others plan to use this ingenious way of publicity to build momentum for the moisturizing cream before it goes on the market.

Strive to sell the moisturizing cream on the first day and create impressive results.

After Su Zhe and the others learned about the volunteers' use of moisturizing cream, they visited the R\u0026D department and drove back to Yadai Group.

Yan Yuyan and the others came to the R\u0026D department today just to learn about the latest situation. There was nothing important to deal with, so they could leave after reading.

Yadai Group not only has this one factory, but also has other branches in other places.

Moreover, Yadai Group recently acquired a new factory to prepare for increasing production, and is currently integrating it. This is also the reason why the production of Xuejia Cream can continue to increase.

Once the new factory acquired by Yadai Group is completely integrated, the production capacity will be significantly increased.

At that time, the sales volume of Xuejia Cream can be increased again, and preparations can be made for the production of moisturizing cream.

The production capacity bottleneck of Yadai Group has been limiting the increase in sales of Xuejia Cream. If this problem can be solved, everyone will be happy.

When Su Zhe, Yan Yuyan and the others went back, everyone still drove back in their own cars.

More than half an hour later, Su Zhe followed Yan Yuyan and the others to the Yadai Group again.

He just stayed in the Yadai Group for a while. After wandering around for a while, he felt bored and left the group.

Because everyone is very busy and has a lot of work waiting to be done, especially now that the moisturizing cream is about to go on sale, there are even more things to deal with, so the entire Yadai Group is now in a busy state. , the same goes for Yan Yuyan and Shen Chuxia.

So Su Zhe was embarrassed to stay here, so as not to delay their work.

Besides, everyone was so busy, and it was embarrassing for him to be idle in there alone, so he stayed not long and left.

However, Su Zhe did not go back, he just walked around.

It's not too long before Yadai Group gets off work.

So he planned to go back with Yan Yuyan and the others, and he had already made an agreement with Yan Yuyan and the others.

In the end, he was still worried because there had been a serial murder case in Guanzhou City. (To be continued.)

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